apache / distributedlog

Apache DistributedLog
Apache License 2.0
185 stars 74 forks source link

Shade Bookkeeper and unshade ZooKeeper in core module #193

Closed ArvinDevel closed 7 years ago

ArvinDevel commented 7 years ago


  1. Please describe the feature you are requesting. Shade Bookkeeper in core module
  2. Indicate the importance of this issue to you (blocker, must-have, should-have, nice-to-have). Are you currently using any workarounds to address this issue? nice-to-have
  3. Provide any additional detail on your proposed use case for this feature. this will solve Bookkeeper version conflict
  4. If there are some sub-tasks using -[] for each subtask and create a corresponding issue to map to the sub task:
ArvinDevel commented 7 years ago

194 is the pr