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Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
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[Bug] the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D is misaligned when the data is dynamically updated #20486

Closed JackFen closed 1 week ago

JackFen commented 2 weeks ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction

I do not how to edit it

Steps to Reproduce

let data = [[1, 1, 24, 31, 1], [1, 6, 68, 3, 2], [1, 11, 0, -5, 3], [1, 16, 89, 40, 4], [1, 21, 14, 18, 5], [1, 26, 47, 15, 6], [1, 31, 99, 27, 7], [1, 36, 77, 38, 8], [6, 1, 39, 35, 9], [6, 6, 34, 1, 10], [6, 11, 56, -6, 11], [6, 16, 61, 48, 12], [6, 21, 34, 21, 13], [6, 26, 36, 1, 14], [6, 31, 85, -7, 15], [6, 36, 97, 45, 16], [11, 1, 4, -1, 17], [11, 6, 80, 0, 18], [11, 11, 65, 1, 19], [11, 16, 83, 17, 20], [11, 21, 99, -2, 21], [11, 26, 4, 1, 22], [11, 31, 91, -9, 23], [11, 36, 8, 2, 24], [16, 1, 54, 45, 25], [16, 6, 72, 10, 26], [16, 11, 94, 1, 27], [16, 16, 14, 45, 28], [16, 21, 25, 3, 29], [16, 26, 35, 40, 30], [16, 31, 69, 9, 31], [16, 36, 38, 26, 32], [21, 1, 47, -8, 33], [21, 6, 45, 19, 34], [21, 11, 77, 25, 35], [21, 16, 99, 12, 36], [21, 21, 24, 30, 37], [21, 26, 20, -10, 38], [21, 31, 14, -2, 39], [21, 36, 31, 43, 40], [26, 1, 39, 14, 41], [26, 6, 74, 50, 42], [26, 11, 92, 41, 43], [26, 16, 46, 33, 44], [26, 21, 29, 42, 45], [26, 26, 40, 50, 46], [26, 31, 83, 11, 47], [26, 36, 74, 4, 48], [31, 1, 59, 6, 49], [31, 6, 48, 36, 50], [31, 11, 59, 17, 51], [31, 16, 24, 45, 52], [31, 21, 52, 38, 53], [31, 26, 35, 41, 54], [31, 31, 54, 29, 55], [31, 36, 92, 32, 56], [36, 1, 27, 17, 57], [36, 6, 24, 22, 58], [36, 11, 8, -2, 59], [36, 16, 4, 14, 60], [36, 21, 53, 23, 61], [36, 26, 10, 31, 62], [36, 31, 81, -10, 63], [36, 36, 24, 46, 64], [41, 1, 79, 39, 65], [41, 6, 75, 18, 66], [41, 11, 34, 19, 67], [41, 16, 60, 22, 68], [41, 21, 73, 34, 69], [41, 26, 77, 50, 70], [41, 31, 83, -6, 71], [41, 36, 75, 29, 72], [46, 1, 73, -6, 73], [46, 6, 22, -1, 74], [46, 11, 11, -9, 75], [46, 16, 17, 29, 76], [46, 21, 69, 39, 77], [46, 26, 14, -8, 78], [46, 31, 33, -1, 79], [46, 36, 61, 14, 80], [51, 1, 84, 26, 81], [51, 6, 11, 9, 82], [51, 11, 75, 16, 83], [51, 16, 3, 49, 84], [51, 21, 38, 24, 85], [51, 26, 41, -6, 86], [51, 31, 49, 23, 87], [51, 36, 52, 14, 88]]; let xMax = data[data.length - 1][0]; let yMax = data[data.length - 1][1];

let option = { visualMap: { seriesIndex: [0], max: 40, dimension: 3, // 使用第4个维度(温度) type: 'piecewise', pieces: [ { gte: 35, color: '#FF0000', label: '高于35℃' }, { gte: 25, lt: 35, color: '#FFFF66', label: '25 - 35℃' }, { gte: 10, lt: 25, color: '#7FFF00', label: '10 - 25℃' }, { gte: 0, lt: 10, color: '#00BFFF', label: '0 - 10℃' }, { lt: 0, color: '#307BF2', label: '低于0℃' }, ] }, xAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '', min: data[0][0] == 0 ? -xMax - 1 : 0, max: xMax + 1 }, yAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '', // axisLabel: { // show: false, // }, // axisTick: { // show: false, // }, // data: yCategories min: data[0][0] == 0 ? -yMax - 1 : 0, max: yMax + 1 }, zAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '结露几率(%)' }, grid3D: { boxWidth: 200, boxDepth: 200, viewControl: { distance: 290, center: [0, -30, 0] } }, series: [ { type: 'bar3D', data: data, shading: 'color', barSize: 10, // 调整柱体宽度,以更好地对齐 // barGap: '-100%', // 调整柱体间距 // barCategoryGap: '0%', label: { show: false, fontSize: 16, borderWidth: 1 }, itemStyle: { opacity: 0.7 }, emphasis: { label: { color: '#000000' }, itemStyle: { color: '#000000', opacity: 0.9 } }, }, ], };

