apache / datafusion

Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine
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Incorrect results in datafusion #1441

Closed franeklubi closed 2 years ago

franeklubi commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I came upon a bug while querying my custom Parquet dataset, which causes DataFusion to produce incoherent and incorrect results.

I tested my dataset in various ways, all of which produced the desired results:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download all the code and data I used for testing:


Inside there are the Parquet files and CSVs with exactly the same data (also, there's an sqlite database created from the provided CSV files).

  1. Use the instructions included in README.md to reproduce the issue:

The query, that fails when querying Parquet files with datafusion-cli:

-- 1. Distinct stop names
SELECT DISTINCT stop_name FROM stop INNER JOIN trip ON tid = trip_tid WHERE line = '176' ORDER BY stop_name NULLS LAST;

Change only in where from line to trip_line produces the desired results.

Expected behavior Should produce these 27 rows:

Fabryka Pomp
PKP Płudy
PKP Żerań
Polnych Kwiatów
Starego Dębu
Zyndrama z Maszkowic

Query 1 from README.md (mentioned above) produces this incorrect set of 33 rows:

| stop_name            |
| Bartnicza            |
| Bazyliańska          |
| Bolesławicka         |
| Brzezińska           |
| Budowlana            |
| Choszczówka          |
| Chłodnia             |
| Cygańska             |
| Czołgistów           |
| Daniszewska          |
| Fabryka Pomp         |
| Insurekcji           |
| Majerankowa          |
| Marcelin             |
| Marywilska-Las       |
| Ołówkowa             |
| PKP Falenica         |
| PKP Płudy            |
| PKP Żerań            |
| Parowozowa           |
| Pelcowizna           |
| Polnych Kwiatów      |
| Raciborska           |
| Rembielińska         |
| Rokosowska           |
| Sadkowska            |
| Smugowa              |
| Starego Dębu         |
| Zbójna Góra          |
| Zyndrama z Maszkowic |
| os.Marywilska        |
| Śpiewaków            |
|                      |

Additional context Datafusion version:

$ datafusion-cli --version
DataFusion 5.1.0

My guess Since the Parquet files have encoded NULLs, and reading the CSV files with datafusion-cli gets rid of those, my best bet is on the usage of NULLs and some weir behavior when joining.

franeklubi commented 2 years ago


In the file above I removed NULLs from Parquet files (missing strings got replaced with "NULL" and ints with 0).

Querying these files produces the desired results, which further confirms my theory, that there is something wrong with NULL handling.

jimexist commented 2 years ago

hi @franeklubi thanks for the detailed sharing.

to simplify bug reproduction, can you help me understand the difference between parquet and csv data? specifically:

0 rows in set. Query took 0.001 seconds.
❯ select count(*) from stop;
| COUNT(UInt8(1)) |
| 33254           |
1 row in set. Query took 0.007 seconds.
❯ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE stop (time TEXT, trip_tid TEXT, trip_line TEXT, stop_name TEXT) STORED AS CSV LOCATION './csvs/stop.csv';
0 rows in set. Query took 0.000 seconds.
❯ select count(*) from stop;
| COUNT(UInt8(1)) |
| 33255           |
1 row in set. Query took 0.014 seconds.

they seem to have different number of rows.

Same thing applies to trips data.

franeklubi commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jimexist! Thanks for the reply

The issue results from the headers kept in the CSV files. That's my bad - please remove them before testing.

I will amend the issue info, so others won't get the same problem as you

franeklubi commented 2 years ago

I've updated the README.md of issue_data.zip, to account for the header rows in csv files.

jimexist commented 2 years ago

thanks for the update.

to people reading this, i'm still trying to minimize the reproduction steps, so i guess below is a simpler statement:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE stop_csv (time TEXT, trip_tid TEXT, trip_line TEXT, stop_name TEXT) STORED AS CSV LOCATION './csvs/stop.csv';
❯ select distinct stop_name from stop_csv;
| stop_name                    |
| Szczęśliwice                 |
| Wawelska                     |
| Bolesławicka                 |
| Ceramiczna                   |
| Czołgistów                   |
134 rows in set. Query took 0.015 seconds.
❯ select distinct stop_name from stop_parquet;
| stop_name                    |
| Milenijna                    |
| Park Praski                  |
| Wolności                     |
| Dzika                        |
| Budowlana                    |
| PKP Płudy                    |
| Bolesławicka                 |
| Marcelin                     |
112 rows in set. Query took 0.008 seconds.

