Closed bubbajoe closed 1 year ago
I updated from 15.0 to 20.0 and something really weird happened. when i run this:
SELECT COUNT(*), T, SUM(COUNT(*)) Over (Order By T) From (SELECT *, to_date(\"updatedAt\") as T from 'table') Group BY T
I get the below error, this query was working fine on version 15.0, seems like record_batches_to_json_rows
is bugged maybe?
I modified my UDF to process multiple values:
pub fn to_date(args: &[ArrayRef]) -> DFResult<ArrayRef> {
if args.is_empty() || args.len() > 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
"to_date was called with {} arguments. It requires only 1.",
let arg = &args[0].as_any().downcast_ref::<StringArray>().unwrap();
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
for date_string in arg.iter() {
let date_time = match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(date_string.expect("date_string is null")) {
Ok(dt) => dt,
Err(e) => {
return Result::Err(DataFusionError::Internal(e.to_string()));
builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
Error log:
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'Trying to access an element at index 17 from a PrimitiveArray of length 17', /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
0: rust_begin_unwind
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/std/src/
1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/
2: arrow_array::array::primitive_array::PrimitiveArray<T>::value
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
3: <&arrow_array::array::primitive_array::PrimitiveArray<T> as arrow_array::array::ArrayAccessor>::value
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
4: <&arrow_array::array::primitive_array::PrimitiveArray<arrow_array::types::Date32Type> as arrow_cast::display::DisplayIndexState>::write
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
5: <arrow_cast::display::ArrayFormat<F> as arrow_cast::display::DisplayIndex>::write
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
6: <arrow_cast::display::ValueFormatter as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
7: <T as alloc::string::ToString>::to_string
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/alloc/src/
8: arrow_json::writer::set_column_for_json_rows::{{closure}}
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
9: core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::for_each::call::{{closure}}
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/iter/traits/
10: <core::iter::adapters::enumerate::Enumerate<I> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::fold::enumerate::{{closure}}
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/iter/adapters/
11: core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::fold
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/iter/traits/
12: <core::iter::adapters::enumerate::Enumerate<I> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::fold
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/iter/adapters/
13: core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::for_each
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/iter/traits/
14: arrow_json::writer::set_column_for_json_rows
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
15: arrow_json::writer::record_batches_to_json_rows
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
16: local::routes::query::QueryResponse::new::{{closure}}
at ./src/routes/
17: local::routes::query::execute_query::{{closure}}
at ./src/routes/
18: <F as axum::handler::Handler<(M,T1,T2),S,B>>::call::{{closure}}
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
19: <core::pin::Pin<P> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/future/
20: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
21: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
22: <axum::handler::future::IntoServiceFuture<F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
23: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
24: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
25: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
26: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
27: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapOk<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
28: <tower::util::map_response::MapResponseFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
29: <core::pin::Pin<P> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/future/
30: <tower::util::oneshot::Oneshot<S,Req> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
31: <axum::routing::route::RouteFuture<B,E> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
32: <tower_http::cors::ResponseFuture<F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
33: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
34: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
35: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
36: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
37: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapOk<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
38: <tower::util::map_response::MapResponseFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
39: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
40: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
41: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
42: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
43: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapErr<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
44: <tower::util::map_err::MapErrFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
45: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
46: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
47: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
48: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
49: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapOk<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
50: <tower::util::map_response::MapResponseFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
51: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
52: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
53: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
54: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
55: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapOk<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
56: <tower::util::map_response::MapResponseFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
57: <core::pin::Pin<P> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/future/
