apache / doris

Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high performance and unified analytics database.
Apache License 2.0
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Release Note 2.0.0 #22647

Open xiaokang opened 1 year ago

xiaokang commented 1 year ago

Previous Release Notes: Release Note 1.2.7 Release Note 2.0-beta

We are excited to announce the release of Apache Doris 2.0.0. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the 275 Apache Doris Contributors who have committed over 4100 bug fixes and optimizations altogether. You are the driving force behind all the new features and performance leap!

Download: https://doris.apache.org/download

GitHub source code: https://github.com/apache/doris/tree/branch-2.0

In the middle of 2023, we are half way on our roadmap and many steps closer to our visions that we put forward on Doris Summit 2022:

We want to build Apache Doris into an all-in-one platform that can serve most of our users' needs so as to maximize their productivity while inducing the least development and maintainence costs. Specifically, it should be capable of data analytics in multiple scenarios, support both online and offline workloads, and deliver lightning performance in both high-throughput interactive analysis and high-concurrency point queries. Also, in response to industry trends, it should be able to provide seamless analytic services across heterogenous data sources, and unified management services for semi-structured and unstructured data.

Taking on these great visions means a path full of hurdles. We need to figure out answers to all these difficult questions:

We believe that life is miserable for either the developers or the users, so we decided to tackle more challenges so that our users would suffer less. Now we are happy to announce our progress with Apache Doris 2.0.0. These are what you can expect from this new version:

A 10 times Performance Increase

High performance is what our users identify us with. It has been repeatedly proven by the test results of Apache Doris on ClickBench and TPC-H benchmarks during the past year. But there remain some differences between benchmarking and real-life application:

That's why we introduced a brand new query optimizer: Nereids. With a richer statistical base and the advanced Cascades framework, Nereids is capable of self-tuning in most query scenarios, so users can expect high performance without any fine-tuning or SQL rewriting. What's more, it supports all 99 SQLs in TPC-DS.

Testing on 22 TPC-H SQLs showed that Nereids, with no human intervention, brought an over 10-time performance increase compared to the old query optimizer. Similar results were reported by dozens of users who have tried Apache Doris 2.0 Alpha and Beta in their business scenarios. It has really freed engineers from the burden of fine-tuning.

Documentation: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/query-acceleration/nereids/

Nerieds is enabled by default in Apache Doris 2.0.0: SET enable_nereids_planner=true.

Support for a Wider Range of Analytic Scenarios

A 10 times more cost-effective log analysis solution

From a simple OLAP engine for real-time reporting to a data warehouse that is capable of ETL/ELT and more, Apache Doris has been pushing its boundaries. With version 2.0, we are making breakthroughs in log analysis.

The common log analytic solutions within the industry are basically different tradeoffs between high writing throughput, low storage cost, and fast text retrieval. But Apache Doris 2.0 allows you to have them all. It has inverted index that allows full-text searches on strings and equivalence/range queries on numerics/datetime. Comparison tests with the same datasets in the same hardware environment showed that Apache Doris was 4 times faster than Elasticsearch in log data writing, 2 times faster in log queries, and cost only 20% of the storage space that Elasticsearch used.

We are also making advancements in multi-model data analysis. Apache Doris 2.0 supports two new data types: Map and Struct, as well as the quick writing, functional analysis, and nesting of them.

Read more: https://doris.apache.org/blog/Inverted%20Index

High-concurrency data serving

In scenarios such as e-commerce order queries and express tracking, there will be a huge number of end data users inputing queries for a small piece of data simultaneously. These are high-concurrency point queries, which can bring huge pressure on the system. A traditional solution is to introduce Key-Value stores like Apache HBase for such queries, and Redis as a cache layer to ease the burden, but that means redundant storage and higher maintainence costs.

For a column-oriented DBMS like Apache Doris, the I/O usage of point queries will be multiplied. We need neater execution. Thus, we introduced row storage format and row cache to increase row reading efficiency, short-circuit plans to speed up data retrieval, and prepared statements to reduce frontend overheads.

After these optimizations, Apache Doris 2.0 reached a concurrency level of 30,000 QPS per node on YCSB on a 16 Core 64G cloud server with 4×1T hard drives, representing an improvement of 20 times compared to older versions. This makes Apache Doris a good alternative to HBase in high-concurrency scenarios.