i.e. even without join, we can tell that parquet and csv reads differently.

jimexist commented 2 years ago

thinking out loud: doing pandas validation:

In [10]: import pandas as pd

In [11]: csv_pd = pd.read_csv('./csvs/stop.csv')

In [12]: pq_pd = pd.read_parquet('./parquets/stops')

In [13]: csv_pd.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 33254 entries, 0 to 33253
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   time       33254 non-null  object
 1   trip_tid   32113 non-null  float64
 2   trip_line  32126 non-null  object
 3   stop_name  705 non-null    object
dtypes: float64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB

In [14]: pq_pd.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 33254 entries, 0 to 33253
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   time       33254 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   trip_tid   32113 non-null  float64
 2   trip_line  32126 non-null  object
 3   stop_name  705 non-null    object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB

and at least the stop_name columns are the same.

jimexist commented 2 years ago

seems like these values are absent in parquet readings:

❯ select stop_name from stop_csv except select stop_name from stop_parquet order by stop_name;
| stop_name              |
|                        |
| CH Promenada           |
| Centrum                |
| Ciołkosza              |
| Kanał Gocławski        |
| Marszałkowska          |
| Marysin                |
| Metro Politechnika     |
| Metro Świętokrzyska    |
| Odkryta                |
| Okularowa              |
| Poligonowa             |
| Przyczółek Grochowski  |
| Rezedowa               |
| Rozbrat                |
| Saska                  |
| Zajezdnia Ostrobramska |
| Zamieniecka            |
| pl.Bankowy             |
| pl.Konstytucji         |
| pl.Na Rozdrożu         |
| stop_name              |
| Łysakowska             |
23 rows in set. Query took 0.019 seconds.

and the scanning process was invalid:

❯ select distinct stop_name from stop_parquet where stop_name = 'Odkryta';
| stop_name |
| Odkryta   |
1 row in set. Query took 0.007 seconds.

notice the Odkryta row would be missing in the statement below.

❯ select distinct stop_name from stop_parquet;
| stop_name                    |
|                              |
| Bystra                       |
| Dobosza                      |
| Urbanistów                   |
| Pelcowizna                   |
| PUSTELNIK                    |
| Strzeleckiego                |
| Bełdan                       |
| Kijowska                     |
| Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej  |
| Białołęka-Ratusz             |
| Armatnia                     |
| Muranowska                   |
| Rokosowska                   |
| Choszczówka                  |
| os.Marywilska                |
| Metro Stokłosy               |
| Leśnej Polanki               |
| Ćwiklińskiej                 |
| Nowodwory                    |
| Stawki                       |
| PKP Falenica                 |
| Bazyliańska                  |
| Bartnicza                    |
| ARMATNIA                     |
| Metro Ratusz-Arsenał         |
| Ćmielowska                   |
| Myśliborska                  |
| Oś Królewska                 |
| pl.Inwalidów                 |
| Opaczewska                   |
| Rudzka                       |
| Nowolipie                    |
| Polnych Kwiatów              |
| PKP Żerań                    |
| Sarmacka                     |
| rondo Zesłańców Syberyjskich |
| Leszno                       |
| Gorzykowska                  |
| Miła                         |
| pl.Narutowicza               |
| pl.Zawiszy                   |
| Majerankowa                  |
| Daniszewska                  |
| PKP Olszynka Grochowska      |
| Stare Miasto                 |
| Cm.Wolski                    |
| Metro Stadion Narodowy       |
| Małych Dębów                 |
| Marywilska-Las               |
| Powsinek                     |
| Branickiego                  |
| Vogla                        |
| Olesin                       |
| Ceramiczna                   |
| CH Marki                     |
| Dw.Wileński                  |
| Hala Kopińska                |
| Inflancka                    |
| Klaudyny                     |
| Chłodna                      |
| Zbójna Góra                  |
| Czołgistów                   |
| Sadkowska                    |
| Insurekcji                   |
| Brzezińska                   |
| Ołówkowa                     |
| Smugowa                      |
| Dąbrówka Wiślana             |
| Żerań FSO                    |
| Kino Femina                  |
| gen.Zajączka                 |
| Wola-Ratusz                  |
| Bohomolca                    |
| Chłodnia                     |
| Starego Dębu                 |
| Raciborska                   |
| Rembielińska                 |
| Wałbrzyska-Cmentarz          |
| EC Żerań                     |
| os.Potok                     |
| Metro Księcia Janusza        |
| Dw.Gdański                   |
| Mennica                      |
| Norblin                      |
| Sienna                       |
| Gwiaździsta                  |
| Sobocka                      |
| Marymont-Potok               |
| Śpiewaków                    |
| Fabryka Pomp                 |
| Osiedle                      |
| Szczęśliwice                 |
| Szwedzka                     |
| pl.Starynkiewicza            |
| Wawelska                     |
| Dzika                        |
| Budowlana                    |
| PKP Płudy                    |
| Bolesławicka                 |
| Marcelin                     |
| Milenijna                    |
| Park Praski                  |
| Wolności                     |
| Smocza                       |
| pl.Wilsona                   |
| Cygańska                     |
| Parowozowa                   |
| Zyndrama z Maszkowic         |
| Parafialna                   |
112 rows in set. Query took 0.008 seconds.

