apache / dubbo-js

The Typescript implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework for Node.js and Web development.
Apache License 2.0
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有关dubbo2.js中间件问题 #123

Closed kusion closed 5 years ago

kusion commented 5 years ago

在使用dubbo2.js中,根据文档使用了中间件,可以监听到Node的每一次请求发出。 `const dubbo = new Dubbo({ application: {name}, service, dubboSetting, register, });

dubbo.use(async (ctx: any, next: any) => {
console.log(ctx.request.methodName); await next(); });` 但是,如何通过中间件,监听Node端收到的Java服务端的响应数据呢? 谢谢!