58: <tower::util::oneshot::Oneshot<S,Req> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
59: <axum::routing::route::RouteFuture<B,E> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
60: <F as futures_core::future::TryFuture>::try_poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
61: <futures_util::future::try_future::into_future::IntoFuture<Fut> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
62: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
63: <futures_util::future::future::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
64: <futures_util::future::try_future::MapOk<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
65: <tower::util::map_response::MapResponseFuture<F,N> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
66: <core::pin::Pin<P> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/future/
67: <tower::util::oneshot::Oneshot<S,Req> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
68: <axum::routing::route::RouteFuture<B,E> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
69: <hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Server<S,hyper::body::body::Body> as hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatch>::poll_msg
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
70: hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatcher<D,Bs,I,T>::poll_write
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
71: hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatcher<D,Bs,I,T>::poll_loop
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
72: hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatcher<D,Bs,I,T>::poll_inner
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
73: hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatcher<D,Bs,I,T>::poll_catch
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
74: <hyper::proto::h1::dispatch::Dispatcher<D,Bs,I,T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
75: <hyper::server::conn::ProtoServer<T,B,S,E> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
76: <hyper::server::conn::upgrades::UpgradeableConnection<I,S,E> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
77: <hyper::server::server::new_svc::NewSvcTask<I,N,S,E,W> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
78: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll::{{closure}}
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
79: tokio::loom::std::unsafe_cell::UnsafeCell<T>::with_mut
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
80: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
81: tokio::runtime::task::harness::poll_future::{{closure}}
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
82: <core::panic::unwind_safe::AssertUnwindSafe<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/panic/
83: std::panicking::try::do_call
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/std/src/
84: ___rust_try
85: std::panicking::try
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/std/src/
86: std::panic::catch_unwind
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/std/src/
87: tokio::runtime::task::harness::poll_future
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
88: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll_inner
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
89: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
90: tokio::runtime::task::raw::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
91: tokio::runtime::task::raw::RawTask::poll
at /Users/joe/.cargo/registry/src/
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
Hey @jiangzhx thanks for your response! How hard is it to implement something like this?
I am not too familiar with the rust, let alone the code base. If you could give some pointers, i wouldn't mind creating a PR.
cc @BubbaJoe i wrote a to_date UDF myself, which seems to be correct.
use arrow::array::{Date32Array, Date32Builder, StringArray};
use chrono::DateTime;
use datafusion::from_slice::FromSlice;
use datafusion::prelude::*;
use datafusion::{
arrow::{datatypes::DataType, record_batch::RecordBatch},
use datafusion_common::{downcast_value, ScalarValue};
use datafusion_common::{DataFusionError, Result};
use datafusion_expr::ColumnarValue;
use std::sync::Arc;
// create local execution context with an in-memory table
fn create_context() -> Result<SessionContext> {
use datafusion::arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema};
// define a schema.
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![Field::new("a", DataType::Utf8, false)]));
// define data.
let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(
// declare a new context. In spark API, this corresponds to a new spark SQLsession
let ctx = SessionContext::new();
// declare a table in memory. In spark API, this corresponds to createDataFrame(...).
ctx.register_batch("t", batch)?;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let ctx = create_context()?;
pub fn to_date(args: &[ColumnarValue]) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
if args.is_empty() || args.len() > 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
"to_date was called with {} arguments. It requires only 1.",
match &args[0] {
ColumnarValue::Array(array) => {
let args = downcast_value!(array, StringArray);
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
for arg in args {
let date_time = match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(arg.unwrap()) {
Ok(dt) => dt,
Err(e) => {
return Result::Err(DataFusionError::Internal(e.to_string()));
builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
let date32 = Arc::new(Date32Array::from(builder.finish()));
ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Utf8(v)) => {
let date_time =
match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339((v.clone().unwrap()).as_str()) {
Ok(dt) => dt,
Err(e) => {
return Result::Err(DataFusionError::Internal(e.to_string()));
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
let date32 = Arc::new(Date32Array::from(builder.finish()));
_ => {
return Err(DataFusionError::Execution(
"array of `to_date` must be non-null scalar Utf8".to_string(),
// let to_date = make_scalar_function(to_date);
let to_date = create_udf(
let expr =![col("a")]);
let df = ctx.table("t").await?;
let df =![expr])?;;
ctx.sql("SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u")
ctx.sql("SELECT COUNT(*), T, SUM(COUNT(*)) Over (Order By T) From (SELECT *, to_date(a) as T from t) Group BY T")
The to_date
only returns 1 value per input array, is it as expected?