Given the investigation above I believe this might be related to the single distinct to group by optimization or the hash aggregation steps.

cc @Dandandan @houqp

alamb commented 2 years ago

I'll try and check this out in more detail tomorrow. Thanks for the investigation @Jimexist

alamb commented 2 years ago

I spent some time looking at the parquet data and the csv data, and it looks to me like there may be something wrong with the parquet reader.

Specifically, I just ran a query that did a select *


LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Documents/Wrong-answer-datafusion-1141/issue_data/parquets/stops';

show columns from stops_parquet;

LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Documents/Wrong-answer-datafusion-1141/issue_data/parquets/trips';

show columns from trips_parquet;

select * from stops_parquet order by time, trip_tid, trip_line, stop_name;
select * from trips_parquet order by tid, line, base_day;

and dump_csv.sql:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE stops_csv (time timestamp, trip_tid bigint, trip_line TEXT, stop_name TEXT)
LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Documents/Wrong-answer-datafusion-1141/issue_data/csvs/stop.csv';

show columns from stops_csv;

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE trips_csv (tid bigint, line TEXT, base_day date)
LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Documents/Wrong-answer-datafusion-1141/issue_data/csvs/trip.csv';

show columns from trips_csv;

select * from stops_csv order by time, trip_tid, trip_line, stop_name;
select * from trips_csv order by tid, line, base_day;

Like this:

~/Software/arrow-datafusion/target/debug/datafusion-cli -f dump_csv.sql  > dump_csv.txt
~/Software/arrow-datafusion/target/debug/datafusion-cli -f dump_parquet.sql  > dump_parquet.txt

The results are here: dump_csv.txt dump_parquet.txt

And a quick visual diff shows they aren't the same

The first few lines of dump_csv.txt look like

| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name                    |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54761677 | N64       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54778942 | 204       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54788967 | N41       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54788988 | N41       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 05:00:00 | 54802937 | 104       |                              |

While the first few lines of dump_parquet.txt l look like:

| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name                    |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54761677 | N64       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54778942 | 204       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | Armatnia                     |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788967 | N41       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788988 | N41       |                              |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54802937 | 104       |                              |

(note that the stop name is different)

However, when I look for that mismatched line trip_tid=54788307 in the data using pandas it does match with the csv:

Here is the raw data in csv:

$ grep 54788307 issue_data/csvs/stop.csv
2021-11-15 00:00:00,54788307,186,RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH

Here is what comes out when using pandas:

