apache / datafusion

Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine
Apache License 2.0
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Large `OR` list overflows the stack #9375

Open alamb opened 4 months ago

alamb commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

In InfluxDB we saw people issue queries with many OR chains that caused a stack overflow

SELECT ... WHERE x = 1 OR x = 2 OR ..... x = 10000

To Reproduce


Download: blowout.zip

And run

datafusion-cli -f blowout2.sql

This results in

andrewlamb@Andrews-MacBook-Pro Downloads % datafusion-cli  -f blowout2.sql
datafusion-cli  -f blowout2.sql
DataFusion CLI v36.0.0
0 rows in set. Query took 0.015 seconds.

| count |
| 1     |
1 row in set. Query took 0.001 seconds.

thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
fatal runtime error: stack overflow

The query looks like this

FROM foo
WHERE x = 1
  OR x = 1
  OR x = 1
  OR x = 1
  OR x = 1

Expected behavior

a runtime error rather than stack overflow. Bonus points if the query actually completed

Additional context

Here is the stack trace in a release build:

datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb96f4
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
.... MANY MORE ....
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::tree_node::expr::transform_boxed 0x0000000103d86c7c
datafusion_common::tree_node::TreeNode::transform_up 0x0000000103cb9d34
datafusion_expr::expr::Expr::infer_placeholder_types 0x0000000103cd30e8
datafusion_sql::expr::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::sql_to_expr 0x0000000102b4b180
datafusion_sql::select::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::plan_selection 0x0000000102b63980
datafusion_sql::select::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::select_to_plan 0x0000000102b64b5c
datafusion_sql::set_expr::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::set_expr_to_plan 0x0000000102b710b4
datafusion_sql::query::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::query_to_plan_with_schema 0x0000000102b60414
datafusion_sql::statement::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::sql_statement_to_plan_with_context_impl 0x0000000102b7ab30
datafusion_sql::statement::<impl datafusion_sql::planner::SqlToRel<S>>::statement_to_plan 0x0000000102b76b84
datafusion::execution::context::SessionState::statement_to_plan::{{closure}} 0x0000000102bded28
datafusion_cli::exec::exec_and_print::{{closure}} 0x0000000102be8428
datafusion_cli::exec::exec_from_lines::{{closure}} 0x0000000102be9efc
datafusion_cli::exec::exec_from_files::{{closure}} 0x0000000102be9a38
datafusion_cli::main_inner::{{closure}} 0x0000000102c051b4
tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::block_on 0x0000000102bfef64
tokio::runtime::runtime::Runtime::block_on 0x0000000102d1ae7c
datafusion_cli::main 0x0000000102ca84d0
std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace 0x0000000102cd44f0
std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} 0x0000000102d033f0
[Inlined] core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once function.rs:284
[Inlined] std::panicking::try::do_call panicking.rs:552
[Inlined] std::panicking::try panicking.rs:516
[Inlined] std::panic::catch_unwind panic.rs:142
[Inlined] std::rt::lang_start_internal::{{closure}} rt.rs:148
[Inlined] std::panicking::try::do_call panicking.rs:552
[Inlined] std::panicking::try panicking.rs:516
[Inlined] std::panic::catch_unwind panic.rs:142
std::rt::lang_start_internal rt.rs:148
main 0x0000000102ca85d8
start 0x00000001825fd0e0
Lordworms commented 4 months ago


alamb commented 4 months ago

FYI @Lordworms I think this will be a pretty challenging task

Also, @peter-toth has an outstanding substantial change to TreeNode APIs here: https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/pull/8891 which you should be aware of.

Lordworms commented 4 months ago

FYI @Lordworms I think this will be a pretty challenging task

Also, @peter-toth has an outstanding substantial change to TreeNode APIs here: #8891 which you should be aware of.

Yes, My basic plan for this is to change recursion in treenode into iteration, I will test my implementation first and read this PR #8891

Lordworms commented 3 months ago

start to do this one, the current plan is to rewrite the infer_placeholder_types function to iteration.

jayzhan211 commented 4 days ago

@Lordworms Are you still working on this?

Lordworms commented 4 days ago

@Lordworms Are you still working on this?

Sorry I forget about this one, you can go for it.

jayzhan211 commented 3 days ago

@alamb I'm thinking of introducing CommutativeExpr that specialize these kind of query to make them possible to transform iteratively. What do you think about this?

