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FE 和 BE 节点正常,使用 Doris on es ,不能正确链接至 ES 地址 #5389

Open xlz926 opened 3 years ago

xlz926 commented 3 years ago

环境:docker 容器内容部署好单节点 BE 和 FE节点,ES 访问也是正常的,链接至扩展ES 地址,建表语句:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test ( k1 bigint(20) COMMENT "", k2 datetime COMMENT "", k3 varchar(20) COMMENT "", k4 varchar(100) COMMENT "", k5 float COMMENT "" ) ENGINE=ELASTICSEARCH PROPERTIES ( "hosts" = "", "index" = "test", "type" = "_doc", "user" = "root", "password" = "", "enable_docvalue_scan" = "true" ); 创建语句正常执行成功,hosts 地址如果正确,但是查询的时候 Ip 地址为什么会是72.20.0.2 ,具体错误日志如下: I0214 11:49:27.722384 15681 task_worker_pool.cpp:1098] finish report task. master host: port: 9020 W0214 11:49:29.185159 15872 http_client.cpp:165] fail to execute HTTP client, errmsg=Failed to connect to port 9200: Connection timed out W0214 11:49:29.185246 15872 es_scan_reader.cpp:111] Failed to connect to ES server, errmsg is: Failed to connect to port 9200: Connection timed out W0214 11:49:29.185346 15872 es_http_scan_node.cpp:444] Scanner[0] process failed. status=Failed to connect to ES server, errmsg is: Failed to connect to port 9200: Connection timed out

访问 ES 的地址变成了 这个 IP 地址。我试着把 ES 地址改为一个不可用地址会提示如下错误: 1064 - errCode = 2, detailMessage = fetch es table [test] metadata failure: Failed to connect to /, Time: 0.002000s

请问是否还有配置还是哪里设置不对,怎么解决 ES 的正常访问

wuyunfeng commented 3 years ago


wuyunfeng commented 3 years ago


xlz926 commented 3 years ago

image 以上问题,如果我直接把 target 写成访问172.17.0.1:9200 地址,查询的时候就正常了,没有以上异常。请问下 这个 target 是在配置文件中可以配置吗,我看代码目前是默认就把本机做为访问节点的。 image


wuyunfeng commented 3 years ago


ddsr-ops commented 3 years ago

@wuyunfeng Hi, I faced the same question, doris vesion 0.14. Table DDL:

  `k1` bigint(20) COMMENT "",
  `k2` datetime COMMENT "",
  `k3` varchar(20) COMMENT "",
  `k4` varchar(100) COMMENT "",
  `k5` float COMMENT ""
"hosts" = ",,,,,,",
"index" = "test1",
"type" = "_doc",
"user" = "",
"password" = ""

Some error messages appear in the be.log:

I1111 15:20:46.328352 132220 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:76] Prepare(): query_id=ab790c9841ec490b-8d831caf4787fd33 fragment_instance_id=ab790c9841ec490b-8d831caf4787fd34 backend_num=0
I1111 15:20:46.328650 132220 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:138] Using query memory limit: 2.00 GB
I1111 15:20:46.329373 131971 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:237] Open(): fragment_instance_id=ab790c9841ec490b-8d831caf4787fd34
I1111 15:20:46.329859 250195 es_scroll_query.cpp:135] Generated ES queryDSL [ {"query":{"match_all":{}},"stored_fields":"_none_","docvalue_fields":["k1","k2","k3.keyword","k4.keyword","k5"],"sort":["_doc"],"size":1024} ]
I1111 15:20:46.330041 250195 es_scan_reader.cpp:102] First scroll request URL: datanode1/,hits.total,hits.hits._score,hits.hits.fields&terminate_after=1024
W1111 15:20:46.330574 250195 http_client.cpp:165] fail to execute HTTP client, errmsg=Failed to connect to datanode1 port 80: Connection refused
W1111 15:20:46.330875 250195 es_scan_reader.cpp:111] Failed to connect to ES server, errmsg is: Failed to connect to datanode1 port 80: Connection refused
W1111 15:20:46.331095 250195 es_http_scan_node.cpp:445] Scanner[0] process failed. status=Failed to connect to ES server, errmsg is: Failed to connect to datanode1 port 80: Connection refused
W1111 15:20:46.333380 131971 fragment_mgr.cpp:220] Got error while opening fragment ab790c9841ec490b-8d831caf4787fd34: Internal error: Failed to connect to ES server, errmsg is: Failed to connect to datanode1 port 80: Connection refused
I1111 15:20:46.333977 131971 plan_fragment_executor.cpp:581] Fragment ab790c9841ec490b-8d831caf4787fd34:(Active: 1.505ms, non-child: 0.00%)
   - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00
   - FragmentCpuTime: 134.435us
   - MemoryLimit: 2.00 GB
   - PeakMemoryUsage: 8.00 KB
   - PeakReservation: 0
   - PeakUsedReservation: 0

Why es request url looks like this, so confused.

slowmoon commented 3 years ago

@ddsr-ops same question, do you solve now ?

wuyunfeng commented 3 years ago

@ddsr-ops datanode1/ 确认下这个吧 地址不对

ddsr-ops commented 3 years ago

@ddsr-ops same question, do you solve now ?

@slowmoon yes, add network.host = in es yml config file, then restart es and recreate doris table , you can solve it .

ddsr-ops commented 3 years ago

@ddsr-ops datanode1/ 确认下这个吧 地址不对

@wuyunfeng I believe you have seen the ddl of table gch_test_es, I config hosts correctly. But I add network.host = in es yml config file, restart es, then doris could connect es successfully.

wuyunfeng commented 3 years ago

嗯 我的意思是地址前面有个datanode1,改成0.0.0.0可以说明还是网络问题呢