Python 3.8.12 (default, Oct 13 2021, 06:42:42) 
[Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_parquet('issue_data/parquets/stops/2021-11.parquet')
df = pd.read_parquet('issue_data/parquets/stops/2021-11.parquet')
>>> df.to_csv('/tmp/2021-11.csv')
$ grep 54788307 /tmp/2021-11.csv 
16591,2021-11-15 00:00:00,54788307.0,186,RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH
alamb commented 2 years ago

Oh weird, but then a direct query

select * from stops_parquet where trip_tid=54788307;
| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name                    |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH |

Seems to get the correct answer 🤔

alamb commented 2 years ago

When I just do select * the answer is not correct either:

❯ select * from stops_parquet;
| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name                    |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | Armatnia                     |
33254 rows in set. Query took 1.553 seconds.
alamb commented 2 years ago

I have a smaller reproducer and am trying to narrow down where the problem is but probably won't be able to work on this until next week sometime at the earliest

In case anyone else is interested, here is the repo: repro.zip

cargo run --bin datafusion-cli -- -f repro.sql | grep 54788307

It should print out

| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH |

But actually prints out

| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | Armatnia
alamb commented 2 years ago

I plan to focus on this issue tomorrow

Dandandan commented 2 years ago

A guess: it might be an issue with reading statistics / predicate push down?

alamb commented 2 years ago

The plot thickens! 🕵️

Regarding parquet predicate pruning, amusingly in this case, I think row group pruning actually helps avoid the problem. As you may recall, when a filter is applied like this

select * from stops_parquet where trip_tid=54788307;

The answer is correct (stop_name is "RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH"):

| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name                    |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | RONDO ZESŁAŃCÓW SYBERYJSKICH |

However, when I disable pruning then the wrong answer comes out!

| time                | trip_tid | trip_line | stop_name |
| 2021-11-15 00:00:00 | 54788307 | 186       | Armatnia  |

I added some debugging, and verified that the query does in fact skip several row groups:

Row Group[0], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = true
Row Group[1], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[2], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[3], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[4], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[5], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[6], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[7], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[8], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[9], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = true
Row Group[10], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[11], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[12], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[13], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[14], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[15], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[16], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[17], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[18], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[19], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[20], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[21], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[22], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[23], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[24], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[25], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[26], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[27], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[28], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[29], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[30], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[31], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[32], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = true
Row Group[33], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = false
Row Group[34], col  ReportStopRecord: pruned = true
alamb commented 2 years ago

Cross referencing the data output from pandas and the parquer reader, Here are the rows from pandas and arrow/parquet that have non null values for stop_name:


1523,2021-11-15 02:40:32,54827807,102,PUSTELNIK
2475,2021-11-15 04:54:14,54807500,102,PKP Olszynka Grochowska
6218,2021-11-15 10:25:27,54802989,104,Żerań FSO
7286,2021-11-15 04:29:31,54787914,140,METRO RATUSZ-ARSENAŁ
7431,2021-11-15 08:23:38,54793831,157,Rokosowska
7433,2021-11-15 10:08:11,54793833,157,Sienna
7438,2021-11-15 11:56:45,54793835,157,Wola-Ratusz
7447,2021-11-15 21:15:54,54793844,157,Miła
7479,2021-11-15 12:06:00,54793886,157,Hala Kopińska
7692,2021-11-15 10:56:08,54793834,157,Mennica
7693,2021-11-15 11:52:22,54793835,157,Smocza
7694,2021-11-15 11:58:07,54793835,157,Wola-Ratusz
7696,2021-11-15 14:42:33,54793838,157,Wawelska
7702,2021-11-15 20:24:26,54793843,157,Muranowska
7819,2021-11-15 04:59:07,54793828,157,pl.Starynkiewicza
7824,2021-11-15 08:08:57,54793831,157,Chłodna
7827,2021-11-15 10:11:37,54793833,157,pl.Zawiszy
7828,2021-11-15 10:49:38,54793834,157,pl.Zawiszy
7829,2021-11-15 10:53:04,54793834,157,Sienna
7830,2021-11-15 12:16:45,54793835,157,Dobosza

