Note that the error happens at the plan execution phase, i.e. plan validation passes successfully.
As Arrow / DF errors don't have any trace info I have no visibility on which operator this error originates from. I will proceed to patch Arrow to try to dump the traceback and produce a minimal reproduce steps.
To Reproduce
I'm still struggling to isolate a minimal repro case. Can only share the full optimized physical plan for now:
DataSinkExec: sink=ParquetSink(file_groups=[])
ProjectionExec: expr=[CAST(row_number() ORDER BY [date ASC NULLS FIRST] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW@5 AS Int64) + 2 as offset, op@0 as op, system_time@4 as system_time, date@1 as date, city@2 as city, population@3 as population]
RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(16), input_partitions=1
BoundedWindowAggExec: wdw=[row_number() ORDER BY [date ASC NULLS FIRST] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW: Ok(Field { name: "row_number() ORDER BY [date ASC NULLS FIRST] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW", data_type: UInt64, nullable: false, dict_id: 0, dict_is_ordered: false, metadata: {} }), frame: WindowFrame { units: Rows, start_bound: Preceding(UInt64(NULL)), end_bound: CurrentRow, is_causal: true }], mode=[Sorted]
SortPreservingMergeExec: [date@1 ASC]
SortExec: expr=[date@1 ASC], preserve_partitioning=[true]
ProjectionExec: expr=[0 as op, CASE WHEN date@0 IS NULL THEN 2524651200000 ELSE date@0 END as date, city@1 as city, population@2 as population, 2524651200000 as system_time]
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
HashJoinExec: mode=Partitioned, join_type=LeftAnti, on=[(date@0, date@0), (city@1, city@1)]
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([date@0, city@1], 16), input_partitions=16
ProjectionExec: expr=[CAST(date@0 AS Timestamp(Millisecond, Some("UTC"))) as date, city@1 as city, population@2 as population]
RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(16), input_partitions=1
CsvExec: file_groups={1 group: [[tmp/.tmpBsbmOs/data.csv]]}, projection=[date, city, population], has_header=true
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([date@0, city@1], 16), input_partitions=1
ParquetExec: file_groups={1 group: [[tmp/.tmpBsbmOs/datasets/]]}, projection=[date, city]
The error happens deep in our system when merging two dataframes, one read from Parquet (and having Utf8View columns) and another from CSV (having Utf8 columns). The key operation is to de-duplicate records in CSV with those in Parquet using LeftAnti JOIN.
Expected behavior
No error / error during planning if some operation is invalid
Describe the bug
there appears to have been a regression that introduced an error:Note that the error happens at the plan execution phase, i.e. plan validation passes successfully.
As Arrow / DF errors don't have any trace info I have no visibility on which operator this error originates from. I will proceed to patch Arrow to try to dump the traceback and produce a minimal reproduce steps.
To Reproduce
I'm still struggling to isolate a minimal repro case. Can only share the full optimized physical plan for now:
The error happens deep in our system when merging two dataframes, one read from Parquet (and having
columns) and another from CSV (havingUtf8
columns). The key operation is to de-duplicate records in CSV with those in Parquet usingLeftAnti
JOIN.Expected behavior
No error / error during planning if some operation is invalid
Additional context
No response