Closed zhangtao0828 closed 1 year ago
I'm sorry to close this issue for it lacks the necessary title. Please provide a descriptive and as concise as possible title to describe your problems or requests and then the maintainers or I will reopen this issue.
Every good bug report or feature request starts with a title. Your issue title is a critical element as it's the first thing maintainers see.
A good issue title makes it easier for maintainers to understand what the issue is, easily locate it, and know what steps they'll need to take to fix it.
Moreover, it's better to include keywords, as this makes it easier to find the issue self and similar issues in searches.
Link to Minimal Reproduction
let base = +new Date(1968, 9, 3); let oneDay = 24 3600 1000; let date = []; let data = [Math.random() 300]; for (let i = 1; i < 20; i++) { var now = new Date((base += oneDay)); date.push([now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()].join('/')); data.push(Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) 20 + data[i - 1])); } option = { tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', position: function (pt) { return [pt[0], '10%']; } }, title: { left: 'center', text: 'Large Area Chart' }, toolbox: { feature: { dataZoom: { yAxisIndex: 'none' }, restore: {}, saveAsImage: {} } }, xAxis: { type: 'category', boundaryGap: false, data: date, axisLabel:{ interval:0 }, splitArea: { show: true, areaStyle: { color: ['red', 'red','red', 'red','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''] } } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', boundaryGap: [0, '100%'] }, dataZoom: [ { type: 'inside', start: 0, end: 100, }, { start: 0, end: 100, } ], series: [ { name: 'Fake Data', type: 'line', symbol: 'none', sampling: 'lttb', itemStyle: { color: 'rgb(255, 70, 131)' }, areaStyle: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [ { offset: 0, color: 'rgb(255, 158, 68)' }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgb(255, 70, 131)' } ]) }, data: data } ] };
Steps to Reproduce
Current Behavior
The splitArea background color position changed after dragging
Expected Behavior
Fix this bug
Any additional comments?
No response