And arrow says the following (interestingly, note that the PUSTELNIK is repeated and then the sequence of values is very similar but offset)

1523,2021-11-15 02:40:32,54827807,102,PUSTELNIK
2475,2021-11-15 04:54:14,54807500,102,PKP Olszynka Grochowska
6218,2021-11-15 10:25:27,54802989,104,PUSTELNIK
7286,2021-11-15 04:29:31,54787914,140,PUSTELNIK
7431,2021-11-15 08:23:38,54793831,157,PUSTELNIK
7433,2021-11-15 10:08:11,54793833,157,PUSTELNIK
7438,2021-11-15 11:56:45,54793835,157,PUSTELNIK
7447,2021-11-15 21:15:54,54793844,157,PUSTELNIK
7479,2021-11-15 12:06:00,54793886,157,Żerań FSO
7692,2021-11-15 10:56:08,54793834,157,Rokosowska
7693,2021-11-15 11:52:22,54793835,157,Sienna
7694,2021-11-15 11:58:07,54793835,157,Wola-Ratusz
7696,2021-11-15 14:42:33,54793838,157,Miła
7702,2021-11-15 20:24:26,54793843,157,Hala Kopińska
7819,2021-11-15 04:59:07,54793828,157,Chłodna
7824,2021-11-15 08:08:57,54793831,157,Mennica
7826,2021-11-15 08:36:09,54793832,157,Smocza
7827,2021-11-15 10:11:37,54793833,157,Wola-Ratusz
7828,2021-11-15 10:49:38,54793834,157,Wawelska
7829,2021-11-15 10:53:04,54793834,157,Muranowska
7830,2021-11-15 12:16:45,54793835,157,pl.Starynkiewicza
alamb commented 2 years ago

This discrepancy looks like it comes out of VariableLenDictionaryDecoder which seems to have been introduced by @yordan-pavlov in https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/384

I have not studied the code enough yet to fully understand what it is doing, and I need to attend to some other items now. If anyone has ideas (cc @tustvold ) on where to look next I would appreciate it

alamb commented 2 years ago

I will probably file a ticket in arrow-rs shortly with the slimmed down reproducer

Dandandan commented 2 years ago

@alamb this reads like a detective 🕵️‍♂️

jorgecarleitao commented 2 years ago

I can also open the parquet files from arrow2. I think that this is something on the parquet crate.

the below pasted in this example:

let mut distinct = HashSet::<String>::new();
    let start = SystemTime::now();
    for maybe_batch in reader {
        let batch = maybe_batch?;
        let a = batch
        for i in a {
            if let Some(i) = i {
    println!("{}", distinct.len());
    println!("{:#?}", distinct);


cargo run --features io_parquet --example parquet_read_record -- parquets/stops/2021-11.parquet

yields 132 valid stop_names (over all row groups):

    "pl.Na Rozdrożu",
    "PKP Płudy",
    "rondo Zesłańców Syberyjskich",
    "Kanał Gocławski",
    "Żerań FSO",
    "Hala Kopińska",
    "Leśnej Polanki",
    "Metro Stadion Narodowy",
    "Oś Królewska",
    "Starego Dębu",
    "Metro Ratusz-Arsenał",
    "PKP Olszynka Grochowska",
    "Fabryka Pomp",
    "CH Marki",
    "CH Promenada",
    "Zbójna Góra",
    "Metro Politechnika",
    "Park Praski",
    "PKP Żerań",
    "PKP Falenica",
    "Polnych Kwiatów",
    "Zyndrama z Maszkowic",
    "Stare Miasto",
    "Dąbrówka Wiślana",
    "Kino Femina",
    "Przyczółek Grochowski",
    "Metro Księcia Janusza",
    "Metro Świętokrzyska",
    "Metro Stokłosy",
    "Małych Dębów",
    "Zajezdnia Ostrobramska",
    "EC Żerań",
    "Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej",

For reference, the file heavily uses RLE-encoding (i.e. the RLE bit of the RLE-bitpacking hybrid parquet encoder), both for the validity and for the dictionary indices, so that would be a place to go for.

tustvold commented 2 years ago

You could try using ComplexObjectArrayReader to decode the column instead of ArrowArrayReader. This might help narrow down if the bug lies in the RLE decoding or something higher up in ArrowArrayReader. Alternatively you could see if the issue occurs with https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1082 which replaces ArrowArrayReader with an alternative that shares more with the PrimitiveArrayReader/ComplexObjectArrayReader implementations, again this might help narrow down the origin.

