apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug] 仪表盘进度条末端样式不生效 #19392

Open The-web-guy opened 11 months ago

The-web-guy commented 11 months ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction

borderCap: 'square'

Steps to Reproduce

option = { series: [ { type: 'gauge', center: ['50%', '60%'], radius: '64%', startAngle: 270, endAngle: -90, splitNumber: 4, min: 0, max: 80, itemStyle: { color: '#FFAB91', borderColor: '#fff', shadowColor: 'rgb(241, 234, 224)', shadowBlur: 15, shadowOffsetY: 5 }, progress: { show: true, width: 1, itemStyle: { width: 1, color: 'rgb(241, 234, 224)' } },

  pointer: {
    show: false
 axisLine: {
    lineStyle: {
      width: 1,
      color: [
        [1 / 8, '#fff'],//根据实际数据动态改变
        [7 / 8, 'rgb(227, 227, 227)'],
        [1, '#fff']
  axisTick: {
    distance: -45,
    splitNumber: 10,
    lineStyle: {
      width: 2,
      color: 'auto'
  splitLine: {
    distance: -55,
    length: 15,
    lineStyle: {
      width: 3,
      color: 'auto'
  axisLabel: {
    distance: -60,
    color: '#999999',
    fontSize: 20,
    formatter: function (value) {
      console.log('value', value)
      return value + '℃'
  detail: {
   show: false
  data: [
      value: 80
  type: 'gauge',
  center: ['50%', '60%'],
  startAngle: 225,
  endAngle: -45,
  min: 0,
  max: 1,
  radius: '75%',
  itemStyle: {
    color: '#FFAB91'
  progress: {
    show: true,
     type: 'linear',
    width: 30,
     itemStyle: {
        // color: new echarts.graphic.RadialGradient(0.2, 1, 1, [
        //   {
        //     offset: 1,
        //     color: 'rgb(246, 215, 178)'
        //   },
        //   {
        //     offset: 0,
        //     color: 'rgb(255, 247, 234)'
        //   }
        // ]),
        color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(1, 0, 0, 0, [
            offset: 1,
            color: 'rgb(255, 246, 237)'
            offset: 0.5,
            color: 'rgb(254, 244, 232)'
            offset: 0,
            color: 'rgb(248, 213, 177)'

  pointer: {
    show: false
 axisLine: {
      lineStyle: {
      width: 30,
      color: [
        [0.5, 'rgb(254, 244, 232)'],
        [1, 'rgb(255, 246, 237)']
  axisTick: {
     show: false
  splitLine: {
   show: false
  axisLabel: {
     show: false
  detail: {
   show: false
  data: [
      value: 100
  type: 'gauge',
  center: ['50%', '60%'],
  startAngle: 225,
  endAngle: -45,
  min: 10,
  max: 70,
  splitNumber: 4,
  itemStyle: {
    color: '#FF8400'
  progress: {
    show: true,
    width: 8,
        itemStyle: {

          color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(1, 0, 0, 1, [
            offset: 0,
            color: '#FF8400'
            offset: 1,
            color: '#F4E1CD'

         borderCap: 'square'
  pointer: {
    show: false
  axisLine: {
       lineStyle: {
      width: 30
  axisTick: {
    show: false
  splitLine: {
    show: false
  axisLabel: {
    show: false
  detail: {
    valueAnimation: true,
    width: '60%',
    lineHeight: 40,
    borderRadius: 8,
    offsetCenter: [0, '-15%'],
    fontSize: 60,
    fontWeight: 'bolder',
    formatter: function (value) {
      console.log('value', value)
      return value + '℃'
    color: 'inherit'
  data: [
      value: 20

] }; setInterval(function () { const random = +(Math.random() * 80).toFixed(2); myChart.setOption({ series: [ { data: [ { value: 80 } ] }, { data: [ { value: 100 } ] }, { data: [ { value: random } ] }, ] }); }, 2000);

Current Behavior

仪表盘进度条末端样式有borderCap属性,但是设置后无效 1

Expected Behavior



- OS:
- Browser:
- Framework:

Any additional comments?

No response

echarts-bot[bot] commented 11 months ago

@The-web-guy It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. 🤗

**TITLE** [Bug] The end style of the dashboard progress bar does not take effect