Doc: https://doris.apache.org/blog/High_concurrency

Enhanced data lakehouse capabilities

In Apache Doris 1.2, we introduced Multi-Catalog to support the auto-mapping and auto-synchronization of data from heterogeneous sources. After optimizations in data reading, execution engine, and query optimizer, Doris 1.2 delivered a 3~5 times faster query performance than Presto/Trino in standard tests.

In Apache Doris 2.0, we extended the list of data sources supported and conducted optimizations according to the actual production environment of users.

A Unified Platform for Multiple Analytic Workloads

A self-adaptive parallel execution model

With the expansion of user base, Apache Doris is undertaking more and more analytic workloads while handling larger and larger data sizes. A big challenge is to ensure high execution efficiency for all these workloads and avoid resource preemption.

Older versions of Apache Doris had a volcano-based execution engine. To give full play to all the machines and cores, users had to set the execution concurrency themselves (for example, change parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num from the default value 1 to 8 or 16). But problems existed when Doris had to deal with multiple queries at the same time:

Apache 2.0 brought in a Pipeline execution engine to solve these problems. In this engine, the execution of queries are driven by data. The blocking operators in all the query execution processes are split into pipelines. Whether a pipeline gets an execution thread depends on whether its data is ready. As a result:

With the Pipeline execution engine, Apache Doris is going to offer faster queries and higher stability in hybrid workload scenarios.

Doc: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/query-acceleration/pipeline-execution-engine/

The Pipeline execution engine is enabled by default in Apache Doris 2.0: Set enable_pipeline_engine = true. parallel_pipeline_task_num represents the number of pipeline tasks that are parallelly executed in SQL queries. The default value of it is 0, and users can change the value as they need. For those who are upgrading to Apache Doris 2.0 from an older version, it is recommended to set the value of parallel_pipeline_task_num to that of parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num in the old version.

Workload management

Based on the Pipeline execution engine, Apache Doris 2.0 divides the workloads into Workload Groups for fine-grained management of memory and CPU resources.

By relating a query to a Workload Group, users can limit the percentage of memory and CPU resources used by one query on the backend nodes and configure memory soft limits for resource groups. When there is a cluster resource shortage, the system will kill the largest memory-consuming tasks; when there is sufficient cluster resources, once the Workload Groups use more resources than expected, the idle cluster resources will be shared among multiple Workload Groups and the system memory will still be used to ensure stable execution of queries.

create workload group if not exists etl_group
properties (
    "max_concurrency" = "10",
    "max_queue_size" = "20",
    "queue_timeout" = "3000"

You can check the existing Workload Group via the Show command:

Query queue

When creating a Workload Group, users can set a maximum query number for it. Queries beyond that limit will wait for execution in the query queue.

Doc: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/admin-manual/workload-group/

Elastic Scaling and Storage-Compute Separation

When it comes to computation and storage resources, what do users want?

To separate storage and computation is a way to realize elastic scaling of resources, but it demands more efforts in maintaining storage stability, which determines the stability and continuity of OLAP services. To ensure storage stability, we introduced mechanisms including cache management, computation resource management, and garbage collection.

In this respect, we divide our users into three groups after investigation:

  1. Users with no need for resource scaling
  2. Users requiring resource scaling, low storage costs, and workload separation from Apache Doris
  3. Users who already have a stable large-scale storage system and thus require an advanced compute-storage-separated architecture for efficient resource scaling

Apache Doris 2.0 provides two solutions to address the needs of the first two types of users.

  1. Compute nodes. We introduced stateless compute nodes in version 2.0. Unlike the mix nodes, the compute nodes do not save any data and are not involved in workload balancing of data tablets during cluster scaling. Thus, they are able to quickly join the cluster and share the computing pressure during peak times. In addition, in data lakehouse analysis, these nodes will be the first ones to execute queries on remote storage (HDFS/S3) so there will be no resource competition between internal tables and external tables.
    1. Doc: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/advanced/compute_node/
  2. Hot-cold data separation. Hot/cold data refers to data that is frequently/seldom accessed, respectively. Generally, it makes more sense to store cold data in low-cost storage. Older versions of Apache Doris support lifecycle management of table partitions: As hot data cooled down, it would be moved from SSD to HDD. However, data was stored with multiple replicas on HDD, which was still a waste. Now, in Apache Doris 2.0, cold data can be stored in object storage, which is even cheaper and allows single-copy storage. That reduces the storage costs by 70% and cuts down the computation and network overheads that come with storage.