Not at a computer at the moment, otherwise would try myself

alamb commented 2 years ago

Thanks @tustvold and @jorgecarleitao for the tips. Will give them a try.

tustvold commented 2 years ago

FYI https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1110 runs into a similar issue, that appears to be fixed by switching to ComplexObjectArrayReader instead of ArrowArrayReader. I will have a poke around tomorrow if I have time, and see if I can spot what is going wrong.

alamb commented 2 years ago

I tested the fix from @yordan-pavlov in https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs/pull/1130 against my reproducer and with #1130 it now gets the correct answer ❤️ so that seems like progress

tustvold commented 2 years ago

I believe with the update to use arrow 7.0.0 which contains @yordan-pavlov 's fix, this should now be fixed in DataFusion?

alamb commented 2 years ago

Ye that is my understanding -- someone just needs to rerun the (wonderful) reproducer from @franeklubi to confirm

alamb commented 2 years ago

I reran the queries from @franeklubi at 2e918184c502a40a041fb0163702cb6ab8de0af9:


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE stop (time TEXT, trip_tid TEXT, trip_line TEXT, stop_name TEXT) STORED AS CSV WITH HEADER ROW LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Downloads/issue_data/csvs/stop.csv';
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE trip (tid TEXT, line TEXT, base_day TEXT) STORED AS CSV WITH HEADER ROW LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Downloads/issue_data/csvs/trip.csv';

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE stop_parquet STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Downloads/issue_data/parquets/stops/';
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE trip_parquet STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION '/Users/alamb/Downloads/issue_data/parquets/trips/';

Now the results are consistent when using csv and parquet:


❯ SELECT DISTINCT stop_name FROM stop_parquet INNER JOIN trip_parquet ON tid = trip_tid WHERE line = '176' ORDER BY stop_name NULLS LAST;
| stop_name            |
| Bartnicza            |
| Bazyliańska          |
| Bolesławicka         |
| Brzezińska           |
| Budowlana            |
| Choszczówka          |
| Chłodnia             |
| Daniszewska          |
| Fabryka Pomp         |
| Insurekcji           |
| Marcelin             |
| Marywilska-Las       |
| Ołówkowa             |
| PKP Płudy            |
| PKP Żerań            |
| Parowozowa           |
| Pelcowizna           |
| Polnych Kwiatów      |
| Raciborska           |
| Rembielińska         |
| Sadkowska            |
| Smugowa              |
| Starego Dębu         |
| Zyndrama z Maszkowic |
| os.Marywilska        |
| Śpiewaków            |
|                      |
27 rows in set. Query took 0.042 seconds.


❯ SELECT DISTINCT stop_name FROM stop INNER JOIN trip ON tid = trip_tid WHERE line = '176' ORDER BY stop_name NULLS LAST;
| stop_name            |
|                      |
| Bartnicza            |
| Bazyliańska          |
| Bolesławicka         |
| Brzezińska           |
| Budowlana            |
| Choszczówka          |
| Chłodnia             |
| Daniszewska          |
| Fabryka Pomp         |
| Insurekcji           |
| Marcelin             |
| Marywilska-Las       |
| Ołówkowa             |
| PKP Płudy            |
| PKP Żerań            |
| Parowozowa           |
| Pelcowizna           |
| Polnych Kwiatów      |
| Raciborska           |
| Rembielińska         |
| Sadkowska            |
| Smugowa              |
| Starego Dębu         |
| Zyndrama z Maszkowic |
| os.Marywilska        |
| Śpiewaków            |
27 rows in set. Query took 0.116 seconds.

Interestingly, the CSV results don't seem to have the NULLS LAST 🤔