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Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
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[Bug] the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D is misaligned when the data is dynamically updated #20486

Open JackFen opened 15 hours ago

JackFen commented 15 hours ago



Link to Minimal Reproduction

I do not how to edit it

Steps to Reproduce

let data = [[1, 1, 24, 31, 1], [1, 6, 68, 3, 2], [1, 11, 0, -5, 3], [1, 16, 89, 40, 4], [1, 21, 14, 18, 5], [1, 26, 47, 15, 6], [1, 31, 99, 27, 7], [1, 36, 77, 38, 8], [6, 1, 39, 35, 9], [6, 6, 34, 1, 10], [6, 11, 56, -6, 11], [6, 16, 61, 48, 12], [6, 21, 34, 21, 13], [6, 26, 36, 1, 14], [6, 31, 85, -7, 15], [6, 36, 97, 45, 16], [11, 1, 4, -1, 17], [11, 6, 80, 0, 18], [11, 11, 65, 1, 19], [11, 16, 83, 17, 20], [11, 21, 99, -2, 21], [11, 26, 4, 1, 22], [11, 31, 91, -9, 23], [11, 36, 8, 2, 24], [16, 1, 54, 45, 25], [16, 6, 72, 10, 26], [16, 11, 94, 1, 27], [16, 16, 14, 45, 28], [16, 21, 25, 3, 29], [16, 26, 35, 40, 30], [16, 31, 69, 9, 31], [16, 36, 38, 26, 32], [21, 1, 47, -8, 33], [21, 6, 45, 19, 34], [21, 11, 77, 25, 35], [21, 16, 99, 12, 36], [21, 21, 24, 30, 37], [21, 26, 20, -10, 38], [21, 31, 14, -2, 39], [21, 36, 31, 43, 40], [26, 1, 39, 14, 41], [26, 6, 74, 50, 42], [26, 11, 92, 41, 43], [26, 16, 46, 33, 44], [26, 21, 29, 42, 45], [26, 26, 40, 50, 46], [26, 31, 83, 11, 47], [26, 36, 74, 4, 48], [31, 1, 59, 6, 49], [31, 6, 48, 36, 50], [31, 11, 59, 17, 51], [31, 16, 24, 45, 52], [31, 21, 52, 38, 53], [31, 26, 35, 41, 54], [31, 31, 54, 29, 55], [31, 36, 92, 32, 56], [36, 1, 27, 17, 57], [36, 6, 24, 22, 58], [36, 11, 8, -2, 59], [36, 16, 4, 14, 60], [36, 21, 53, 23, 61], [36, 26, 10, 31, 62], [36, 31, 81, -10, 63], [36, 36, 24, 46, 64], [41, 1, 79, 39, 65], [41, 6, 75, 18, 66], [41, 11, 34, 19, 67], [41, 16, 60, 22, 68], [41, 21, 73, 34, 69], [41, 26, 77, 50, 70], [41, 31, 83, -6, 71], [41, 36, 75, 29, 72], [46, 1, 73, -6, 73], [46, 6, 22, -1, 74], [46, 11, 11, -9, 75], [46, 16, 17, 29, 76], [46, 21, 69, 39, 77], [46, 26, 14, -8, 78], [46, 31, 33, -1, 79], [46, 36, 61, 14, 80], [51, 1, 84, 26, 81], [51, 6, 11, 9, 82], [51, 11, 75, 16, 83], [51, 16, 3, 49, 84], [51, 21, 38, 24, 85], [51, 26, 41, -6, 86], [51, 31, 49, 23, 87], [51, 36, 52, 14, 88]]; let xMax = data[data.length - 1][0]; let yMax = data[data.length - 1][1];