let list = [ [[1, 1, 35, 1, 1], [1, 6, 20, 28, 2], [1, 11, 75, 11, 3], [1, 16, 75, 36, 4], [1, 21, 26, 41, 5], [1, 26, 28, 33, 6], [1, 31, 15, 2, 7], [1, 36, 83, -9, 8], [6, 1, 62, -4, 9], [6, 6, 59, -1, 10], [6, 11, 28, 41, 11], [6, 16, 10, 42, 12], [6, 21, 74, 46, 13], [6, 26, 1, 43, 14], [6, 31, 8, 20, 15], [6, 36, 22, -2, 16], [11, 1, 27, 15, 17], [11, 6, 54, 41, 18], [11, 11, 24, 12, 19], [11, 16, 96, 37, 20], [11, 21, 24, 29, 21], [11, 26, 43, 9, 22], [11, 31, 99, 25, 23], [11, 36, 33, 46, 24], [16, 1, 53, -10, 25], [16, 6, 94, 24, 26], [16, 11, 13, 32, 27], [16, 16, 67, 35, 28], [16, 21, 68, -1, 29], [16, 26, 1, 9, 30], [16, 31, 18, 9, 31], [16, 36, 24, 7, 32], [21, 1, 0, 12, 33], [21, 6, 32, 10, 34], [21, 11, 5, 9, 35], [21, 16, 52, 23, 36], [21, 21, 30, -4, 37], [21, 26, 7, 19, 38], [21, 31, 16, -6, 39], [21, 36, 64, 40, 40], [26, 1, 13, 6, 41], [26, 6, 78, 14, 42], [26, 11, 38, 12, 43], [26, 16, 96, 29, 44], [26, 21, 70, 46, 45], [26, 26, 59, 3, 46], [26, 31, 77, 14, 47], [26, 36, 59, 10, 48], [31, 1, 60, 29, 49], [31, 6, 36, 39, 50], [31, 11, 16, 16, 51], [31, 16, 38, 34, 52], [31, 21, 96, 23, 53], [31, 26, 79, 50, 54], [31, 31, 87, 42, 55], [31, 36, 87, -5, 56], [36, 1, 67, 21, 57], [36, 6, 96, -5, 58], [36, 11, 13, 17, 59], [36, 16, 82, 49, 60], [36, 21, 4, -3, 61], [36, 26, 28, 23, 62], [36, 31, 98, 4, 63], [36, 36, 18, 45, 64], [41, 1, 98, 23, 65], [41, 6, 7, 47, 66], [41, 11, 6, 6, 67], [41, 16, 70, -9, 68], [41, 21, 85, 33, 69], [41, 26, 76, -1, 70], [41, 31, 65, 13, 71], [41, 36, 47, 46, 72], [46, 1, 92, 22, 73], [46, 6, 26, -5, 74], [46, 11, 19, -1, 75], [46, 16, 16, 7, 76], [46, 21, 88, 48, 77], [46, 26, 72, 16, 78], [46, 31, 84, -8, 79], [46, 36, 38, 46, 80], [51, 1, 81, 17, 81], [51, 6, 42, 43, 82], [51, 11, 2, 2, 83], [51, 16, 81, 30, 84], [51, 21, 85, 33, 85], [51, 26, 25, 3, 86], [51, 31, 60, 5, 87], [51, 36, 92, 44, 88]], [[1, 1, 90, 50, 1], [1, 6, 89, 8, 2], [1, 11, 50, 25, 3], [1, 16, 99, 37, 4], [1, 21, 24, 44, 5], [1, 26, 5, 43, 6], [1, 31, 19, 47, 7], [1, 36, 22, 26, 8], [6, 1, 13, -8, 9], [6, 6, 91, 34, 10], [6, 11, 4, -5, 11], [6, 16, 92, 41, 12], [6, 21, 25, -3, 13], [6, 26, 28, 31, 14], [6, 31, 32, 40, 15], [6, 36, 48, 22, 16], [11, 1, 97, 43, 17], [11, 6, 24, 21, 18], [11, 11, 21, -5, 19], [11, 16, 24, 14, 20], [11, 21, 14, 17, 21], [11, 26, 54, 24, 22], [11, 31, 27, 1, 23], [11, 36, 28, 48, 24], [16, 1, 86, 4, 25], [16, 6, 47, 46, 26], [16, 11, 10, -4, 27], [16, 16, 65, 32, 28], [16, 21, 75, 12, 29], [16, 26, 63, 47, 30], [16, 31, 41, 18, 31], [16, 36, 23, 47, 32], [21, 1, 96, 26, 33], [21, 6, 77, 24, 34], [21, 11, 86, 25, 35], [21, 16, 96, 8, 36], [21, 21, 21, 25, 37], [21, 26, 91, 38, 38], [21, 31, 34, 33, 39], [21, 36, 99, 10, 40], [26, 1, 46, 26, 41], [26, 6, 12, -6, 42], [26, 11, 34, 44, 43], [26, 16, 44, 41, 44], [26, 21, 8, 27, 45], [26, 26, 83, 10, 46], [26, 31, 49, 48, 47], [26, 36, 90, 48, 48], [31, 1, 24, 7, 49], [31, 6, 36, 24, 50], [31, 11, 64, 11, 51], [31, 16, 57, 28, 52], [31, 21, 13, 0, 53], [31, 26, 73, 45, 54], [31, 31, 82, 33, 55], [31, 36, 88, 50, 56], [36, 1, 1, -9, 57], [36, 6, 96, 46, 58], [36, 11, 65, 37, 59], [36, 16, 96, 0, 60], [36, 21, 57, 33, 61], [36, 26, 87, 12, 62], [36, 31, 98, 6, 63], [36, 36, 29, 43, 64], [41, 1, 4, 34, 65], [41, 6, 54, 42, 66], [41, 11, 82, -6, 67], [41, 16, 73, 40, 68], [41, 21, 15, 28, 69], [41, 26, 7, 33, 70], [41, 31, 69, 16, 71], [41, 36, 82, 23, 72], [46, 1, 34, 41, 73], [46, 6, 66, 8, 74], [46, 11, 45, 34, 75], [46, 16, 79, 21, 76], [46, 21, 67, -1, 77], [46, 26, 75, 35, 78], [46, 31, 56, 23, 79], [46, 36, 76, 0, 80], [51, 1, 50, 18, 81], [51, 6, 35, 27, 82], [51, 11, 68, 1, 83], [51, 16, 33, 0, 84], [51, 21, 94, 5, 85], [51, 26, 69, 20, 86], [51, 31, 24, 26, 87], [51, 36, 78, -1, 88]] ] let data = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)]

