Dubbo currently supports protobuf as a serialization method. Protobuf relies on proto (Idl) for code generation, but currently lacks tools for managing Idl files. For example, for java users, proto files are used for each compilation. It is more troublesome, and everyone is used to using jar packages for dependencies.
Implement an Idl management and control platform, support idl files to automatically generate dependency packages in various languages, and push them to relevant dependency warehouses
Dubbo currently supports protobuf as a serialization method. Protobuf relies on proto (Idl) for code generation, but currently lacks tools for managing Idl files. For example, for java users, proto files are used for each compilation. It is more troublesome, and everyone is used to using jar packages for dependencies.
Implement an Idl management and control platform, support idl files to automatically generate dependency packages in various languages, and push them to relevant dependency warehouses