apache / datafusion

Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine
Apache License 2.0
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Using PARTITION BY in SQL generates 'Error: External(NotImplemented("it is not yet supported to write to hive partitions with datatype Float64"))' #13602

Closed ajazam closed 20 hours ago

ajazam commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug

I am trying to create a parquet file with hive partitioning, from csv data and get error

Error: External(NotImplemented("it is not yet supported to write to hive partitions with datatype Float64"))

To Reproduce

main.rs use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema}; use datafusion::prelude::*; use tempfile::tempdir;


async fn main() -> datafusion::error::Result<()> { let dir = tempdir()?; let file_path = dir.path().join("example.csv");

let mut file = File::create(&file_path)?;

2016-07-01 00:00:00,2 2016-07-01 06:45:00,3"# .as_bytes())?;

let file_path = file_path.to_str().unwrap();

let ctx = SessionContext::new();
let csv_df = ctx.read_csv(file_path, CsvReadOptions::default()).await?;

let schema = Schema::new(vec![
    Field::new("dte", DataType::Timestamp(arrow::datatypes::TimeUnit::Second, None), false),

    Field::new("ot", DataType::UInt16, false),

ctx.register_csv("data" ,file_path, CsvReadOptions::new().schema(&schema).has_header(true)).await?;

let df = ctx.sql("copy (SELECT dte, ot, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM dte) AS year from data) to './partitioned_output' stored as parquet PARTITIONED BY (year)").await?;



cargo.toml [package] name = "datafusion_csv" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021"

[dependencies] tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } datafusion = "43.0.0" arrow = "53.3.0" tempfile = "3.14.0"

Expected behavior

I am expecting a folder year=2016 containing a parquet file

Additional context

I was original trying to have folders for month and day, couldn't get the application to work and then created this simpler example.

ajazam commented 2 days ago

I've tried rust 1.82 and 1.83

delamarch3 commented 1 day ago

Looks like date_part was updated to return Int32 instead of Float64 in this PR https://github.com/apache/datafusion/pull/13466 which should fix this issue. As a workaround you could try casting it like arrow_cast(EXTRACT(..), 'Int64')

Omega359 commented 1 day ago

I didn't implement float64 for hive partitioning because, well, floats in general are not exact values. Best to cast to an int.

ajazam commented 20 hours ago

Thanks gents I got it working. For anybody else who comes up against this issue I made the following alteration

let df = ctx.sql("copy (SELECT dte, ot, arrow_cast(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM dte), 'Int32') AS year from data) to './partitioned_output' stored as parquet PARTITIONED BY (year)").await?;