myChart && myChart.setOption({ series: [{ name: "dynamicData", data: data }] }, { lazyUpdate: true });

Current Behavior

the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D is misaligned when the data is dynamically updated.The graph with the red circle is displayed after updating the data 763d74f052bfb2bab3b7bede10e33a8202c905f8e9e31a00d311157d4c5f330c

Expected Behavior

After dynamically updating the data, the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D are displayed as shown in the figure without circles 763d74f052bfb2bab3b7bede10e33a8202c905f8e9e31a00d311157d4c5f330c 644858d3fe2888ff92a8603b43735bbb9059989e655144222ad46e1fe26618bc


- OS:macOS Monterey
- Browser:Chrome 96.0.4664.55
- Framework:Vue@2

Any additional comments?

No response

helgasoft commented 2 weeks ago

cannot reproduce, Z-axis name/labels remain unchanged - Demo

JackFen commented 2 weeks ago

cannot reproduce, Z-axis name/labels remain unchanged - Demo

I'm sorry that the issue I submitted cannot be reproduced. This is the problem I encountered based on the demo you provided-reworkedDemo

helgasoft commented 2 weeks ago

not-a-bug, you are just using an older version 5.2.1 of ECharts. There is no problem with latest v.5.5.1. 📌 please close issue if problem solved.

JackFen commented 2 weeks ago

not-a-bug, you are just using an older version 5.2.1 of ECharts. There is no problem with latest v.5.5.1. 📌 please close issue if problem solved.

You are right, the misalignment issue was fixed in versions later than 5.2.x, but when dynamically updating data in versions later than 5.2.x, the dragging and dropping of the model can be very cumbersome. However, this issue is not present in version 5.2.x. You can see the effect in this Demo by dragging and rotating the model.