    1. Doc: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/advanced/cold_hot_separation/

    2. Read more: https://doris.apache.org/blog/HCDS/

For the third type of users, the SelectDB team is going to contribute the SelectDB Cloud Compute-Storage-Separation solution to the Apache Doris project. The performance and stability of this solution has stood the test of hundreds of companies in their production environment. The merging of the solution to Apache Doris is underway.

Faster, Stabler, and Smarter Data Writing

Higher speed in data writing

As part of our continuing effort to strengthen the real-time analytic capability of Apache Doris, we have improved the end-to-end real-time data writing of version 2.0:

Greater stability in high-concurrency data writing

The merging of small files, write amplification, and the consequential disk I/O and CPU overheads are often the sources of system instability. Hence, we introduced Vertical Compaction and Segment Compaction in version 2.0 to eliminate OOM errors in compaction and avoid the generation of too many segment files during data writing. After such improvements, Apache Doris can write data 50% faster while using only 10% of the memory that it previously used.

Read more: https://doris.apache.org/blog/Compaction

Auto-synchronization of table schema

The latest Flink-Doris-Connector allows users to synchronize the whole database (such as MySQL) to Apache Doris by one simple step. According to our test results, one single synchronization task can undertake the real-time concurrent writing of thousands of tables. Apache Doris has automated the updating of upstream table schema and data so users no longer need to go through a complicated synchronization procedure. Also, changes in the upstream data schema will be automatically captured and dynamically updated to Apache Doris in a seamless manner.

Support for Partial Column Update in the Unique Key Model

Apache Doris 1.2 realized real-time writing and quick query execution at the same time with the Merge-on-Write mechanism in the Unique Key Model. Now in version 2.0, we have further improved the Unique Key Model. It supports partial column update so when ingesting multiple source tables, users don't have to merge them into one flat table in advance.

On this basis, we have also enhanced the capability of Merge-on-Write. Apache Doris 2.0 is 50% faster than Apache Doris 1.2 in large data writing and 10 times faster in high-concurrency data writing. A parallel processing mechanism is available to avoid "publish timeout" (E-3115), and a more efficient compaction mechanism is in place to prevent "too many versions" (E-235). All this allows users to replace Merge-on-Read with Merge-on-Write in more scenarios. Plus, partial column update makes the execution of the UPDATE and DELETE statements less costly.

The execution of partial column update is simple.

Example (Stream Load):

Suppose that you have the following table schema:

mysql> desc user_profile;
| Field            | Type            | Null | Key   | Default | Extra |
| id               | INT             | Yes  | true  | NULL    |       |
| name             | VARCHAR(10)     | Yes  | false | NULL    | NONE  |
| age              | INT             | Yes  | false | NULL    | NONE  |
| city             | VARCHAR(10)     | Yes  | false | NULL    | NONE  |
| balance          | DECIMALV3(9, 0) | Yes  | false | NULL    | NONE  |
| last_access_time | DATETIME        | Yes  | false | NULL    | NONE  |

If you need to batch update the "balance" and "last access time" fields for the last 10 seconds, you can put the updates in a CSV file as follows:

1,500,2023-07-03 12:00:01
3,23,2023-07-03 12:00:02
18,9999999,2023-07-03 12:00:03

Then, add a header partial_columns:true and specify the relevant column names in the the Stream Load command:

curl  --location-trusted -u root: -H "partial_columns:true" -H "column_separator:," -H "columns:id,balance,last_access_time" -T /tmp/test.csv

Farewell to OOM

Memory management might not be on the priority list of users until there is a memory problem. However, real-life analytics is full of extreme cases that are challenging memory stability. In large computation tasks, OOM errors often cause queries to fail or even result in a backend downtime.

To solve this, we have improved the memory data structures, reconstructed the MemTrackers, and introduced soft memory limits for queries and a GC mechansim to cope with process memory overflow. The new memory management mechanism allocates, caculates, and monitors memory more efficiently. According to benchmark tests, pressure tests, and user feedback, it eliminates most memory hotspots and backend downtime. Even if there is an OOM error, users can locate the question spot based on the logs and take actions accordingly.