let option = { visualMap: { seriesIndex: [0], max: 40, dimension: 3, // 使用第4个维度(温度) type: 'piecewise', pieces: [ { gte: 35, color: '#FF0000', label: '高于35℃' }, { gte: 25, lt: 35, color: '#FFFF66', label: '25 - 35℃' }, { gte: 10, lt: 25, color: '#7FFF00', label: '10 - 25℃' }, { gte: 0, lt: 10, color: '#00BFFF', label: '0 - 10℃' }, { lt: 0, color: '#307BF2', label: '低于0℃' }, ] }, xAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '', min: data[0][0] == 0 ? -xMax - 1 : 0, max: xMax + 1 }, yAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '', // axisLabel: { // show: false, // }, // axisTick: { // show: false, // }, // data: yCategories min: data[0][0] == 0 ? -yMax - 1 : 0, max: yMax + 1 }, zAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: '结露几率(%)' }, grid3D: { boxWidth: 200, boxDepth: 200, viewControl: { distance: 290, center: [0, -30, 0] } }, series: [ { type: 'bar3D', data: data, shading: 'color', barSize: 10, // 调整柱体宽度,以更好地对齐 // barGap: '-100%', // 调整柱体间距 // barCategoryGap: '0%', label: { show: false, fontSize: 16, borderWidth: 1 }, itemStyle: { opacity: 0.7 }, emphasis: { label: { color: '#000000' }, itemStyle: { color: '#000000', opacity: 0.9 } }, }, ], };

let list = [ [[1, 1, 35, 1, 1], [1, 6, 20, 28, 2], [1, 11, 75, 11, 3], [1, 16, 75, 36, 4], [1, 21, 26, 41, 5], [1, 26, 28, 33, 6], [1, 31, 15, 2, 7], [1, 36, 83, -9, 8], [6, 1, 62, -4, 9], [6, 6, 59, -1, 10], [6, 11, 28, 41, 11], [6, 16, 10, 42, 12], [6, 21, 74, 46, 13], [6, 26, 1, 43, 14], [6, 31, 8, 20, 15], [6, 36, 22, -2, 16], [11, 1, 27, 15, 17], [11, 6, 54, 41, 18], [11, 11, 24, 12, 19], [11, 16, 96, 37, 20], [11, 21, 24, 29, 21], [11, 26, 43, 9, 22], [11, 31, 99, 25, 23], [11, 36, 33, 46, 24], [16, 1, 53, -10, 25], [16, 6, 94, 24, 26], [16, 11, 13, 32, 27], [16, 16, 67, 35, 28], [16, 21, 68, -1, 29], [16, 26, 1, 9, 30], [16, 31, 18, 9, 31], [16, 36, 24, 7, 32], [21, 1, 0, 12, 33], [21, 6, 32, 10, 34], [21, 11, 5, 9, 35], [21, 16, 52, 23, 36], [21, 21, 30, -4, 37], [21, 26, 7, 19, 38], [21, 31, 16, -6, 39], [21, 36, 64, 40, 40], [26, 1, 13, 6, 41], [26, 6, 78, 14, 42], [26, 11, 38, 12, 43], [26, 16, 96, 29, 44], [26, 21, 70, 46, 45], [26, 26, 59, 3, 46], [26, 31, 77, 14, 47], [26, 36, 59, 10, 48], [31, 1, 60, 29, 49], [31, 6, 36, 39, 50], [31, 11, 16, 16, 51], [31, 16, 38, 34, 52], [31, 21, 96, 23, 53], [31, 26, 79, 50, 54], [31, 31, 87, 42, 55], [31, 36, 87, -5, 56], [36, 1, 67, 21, 57], [36, 6, 96, -5, 58], [36, 11, 13, 17, 59], [36, 16, 82, 49, 60], [36, 21, 4, -3, 61], [36, 26, 28, 23, 62], [36, 31, 98, 4, 63], [36, 36, 18, 45, 64], [41, 1, 98, 23, 65], [41, 6, 7, 47, 66], [41, 11, 6, 6, 67], [41, 16, 70, -9, 68], [41, 21, 85, 33, 69], [41, 26, 76, -1, 70], [41, 31, 65, 13, 71], [41, 36, 47, 46, 72], [46, 1, 92, 22, 73], [46, 6, 26, -5, 74], [46, 11, 19, -1, 75], [46, 16, 16, 7, 76], [46, 21, 88, 48, 77], [46, 26, 72, 16, 78], [46, 31, 84, -8, 79], [46, 36, 38, 46, 80], [51, 1, 81, 17, 81], [51, 