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct CommutativeExpr {
    /// Expressions
    pub exprs: Vec<Expr>,
    /// The operator that is commutative (order-insensitive), like OR, AND, StringConcat, BitWise Op
    pub op: Operator,

CommutativeExpr { vec![a, b, c], op: OR} is equivalent to Binary(Binary(a,b,OR), c, OR)

alamb commented 3 days ago

@alamb I'm thinking of introducing CommutativeExpr that specialize these kind of query to make them possible to transform iteratively. What do you think about this?

I think that sounds like a good idea to me

One thing that would be nice would be to somehow avoid having two potential representions for the same expression

So like A OR B would that be represented as BinaryExpr { left: A, op: Or, rigith: B} or CommutativeExpr { exprs: [A, B], op: Or} 🤔

But that is starting to sound like a large change 🤔

jayzhan211 commented 3 days ago

@alamb I'm thinking of introducing CommutativeExpr that specialize these kind of query to make them possible to transform iteratively. What do you think about this?

I think that sounds like a good idea to me

One thing that would be nice would be to somehow avoid having two potential representions for the same expression

So like A OR B would that be represented as BinaryExpr { left: A, op: Or, rigith: B} or CommutativeExpr { exprs: [A, B], op: Or} 🤔

But that is starting to sound like a large change 🤔

we could restrict the minimum elements of CommutativeExpr to 3.

alamb commented 3 days ago

we could restrict the minimum elements of CommutativeExpr to 3.

That could make sense

My biggest concern with this proposal is its potential impact on backwards compatibility / causing API churn to solve a very narrow usecase

I wonder if you have considered the approach to turning a stack overflow into an error?

So like maybe add a configuration flag like "max_expression_depth = 10" or something and then if that depth is exceeded in SqlToRel raise an error?

That would protect against crashes/ stack overflows but still allow people who wanted more complex expressions (and were willing to raise their stack sizes) to run

jayzhan211 commented 3 days ago

we could restrict the minimum elements of CommutativeExpr to 3.

That could make sense

My biggest concern with this proposal is its potential impact on backwards compatibility / causing API churn to solve a very narrow usecase

I wonder if you have considered the approach to turning a stack overflow into an error?

So like maybe add a configuration flag like "max_expression_depth = 10" or something and then if that depth is exceeded in SqlToRel raise an error?

That would protect against crashes/ stack overflows but still allow people who wanted more complex expressions (and were willing to raise their stack sizes) to run

I'm able to run the large or list without stack overflow. As far as I can tell. I think we don't need to worry about the backwards compatibility, this does not need to break any existing API.

causing API churn for narrow usecase

I think we can deal with simple case for the query that has the same operator like large OR list, large AND list, but we can't deal with mixing case like A OR B AND C OR D AND E.... For this case, we still need to raise runtime error.

If complete large OR / AND list query for the same operator is worth to add a new Expr, I think we could go for it. Otherwise we should count the transformation and raise the error.

alamb commented 2 days ago

Otherwise we should count the transformation and raise the error.

I recommend we start with the error (to avoid a stack overflow) and then if someone comes with a usecase when they need a super deep OR tree we can figure out if it is worth adding additional code

I think one common case of large OR chains is generated SQL like col = 1 OR col = 2 OR col = 3 OR ... and it is typically better to change the application to generate SQL like col IN (1, 2, 3, ...) instead which is both less SQL (and less nested) and faster

jayzhan211 commented 1 day ago

It seems to support configurable max recursive depth involved huge breaking change for tree traversal transfrom_* function given it is used widely already. I would like to avoid this huge change just for early return error. 😢

Given stack size is not always the same, I'm not sure constant max recursive depth is a good idea too.

alamb commented 1 day ago

Here is how the recursion guard is implemented in sqlparser: https://github.com/sqlparser-rs/sqlparser-rs/blob/f9ab8dcc27fd2d55030b9c5fa71e41d5c08dd601/src/parser/mod.rs#L67-L127

And then at the start of each major statement, this gets called:


So I don't think we would have to change the transform_* functions, but simply update the closure that was being called by those functions

peter-toth commented 1 day ago

I came across stacker (https://docs.rs/stacker/latest/stacker/index.html) and a convenience create (https://docs.rs/recursive/latest/recursive/index.html) above stacker to dynamically increase stack sizes during deep recursions. According to their documentation it isn't zero cost to use these, but could be worth to try these and see them in action in some benchmarks.

alamb commented 22 hours ago

I evaluated stacker as part of sqlparser and I thought it was doing some too crazy stuff that made it hard to use in embedded / wasm environments. Maybe that is better now