@BubbaJoe based on your code, I made some modifications. Now everything looks normal.
pub fn to_date(args: &[ArrayRef]) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
if args.is_empty() || args.len() > 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
"to_date was called with {} arguments. It requires only 1.",
let arg = &args[0].as_any().downcast_ref::<StringArray>().unwrap();
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
for date_string in arg.iter() {
let date_time = match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(
date_string.expect("date_string is null"),
) {
Ok(dt) => dt,
Err(e) => {
return Result::Err(DataFusionError::Internal(e.to_string()));
builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
let to_date = make_scalar_function(to_date);
let to_date = create_udf(
only returns 1 value per input array, is it as expected? cc @BubbaJoe @doki23
The current error message is confusing, maybe we should add some checks here.
Maybe we can compare the length of group_values and batch_hashes, and if not equal then give some clear exception information.
Hmmm...or we should check the result size of udf? I'm not sure wether it's proper that the sizes of input and result could be different. cc @alamb @mingmwang @tustvold
Thanks @jiangzhx, the code worked for me, but I am still getting an error when calling record_batches_to_json_rows
on the queries:
Error is the same as the above error log:
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'Trying to access an element at index 0 from a PrimitiveArray of length 0', /Users/user/.cargo/registry/src/
Hmmm...or we should check the result size of udf? I'm not sure wether it's proper that the sizes of input and result could be different. cc @alamb @mingmwang @tustvold
I think this is a great idea @jiangzhx for a UDF (rather than a user defined aggregate, for example), the number of output rows should be the same as the number of input rows - if that is not the case making a clearer error would be 👍
Error is the same as the above error log:
@BubbaJoe would it be possible to share a self contained reproducer?
@BubbaJoe i still working on your "getting an error when calling record_batches_to_json_rows on the queries:"
@alamb @mingmwang @tustvold If you have time, I hope to receive some guidance. something so weird.
// with order by work fine
// let sql = "SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u order by u"; //fine
// let sql = "SELECT to_timestamp(a) as u from t group by u order by u"; //fine
// without order by got error
// let sql = "SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u"; //got error
// let sql = "SELECT to_timestamp(a) as u from t group by u"; //got error
let batches = ctx.sql(sql).await?.collect().await.unwrap();
let list: Vec<_> = record_batches_to_json_rows(&batches)?; //got error here
also i write a testcase for record_batches_to_json_rows,look like everything works fine.
mod tests {
use arrow::array::Date32Builder;
use arrow::json::writer::record_batches_to_json_rows;
use arrow::json::LineDelimitedWriter;
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use arrow_schema::{DataType, Field, Schema};
use chrono::DateTime;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn work_well() {
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
/ (60 * 60 * 24),
/ (60 * 60 * 24),
let arr_date32 = builder.finish();
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("date32", DataType::Date32, true)]);
let schema = Arc::new(schema);
let batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema, vec![Arc::new(arr_date32)]).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut writer = LineDelimitedWriter::new(&mut buf);
let actual: Vec<Option<Value>> = buf
.split(|b| *b == b'\n')
.map(|s| (!s.is_empty()).then(|| serde_json::from_slice(s).unwrap()))
println!("{:?}", actual);
//everything works fine.
let rows = record_batches_to_json_rows(&vec![batch]);
use datafusion::error::Result;
use datafusion::{
use std::sync::Arc;
use chrono::DateTime;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let ctx = SessionContext::new();
// let testdata = datafusion::test_util::parquet_test_data();
// register parquet file with the execution context
let to_date = make_scalar_function(to_date);
let to_date = create_udf(
let batches = {
let df = ctx.sql(
"SELECT to_date(\"date\") as a from \
'users' group by a;").await?;
let list: Vec<_> = datafusion::arrow::json::writer::
println!("{:?}", list);
fn to_date(args: &[ArrayRef]) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
if args.is_empty() || args.len() > 1 {
return Err(DataFusionError::Internal(format!(
"to_date was called with {} arguments. It requires only 1.",
let arg = &args[0].as_any().downcast_ref::<StringArray>().unwrap();
let mut builder = Date32Builder::new();
for date_string in arg.iter() {
let date_time = match DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(
date_string.expect("date_string is null"),
) {
Ok(dt) => dt,
Err(e) => {
// builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
return Result::Err(DataFusionError::Internal(e.to_string()));
builder.append_value((date_time.timestamp() / 86400) as i32);
name = "df-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = ["full"] }
datafusion = { version = "20.0"}
chrono = "0.4.24"
@alamb @jiangzhx I am getting the same error here, please check!
