apache / dubbo-go

Go Implementation For Apache Dubbo .
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to invoke the method com.***.****.XxxxService .No provider is available because can't connect server. #2607

Open drama10096 opened 6 months ago

drama10096 commented 6 months ago


Issue description

通过dubbo-go客户端调用java提供的dubbo服务,报“No provider is available because can't connect server” 这种奇怪错误(偶现的,感觉机器负载压力高的时候会出现),查不到相关资料,在容器内部 telnet 命令访问目标dubbo服务的ip和端口是能正常通信的,dubbo管控台也正常体现provider的服务


![Uploading Snipaste_2024-03-05_17-15-32.png…]()

Click me to check logs ``` Failed to invoke the method getHealthyEnvConfigListByShowTypeV2 of the service com.aaaa.bbbb.healthy.HealthyService .No provider is available because can't connect server. ```
drama10096 commented 6 months ago

![Uploading Snipaste_2024-03-05_17-15-32.png…]()

chickenlj commented 6 months ago

The picture is broken.

drama10096 commented 1 month ago

The picture is broken.


Failed to invoke the method batchPkgUpgradeByRange of the service com.xxx.xxx.xx.IUpgradeService .No provider is available because can't connect server.

drama10096 commented 1 month ago

Environment Server: java提供的dubbo服务, dubbo版本2.7.3 Client: Dubbo-go, v1.5.8 Protocol:dubbo Registry: zookeeper

dubbo-go源码中的代码位置: cluster/cluster_impl/failover_cluster_invoker.go:49 日志打印代码: "Failed to invoke the method %s of the service %s .No provider is available because can't connect server."

这里的server是个什么意思??? 日志里没体现IP或端口地址