6, 42, 43, 82], [51, 11, 2, 2, 83], [51, 16, 81, 30, 84], [51, 21, 85, 33, 85], [51, 26, 25, 3, 86], [51, 31, 60, 5, 87], [51, 36, 92, 44, 88]], [[1, 1, 90, 50, 1], [1, 6, 89, 8, 2], [1, 11, 50, 25, 3], [1, 16, 99, 37, 4], [1, 21, 24, 44, 5], [1, 26, 5, 43, 6], [1, 31, 19, 47, 7], [1, 36, 22, 26, 8], [6, 1, 13, -8, 9], [6, 6, 91, 34, 10], [6, 11, 4, -5, 11], [6, 16, 92, 41, 12], [6, 21, 25, -3, 13], [6, 26, 28, 31, 14], [6, 31, 32, 40, 15], [6, 36, 48, 22, 16], [11, 1, 97, 43, 17], [11, 6, 24, 21, 18], [11, 11, 21, -5, 19], [11, 16, 24, 14, 20], [11, 21, 14, 17, 21], [11, 26, 54, 24, 22], [11, 31, 27, 1, 23], [11, 36, 28, 48, 24], [16, 1, 86, 4, 25], [16, 6, 47, 46, 26], [16, 11, 10, -4, 27], [16, 16, 65, 32, 28], [16, 21, 75, 12, 29], [16, 26, 63, 47, 30], [16, 31, 41, 18, 31], [16, 36, 23, 47, 32], [21, 1, 96, 26, 33], [21, 6, 77, 24, 34], [21, 11, 86, 25, 35], [21, 16, 96, 8, 36], [21, 21, 21, 25, 37], [21, 26, 91, 38, 38], [21, 31, 34, 33, 39], [21, 36, 99, 10, 40], [26, 1, 46, 26, 41], [26, 6, 12, -6, 42], [26, 11, 34, 44, 43], [26, 16, 44, 41, 44], [26, 21, 8, 27, 45], [26, 26, 83, 10, 46], [26, 31, 49, 48, 47], [26, 36, 90, 48, 48], [31, 1, 24, 7, 49], [31, 6, 36, 24, 50], [31, 11, 64, 11, 51], [31, 16, 57, 28, 52], [31, 21, 13, 0, 53], [31, 26, 73, 45, 54], [31, 31, 82, 33, 55], [31, 36, 88, 50, 56], [36, 1, 1, -9, 57], [36, 6, 96, 46, 58], [36, 11, 65, 37, 59], [36, 16, 96, 0, 60], [36, 21, 57, 33, 61], [36, 26, 87, 12, 62], [36, 31, 98, 6, 63], [36, 36, 29, 43, 64], [41, 1, 4, 34, 65], [41, 6, 54, 42, 66], [41, 11, 82, -6, 67], [41, 16, 73, 40, 68], [41, 21, 15, 28, 69], [41, 26, 7, 33, 70], [41, 31, 69, 16, 71], [41, 36, 82, 23, 72], [46, 1, 34, 41, 73], [46, 6, 66, 8, 74], [46, 11, 45, 34, 75], [46, 16, 79, 21, 76], [46, 21, 67, -1, 77], [46, 26, 75, 35, 78], [46, 31, 56, 23, 79], [46, 36, 76, 0, 80], [51, 1, 50, 18, 81], [51, 6, 35, 27, 82], [51, 11, 68, 1, 83], [51, 16, 33, 0, 84], [51, 21, 94, 5, 85], [51, 26, 69, 20, 86], [51, 31, 24, 26, 87], [51, 36, 78, -1, 88]] ] let data = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)]

myChart && myChart.setOption({ series: [{ name: "dynamicData", data: data }] }, { lazyUpdate: true });

Current Behavior

the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D is misaligned when the data is dynamically updated.The graph with the red circle is displayed after updating the data 763d74f052bfb2bab3b7bede10e33a8202c905f8e9e31a00d311157d4c5f330c

Expected Behavior

After dynamically updating the data, the name and axisLabel of zAxis3D are displayed as shown in the figure without circles 763d74f052bfb2bab3b7bede10e33a8202c905f8e9e31a00d311157d4c5f330c 644858d3fe2888ff92a8603b43735bbb9059989e655144222ad46e1fe26618bc


- OS:macOS Monterey
- Browser:Chrome 96.0.4664.55
- Framework:Vue@2

Any additional comments?

No response

helgasoft commented 6 hours ago

cannot reproduce, Z-axis name/labels remain unchanged - Demo