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Planner optimization for comparison query #16728

Open pjain1 opened 2 months ago

pjain1 commented 2 months ago

For a comparison query that compares previous time range to current time range on some metric like below

  (COALESCE(base."page", comparison."page")) AS "page", 
  (ANY_VALUE(base."added")) AS "added",
  (ANY_VALUE(comparison."added")) AS "added_prev",
  (ANY_VALUE(base."added" - comparison."added")) AS "added_delta" 
  (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia"  WHERE "__time" >= '2016-06-27T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2016-06-27T01:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 10) base 
  (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2016-06-27T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2016-06-27T02:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1) comparison 
  (base."page" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparison."page") 
ORDER BY "added" DESC 

Druid calculates the base(left) and comparison(right) inner queries and joins them on page dimension. However if the dimension is high cardinality, the comparison query might fail with ResourceLimitExceededException as it might exceed maxSubqueryBytes limit. Limit cannot be pushed to the comparison query as it might have different topNs than the base one. An inner query selecting topn values from base time range also cannot be used in the where clause of comparison query as if there is a null value then <NULL> IN NULL comparison is false so null value in comparison query will be ignored.

Druid can however compute the base query first and push the join values into the comparison query to limit the comparison query results. Can planner do this optimization or any other ideas ?

kgyrtkirk commented 2 months ago

interesting; I think these things could be supported in general with some kind of semijoin

however for the above query I think there is an alterante way to write the query: instead of:

  (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia"  WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 33) base 
  (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1) comparison 
  (base."page" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparison."page") 

a single query could be given to collect both aggregates

SELECT "page", 
    sum(added) filter (where "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z') as base_added,
    sum(added) filter (where "__time" >= '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z')  AS comparison_added
  FROM "wikipedia"  WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "base_added" DESC LIMIT 33

I believe this rewrite could not be done in all cases; but might worth a try; could you check if this would help? or if yes how much?

not sure if the input query could be recognized and rewritten to this one automatically...it doesn't seem impossible; but right now I feel like that would be a bit fragile

queries used/etc modified base query ```sql SELECT (COALESCE(base."page", comparison."page")) AS "page", (ANY_VALUE(base."added")) AS "added", (ANY_VALUE(comparison."added")) AS "added_prev", (ANY_VALUE(base."added" - comparison."added")) AS "added_delta" FROM (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 33) base LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT "page", sum(added) AS "added" FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1) comparison ON (base."page" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparison."page") GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 33 ``` plan is to join a topN and a gby result rewritten query ``` SELECT page, (ANY_VALUE(base_added)) AS "added", (ANY_VALUE(comparison_added)) AS "added_prev", (ANY_VALUE(base_added - comparison_added)) AS "added_delta" FROM (SELECT "page", sum(added) filter (where "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z') as base_added, sum(added) filter (where "__time" >= '2015-09-12T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z') AS comparison_added FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2015-09-12T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2015-09-12T20:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "base_added" DESC LIMIT 33) base GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 33 ``` plan is to do a gby on a topn
pjain1 commented 2 months ago

Thanks @kgyrtkirk for the inputs, it works really well is cases where metric definition is simple. In case where metric expression is a little involved, filter needs to be added to each agg function for example sum(price) - sum(cost) would need to become sum(price) FILTER (…) - sum(cost) FILTER (…) and so on. Also tried a semi-join approach but that does not work well in Druid, planner essentially does an inner join with whole underlying table.

  base AS (
    SELECT page, sum(added) as added FROM "wikipedia"  WHERE "__time" >= '2016-06-27T00:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2016-06-27T01:00:00.000Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "added" DESC LIMIT 8
  comparison AS (
    SELECT page, sum(added) AS added FROM "wikipedia" WHERE "__time" >= '2016-06-27T01:00:00.000Z' AND "__time" < '2016-06-27T02:00:00.000Z' 
    AND (SELECT 1 FROM base WHERE page IS NOT DISTINCT FROM base.page LIMIT 1) = 1
    GROUP BY 1
  ANY_VALUE(base.added) AS base_added,
  ANY_VALUE(comparison.added) AS comparison_added,
  ANY_VALUE(base.added - comparison.added) AS added_delta 
FROM base LEFT JOIN comparison ON (base.page IS NOT DISTINCT FROM comparison.page) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY "base_added" DESC LIMIT 8
egor-ryashin commented 2 months ago

Somehow FILTER is 2x slower on my datasource. I tried these two:

select "camp", 
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07') p,
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14') n,
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14') - sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07') delta
  atd_pba where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-14'
group by 1  
order by delta   
limit 10

select p."camp", any_value(p.c), any_value(n.c), any_value(n.c- p.c ) delta from (
  select "camp" , sum(cnt)  c from atd_pba where   __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07' group by camp
) p  
left join
  select "camp" , sum(cnt) c from atd_pba where   __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14'  group by camp
) n 
 on p.camp is not distinct from n.camp 
group by 1
order by delta
limit 10
egor-ryashin commented 2 months ago

Actually, as cardinality grows FILTER begins to outperform JOIN.

kgyrtkirk commented 2 months ago

yes; it supposed to plan as a TopN query - which works a bit differently ;nd iirc it doesn't support vectorization - so in smaller cases it may be slower

egor-ryashin commented 2 months ago

I added cardinality by grouping additional dimensions - now it looks like this:

select "camp",  "buyer" , "source" ,
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07') p,
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14') n,
  sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14') - sum(cnt) filter (where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07') delta
from atd_pba 
where __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-14' 
 group by 1,2,3 
order by delta 
  limit 10
select p."camp", p. "buyer" ,p. "source",any_value(p.c), any_value(n.c), any_value(n.c- p.c ) delta from ( 
  select "camp", "buyer" , "source" , sum(cnt)  c from atd_pba where   __time >= '2024-06-01' and __time < '2024-06-07' group by 1,2,3
) p 
left join 
  select "camp", "buyer" , "source" , sum(cnt) c from atd_pba where   __time >= '2024-06-07' and __time < '2024-06-14'  group by 1,2,3
) n
 on p.camp is not distinct from n.camp and p.buyer is not distinct from n.buyer and p.source is not distinct from n.source
group by 1,2,3
order by delta 
limit 10