apache / dubbo

The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
Apache License 2.0
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采用zookeeper集群配置,把所有zookeeper都停掉以后为什么还能调用服务 #1735

Closed renoxiang closed 6 years ago

renoxiang commented 6 years ago


com.alibaba.boot dubbo-spring-boot-starter 0.1.0
feelwing1314 commented 6 years ago

dubbo的消费端Consumer会local cache 服务提供端Provider的信息,启动Provider和Consumer后,如果服务没有变更;完全可以正常调用,没有任何影响。Provider和Consumer启动后,zk的作用是当有服务变更时通知订阅者更新信息

ralf0131 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @feelwing1314 for the explanation.