It's because to_date
is not an aggregate function. I notice that the size of batches
is 10(9 nulls + '2012-04-23'), that's the reason. You should use udaf
for group by or maybe udf with distinct @BubbaJoe .
Hmm, this doesn't seem very intuitive. why would a to_date() function need to be an aggregate function. Seems more like a bug tbh.
Hmm, this doesn't seem very intuitive. why would a to_date() function need to be an aggregate function. Seems more like a bug tbh.
I think @doki23 means that this query doesn't makes sense because it is needs to produce a single output per distinct value of u
(not a) so to_date needs to be an aggregate function (that takes in multiple rows and produces a single output row)
SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u
What I think is super confusing is that datafusion does run this query (when there is an order by)
SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u order by u
IOx users also recently hit this confusing behavior:
I will write a ticket to fix it (basically proposing to make SELECT to_date(a) as u from t group by u order by u
Sorry for the horrible description. Actually my suggestion is
select distinct to_date(...) from t
In my opinion, group by usually accompanies by an aggr func. If not, it's equivalent to distinct.
@doki23 Actually i just tried using DISTINCT
and that also doesn't work. Were you not able to reproduce on your side?
@BubbaJoe It's a bug of the json writer when batches have temporal fields, I'm trying to fix it.
Thanks @doki23
But I am curious about the batching format, why do the record batches look like this?
select distinct to_date(...) from t
or select to_date(...) as x from t group by x
?batch 1: []
batch 2: []
batch 3: []
batch 4: []
batch 5: []
batch 6: []
batch 7: [2012-04-27]
batch 8: [2012-04-23, 2012-04-24]
batch 9: [2012-04-25]
batch 10: [2012-04-26]
You would expect them to look something similar to this right?
batch 1: [2012-04-27]
batch 2: [2012-04-23]
batch 3: [2012-04-24]
batch 4: [2012-04-25]
batch 5: [2012-04-26]
I am a very new to datafusion, but it seems like fixing/cleaning the result batch format would also mitigate these issues.
I have no idea, maybe it's the default partitions? I'll dive into this then.
I would like to test this this! When is the next release?
But I am curious about the batching format, why do the record batches look like this?
It's because the 'target partitions' whose default value is determined by core num.
Setting target partitions to 1 will make the final batches
vector only have 1 batch @BubbaJoe .
let mut session_cfg = SessionConfig::new();
session_cfg = session_cfg.with_target_partitions(1);
let ctx = SessionContext::with_config(session_cfg);
I would like to test this this! When is the next release?
It is currently out for a vote and should be released early next week:
I would like to test this this! When is the next release? @BubbaJoe you can try with master branch with dependence like this. arrow-json = { git="", branch="master"}
@jiangzhx Can you check this example code here?
I am still getting the error:
@jiangzhx Can you check this example code here?
I am still getting the error:
There are some steps that need to be done before you can test the master version of arrow-rs.
or ,you can try my arrow-datafusion repo. datafusion = { git="", branch="test_arrow_master", features = ["avro"]}
Do not use my arrow-datafusion branch in production . It is recommended that you wait for the latest version of arrow-datafusion to be released .
Thanks, @jiangzhx it's working!
Describe the bug When i try to add a udf (
), I am able to do the following:But I am NOT able to do the following
SELECT to_date(\"updatedAt\") as u from 'table' group by u;
SELECT to_date(\"updatedAt\") as u from 'table' group by to_date(\"updatedAt\");
Join Error\ncaused by\nExternal error: task 554 panicked
: Reproduce example updatedAt looks like: "2023-03-05T05:01:15.274000+00:00"
SELECT to_date(\"updatedAt\") as u from 'table' group by u;
udf usingchrono
crateExpected behavior Expecting it to group the dates like this: SELECT u FROM (SELECT to_date(\"updatedAt\") as u from 'table') group by u;