In a word, Apache Doris 2.0 is able to handle complicated computation and large ETL/ELT operations with greater system stability.

Read more: https://doris.apache.org/blog/Memory_Management/

Support for Kubernetes Deployment

Older versions of Apache Doris communicate based on IP, so any host failure in Kubernetes deployment that causes a POD IP drift will lead to cluster unavailability. Now, version 2.0 supports FQDN. That means the failed Doris nodes can recover automatically without human intervention, which lays the foundation for Kubernetes deployment and elastic scaling.

Doc: https://doris.apache.org/docs/dev/install/k8s-deploy/

Support for Cross-Cluster Replication

For data synchronization across multiple clusters, Apache Doris used to require regular data backup and restoration via the Backup/Restore command. The process required intermediate storage and came with high latency. Apache Doris 2.0.0 supports cross-cluster replication (CCR), which automates this process. Data changes at the database/table level in the source cluster will be synchronized to the target cluster. This feature allows for higher availability of data, read/write workload separation, and cross-data-center replication.

Behavior Change

Known Issues

iflamed commented 1 year ago

How do you calculate the 10x performance increase? Which version is being compared.

will0815 commented 1 year ago

Will there be no dynamic schema table related functions in version 2.0?

nferrario commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, I can't seem to get partial_columns working (attaching screenshots and snipped in this thread):

Execution failed: Error Failed to execute sql: java.sql.SQLException: (conn=18) errCode = 2, detailMessage = partial_columns is invalid property

Is there anything I'm missing? I'm using the latest 2.0.0 build from the main website.

`message_id` CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
`customer_id` INT NOT NULL,
`provider_id` INT NOT NULL,
`bind_id` INT NOT NULL,
 `node_id` INT NOT NULL,
`routing_zone_id` INT NOT NULL,
`country_code` INT NOT NULL,
`event` INT NOT NULL,
`status` INT NOT NULL,
`operator_code` INT NOT NULL,
`account_id` INT NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY (`message_id`)
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1",
"enable_unique_key_merge_on_write" = "true"
CREATE ROUTINE LOAD sms_toolbox_routine_load ON sms_toolbox
    "max_batch_interval" = "20",
    "max_batch_rows" = "300000",
    "max_batch_size" = "209715200",
    "format" = "json",
    "partial_columns" = "true"
    "kafka_broker_list" = ",,",
    "kafka_topic" = "sms-toolbox",
    "property.group.id" = "doris",
    "property.client.id" = "doris",
    "property.kafka_default_offsets" = "OFFSET_BEGINNING"

Version: doris-2.0.0-rc04-96bb9a7 And from the Home web page:

Git : git://VM-10-6-centos@96bb9a7d0881cabf114c3618585fa18549d7b2ea

Version : doris-2.0.0-rc04

BuildInfo : VM-10-6-centos

BuildTime : Sun, 06 Aug 2023 16:25:12 UTC

Perhaps the build that's uploaded isn't the final 2.0.0? I just found this stacktrace with (doris-fe.jar:1.2-SNAPSHOT):

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: (conn=21) errCode = 2, detailMessage = partial_columns is invalid property
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.export.ExceptionFactory.createException(ExceptionFactory.java:287) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.export.ExceptionFactory.create(ExceptionFactory.java:358) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.message.ClientMessage.readPacket(ClientMessage.java:133) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.client.impl.StandardClient.readPacket(StandardClient.java:815) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.client.impl.StandardClient.readResults(StandardClient.java:765) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.client.impl.StandardClient.readResponse(StandardClient.java:673) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.client.impl.StandardClient.execute(StandardClient.java:616) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.Statement.executeInternal(Statement.java:906) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.Statement.execute(Statement.java:1031) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.mariadb.jdbc.Statement.execute(Statement.java:441) ~[mariadb-java-client-3.0.4.jar:?]
    at org.apache.doris.httpv2.util.StatementSubmitter$Worker.call(StatementSubmitter.java:120) ~[doris-fe.jar:1.2-SNAPSHOT]
    at org.apache.doris.httpv2.util.StatementSubmitter$Worker.call(StatementSubmitter.java:83) ~[doris-fe.jar:1.2-SNAPSHOT]