apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
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scroll event may prevent after use inside dataZoom #10079

Open hhshii opened 5 years ago

hhshii commented 5 years ago



Reproduction link


Steps to reproduce

  1. add an inside dataZoom(in this instance I set zoomOnMouseWheel:'shift')
  2. mouse hover in the chart grid and scroll the mouse

What is expected?

page scroll

What is actually happening?

scroll event may prevent , I can 't scroll page when I move mouse over the chart grid

echarts-bot[bot] commented 5 years ago

Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. 🎉 The average response time is expected to be within one day for weekdays.

In the meanwhile, please make sure that you have posted enough image to demo your request. You may also check out the API and chart option to get the answer.

Have a nice day! 🍵

pissang commented 5 years ago

It's a bad experience if the page will scroll when you do zooming on the chart. If you still want to, you can set http://echarts.apache.org/option.html#dataZoom-inside.preventDefaultMouseMove to false

hhshii commented 5 years ago

@pissang I've set it in this instance

hhshii commented 5 years ago

@pissang I've update the code codepen even I set preventDefaultMouseMove to false,it still can 't scroll page

hhshii commented 5 years ago

This problem still seems to exist on 4.2.1 (but works fine on 4.1.0), I can't scrll page when the mouse hover in grid, here is my DataZoom option:

        type: 'inside',
        preventDefaultMouseWheel: false

A CodePen here

It seems event is stopped by eventTool.stop(e.event)

FengHuangDong commented 5 years ago

@GFwer Has any solutions so far ?

hhshii commented 5 years ago

@GFwer Has any solutions so far ?

No, I have to revert to the old version...

easyremember commented 5 years ago

Is there any quick solution for this issue? It results in very very bad user experience!

ahmadordi commented 4 years ago

I face also the same problem and preventDefaultMouseWheel: false didn't help. Any Update ?

hhshii commented 4 years ago

I tried the latest version of echarts(4.5), and the problem is still exist

shv-a commented 4 years ago

Any workarounds?

nodesmichael commented 4 years ago

We are having the same issue.

55cc commented 4 years ago


Amanda1995pig commented 4 years ago


ahmadordi commented 4 years ago

Any update ?

rong12345 commented 3 years ago


techistoner commented 3 years ago


Orangat commented 3 years ago


cadriel commented 3 years ago

@pissang This appears to still be an issue in V5.

Preventing page scrolling, while having set a MODIFIER key for zoom - is a bad experience. At the very least this documented property should do as it describes.

Any chance we can get a fix in place?

vkjv commented 3 years ago

Hi, Any luck? I also need the same functionality where, I disable mouse wheel on the chart so that the page scroll should happen. I tried preventDefaultMouseMove and various other combinations available under the dataZoom options, but none of them seem to allow page scroll.

mfandre commented 3 years ago

Same here... :( http://iamferraz.com.br/gantt (click on toggle data zoom)

techistoner commented 3 years ago

更新最新版本echarts应该也可以解决,但是基于现有开发内容我做了如下操作: 更新至echarts4.9.0 (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/echarts/4.9.0/dist/echarts.js) 替换src/Echarts/tpl.html中script标签中内容为上面echarts.js内容即可升级完成 配置如下: dataZoom: [ { id: 'dataZoomX', xAxisIndex: [0], type:'inside', moveOnMouseMove: true,//zoom后横向滑动 preventDefaultMouseMove: false, } ]

HUANGChaoLi commented 3 years ago

any update? I meet the same problem

pooria-h commented 2 years ago

+1 Same problem!

Almar commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

I had the same problem but found the following work-around (or hack). The snipped is from Angular code; this.parentNativeElement points to the parent element that needs to scroll.

    this.chart.nativeElement.querySelector("canvas").onwheel = (event) => {
      if (!event.ctrlKey) {
        this.parentNativeElement.scrollBy(0, event.deltaY);
pooria-h commented 2 years ago


Nice job

On a Vue.js app:

const canvas = this.$refs.nameOfTheComponent.$el.childNodes[0].children[0];
canvas.onwheel = (event) => {
  if (!event.ctrlKey) {
    window.scrollBy(0, event.deltaY);
Maazaowski commented 2 years ago

@Almar @pooria-h Any similar workaround for html/javascript?

Almar commented 2 years ago

@Maazaowski, Yes, you can also solve the problem when using html/javascript. It is a workaround, so we're not solving the underlying problem. The mouse events are captured by the graph, which causes the problem. The workaround is basically a bypass – subscribing to the mouse events of the canvas element and then feeding them into the scroll container (the/a parent element of the graph).

To implement it yourself you’ll need to find a reference to the canvas element and the ‘scroll container’ (the parent element of the graph that needs to scroll). Your code should look something like the following (please mind that I did not test it).

Let scrollContainer = document.querySelector(“div#scrollcontainer”)
Let canvasElement = scrollContainer.querySelector(“canvas”);
canvasElement.onwheel = (event) => {
      if (!event.ctrlKey) {
        scrollContainer.scrollBy(0, event.deltaY);
agardiol commented 2 years ago

Problem still there in v 5.3.1 !

qingxiao commented 2 years ago

Problem still there in v 5.3.1 !

+1 in 5.3.0

vladfrontend commented 2 years ago

One way to solve it is to disable zoom entirely by setting zoomLock: true. For mobile devices you will also need to set preventDefaultMouseMove: false for whatever reason.

kaihenzler commented 2 years ago

I wanted to share my workaround for this issue.

This can be done with vanilla JS or any ui library.

Here you can see how it's done in Angular: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ngx-echarts-qd5up4?file=src/app/app.component.ts

F-gen commented 2 years ago

still not solve hh

sgurin commented 1 year ago

Fix, please

ranwang0417 commented 1 year ago

Please fix orz

ePluvinage commented 1 year ago

I used @Almar 's workaround (thanks BTW), with some modifications to adapt it to my case, but I really don't think we should be doing this.

haoguangchuan commented 1 year ago

Problem still there in v 5.3.4 !

helgasoft commented 1 year ago

setting an inside dataZoom AND expecting a page scroll when scrolling inside chart - doesn't make much sense. Got to choose one or the other, can't have both simultaneously.

karan182020 commented 4 months ago

When is the plan to fix this issue? Thanks.

Xiaobaishushu25 commented 4 months ago

It has been almost five years and still exists.