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[Bug] doris 1.13升级1.2rc1 版本后,数据库原始表update失败,新建表update成功 #14139

Open weir422 opened 1 year ago

weir422 commented 1 year ago

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What's Wrong?

doris 1.13升级1.2rc后,1.13原来有的表,update 失败,但是同样的建表语句 新建表,update正常

What You Expected?

建表语句 CREATE TABLE user_task ( id largeint(40) NOT NULL COMMENT '自增序列', task_time datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '任务创建时间', task_name varchar(510) NULL COMMENT '请求类型,简单描述,或者功能模块名称', userid varchar(510) NULL COMMENT '企微userid', phone varchar(64) NULL COMMENT '手机号', finish_time datetime NULL COMMENT '任务完成时间', status smallint(6) NULL COMMENT '任务处理状态:0待执行,1处理中,2已完成,-1失败或忽略', file_name varchar(510) NULL COMMENT '发送的文件名', task_sql text NULL COMMENT '任务的sql语句', period smallint(6) NULL COMMENT '1一次性,2每天按timer设定时间执行', timer varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT '定时执行,支持时分秒(冒号分隔),如8,12:1,17:30,21,23:59:59', nodata_notice smallint(6) NULL COMMENT '查询结果无数据时是否通知,0不通知,1通知', database smallint(6) NULL COMMENT '数据库类别:1kylin、2hive、3postgre', kylin_project varchar(510) NULL COMMENT 'kylin项目名称' ) ENGINE=OLAP UNIQUE KEY(id) COMMENT '用户请求的任务' DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(id) BUCKETS 1 PROPERTIES ( "replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 3", "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "V2", "disable_auto_compaction" = "false" );

实例数据 INSERT INTO wx_work.user_task (id,task_time,task_name,userid,phone,finish_time,status,file_name,task_sql,period,timer,nodata_notice,database,kylin_project) VALUES ('65','2022-11-08 18:52:46','银联双倍积分','15843085678|13804330578|15843085557|15943014257|15543777785|jl_wangwei|983|15827',NULL,'2022-11-09 08:36:25',0,'无任何数据','select date(a.citme) 日期,a.promotion_id 活动id,b.mname 商场,c.sname 店铺名称,SUM(a.mall_score) 使用预算积分,COUNT(DISTINCT a.gid) 参与人数,COUNT(distinct a.order_no) 订单笔数,SUM(d.origin_amount) 订单额,SUM(d.pay_amount) 实付额,SUM(d.score_amount) 积分额 FROM umall_ods.credit_detail a LEFT JOIN [shuffle] umall_ods.mall b on a.mid = b.id LEFT JOIN [shuffle] umall_ods.shop c on a.sid = c.id LEFT JOIN [shuffle] umall_ods.order_info_3 d on a.order_no = d.order_no WHERE a.mid = 3 AND a.promotion_id = 23873 AND date(a.citme) = CURRENT_DATE()-1
GROUP BY date(a.citme),b.mname,c.sname,a.promotion_id ORDER BY SUM(a.mall_score) desc limit 10',2,'8:35',0,3,NULL), ('99','2022-11-08 19:57:51','test','15543777785',NULL,'2022-11-09 08:34:42',2,'1667954080756_99','select id,task_name from wx_work.user_task',2,'8:34',0,3,NULL);

更新测试 update wx_work.user_task set status= 0 where id= 65

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weir422 commented 1 year ago

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liaoxin01 commented 1 year ago

@weir422 I failed to reproduce the problem according to your steps. After the upgrade, I can still update the original table normally.