Open maryhmhhu opened 2 years ago
Please try to minify your data to make it easier to read and understand.
Hi @Ovilia , this is a simplified version of the example with just 2 series.
Same problems of xAxis max value is 50 when it should be 25; when min and max on the xAxis are specified (as 21 and 26), only one series is shown at a time; and it stacks properly only when x-axis type is category
instead of value
x-axis type is value
x-axis type is category
The default max value of the xAxis (when max
is not set) seems to be weird.
I can also replicate this bug on my charts when I simply apply stack on my series when xAxis type is set to value
Here is our open issue:
Here is a modified stacked bar chart example
as you can see, the max value on xAxis should be 1320, not 3000
This only happens when xAxis type is value (not category)
I noticed that if you remove any of the series, the maxValue will be reduced as well, like maxValue is the maxValue * number of series whe stack is applied.
we're using
"echarts": "^5.3.0",
"echarts-for-react": "^3.0.2",
It seams like stacked xAxis max value example:
option = {
xAxis: {
type: 'value'
yAxis: {
type: 'value'
series: [
data: [
[10, 50],
[15, 100]
type: 'bar',
stack: 'jrx'
data: [
[12, 50],
[14, 100]
type: 'bar',
stack: 'jrx'
And It's stack strategy like the line,but show the bar as it own way,without stacked and accurately.
Another question, the "value type xAxis" with "bar series" doesn‘t stack well
Another question, the "value type xAxis" with "bar series" doesn‘t stack well
// Expected for value type x-axis with bar series stacked
const xStackMap = {};
option.series.forEach((series, index) => {
series.z = option.series.length - index;, i) => {
const xValue = d[0];
const yValue = d[1];
const stackedValue = xStackMap[xValue];
if (stackedValue === undefined) {
xStackMap[xValue] = yValue;
} else {
d[1] = yValue + stackedValue;
xStackMap[xValue] = d[1];
New Version!
const stackMap = {}
option.series.forEach((series, index) => {
if (series.stack == null) {
series.z = option.series.length
series.z = option.series.length - index
const xStackMap = stackMap[series.stack] || {}
stackMap[series.stack] = xStackMap, i) => {
const xValue = d[0]
const yValue = d[1]
const stackedValue = xStackMap[xValue]
if (stackedValue === undefined) {
xStackMap[xValue] = yValue
} else {
d[1] = yValue + stackedValue
xStackMap[xValue] = d[1]
Link to Minimal Reproduction
Link to Chart
Expand for chart config
``` option = { "grid":{ "bottom":40, "containLabel":true, "left":34, "right":97 }, "toolbox":{ "feature":{ "dataView":{ "show":true }, "dataZoom":{ "show":true, "yAxisIndex":"all" }, "saveAsImage":{ "name":"image", "show":true } }, "show":true }, "textStyle":{ "fontFamily":"Inter" }, "dataZoom":{ "type":"inside", "zoomLock":true }, "dataset":{ "dimensions":[ "Week", "C", "L", "M", "B", "G", "CO" ], "source":[ { "Week":" 22", "G":1, "M":12, "C":3, "CO":2, "L":null, "B":null }, { "Week":" 23", "L":4, "C":1, "M":9, "B":1, "G":1, "CO":null }, { "Week":" 24", "C":17, "L":null, "M":null, "B":null, "G":null, "CO":null }, { "Week":" 25", "C":1, "L":null, "M":null, "B":null, "G":null, "CO":null } ] }, "legend":{ "icon":"rect", "itemHeight":16, "itemWidth":16, "show":true, "left":"right", "orient":"vertical", "top":50 }, "series":[ { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"C" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#3182EB" }, "label":{ "color":"#000", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"C", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" }, { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"L" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#FF7D1B" }, "label":{ "color":"#000", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"L", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" }, { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"M" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#54B74B" }, "label":{ "color":"#000", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"M", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" }, { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"B" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#E43D55" }, "label":{ "color":"#000", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"B", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" }, { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"G" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#AC44EA" }, "label":{ "color":"#000", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"G", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" }, { "animation":false, "barGap":"0%", "encode":{ "x":"Week", "y":"CO" }, "itemStyle":{ "color":"#6C4141" }, "label":{ "color":"#ffffff", "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":10, "position":"inside", "show":true }, "labelLayout":{ "hideOverlap":true }, "name":"CO", "stack":"stack", "type":"bar" } ], "tooltip":{ }, "xAxis":{ "axisLabel":{ "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":11, "hideOverlap":true, "interval":0, "rotate":0, "show":true }, "axisTick":{ "alignWithLabel":true, "interval":0 }, "max": 26, "min": 21, "boundaryGap":true, "name":"Week", "nameGap":40, "nameLocation":"middle", "nameTextStyle":{ "align":"center", "fontSize":14, "fontWeight":"bold", "padding":[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "verticalAlign":"top" }, "show":true, "type":"value" // "type":"category" }, "yAxis":{ "axisLabel":{ "fontFamily":"Inter", "fontSize":11, "show":true }, "name":"user_id", "nameGap":40, "nameLocation":"middle", "nameTextStyle":{ "fontSize":14, "fontWeight":"bold" }, "scale":false, "show":true, "type":"value" } } ```Steps to Reproduce
It seems de-selecting series from the chart changes the xAxis max value.
Current Behavior
xAxis max value is 150 when it should be 25, the chart is unreadable:
on the xAxis are specified, only one series is shown at a time:Expected Behavior
It stacks properly when x-axis type is
instead ofvalue
Any additional comments?
No response