Open yynyynyyn opened 1 day ago
@yynyynyyn It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. 🤗
Please not that events trigger only with series data items. For line series, it means clicking the line will not trigger events.
add triggerLineEvent
Link to Minimal Reproduction
Steps to Reproduce
Current Behavior
const initChart = async () => { myChart.value = echarts.init(chart.value); myChart.value.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: "axis", backgroundColor: "rgba(50,50,50,0.7)", textStyle: { color: "#ffffff" }, }, legend: { data: ["入场", "出场", "禁止"], top: "4%", itemWidth: 10, itemHeight: 10, icon: "circle", // 可以选择 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle' 等 itemStyle: { borderWidth: 2, }, selectedMode: "multiple", textStyle: { color: "#ffffff", padding: [0, 0, 0, 8], }, itemGap: 20, itemStyle: { borderWidth: 2, shadowBlur: 5, // 发光模糊程度 shadowColor: "#05e8fe", // 发光颜色 }, }, grid: { left: "3%", right: "4%", bottom: "5%", containLabel: true, }, xAxis: { type: "category", boundaryGap: false, data: Array.from({ length: 30 }, (_, i) =>
${i + 1}日
), axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ccc" } }, axisLabel: { color: "#cccccc" }, }, yAxis: { type: "value", name: "次数", nameTextStyle: { color: "#cccccc" }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ccc" } }, axisLabel: { color: "#cccccc" }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 1, 0, [ { offset: 0, color: "#05e8fe" }, { offset: 0.5, color: "#0a74da" }, { offset: 1, color: "#05e8fe" }, ]), type: "dashed", // 设置为虚线 width: 1.4, // 调整线条宽度 opacity: 0.4, // 调整透明度,使其更柔和 }, }, }, series: [ { name: "入场", type: "line", smooth: true, lineStyle: { color: "#3B9FF7" }, areaStyle: { color: "rgba(59, 159, 247, 0.2)" }, data: Array.from({ length: 30 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() 50)), itemStyle: { color: "#3B9FF7", borderColor: "rgba(59, 159, 247, 0.8)", borderWidth: 2, shadowBlur: 10, shadowColor: "rgba(59, 159, 247, 0.8)", }, }, { name: "出场", type: "line", smooth: true, lineStyle: { color: "#F5C842" }, areaStyle: { color: "rgba(245, 200, 66, 0.2)" }, data: Array.from({ length: 30 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() 50)), itemStyle: { color: "#F5C842", borderColor: "rgba(245, 200, 66, 0.8)", borderWidth: 2, shadowBlur: 10, shadowColor: "rgba(245, 200, 66, 0.8)", }, }, { name: "禁止", type: "line", smooth: true, lineStyle: { color: "#F24C4E" }, areaStyle: { color: "rgba(242, 76, 78, 0.2)" }, data: Array.from({ length: 30 }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 50)), itemStyle: { color: "#F24C4E", borderColor: "rgba(242, 76, 78, 0.8)", borderWidth: 2, shadowBlur: 10, shadowColor: "rgba(242, 76, 78, 0.8)", }, }, ], });// 鼠标移入事件 myChart.value.on("click", (params) => { console.log('点击事件', params); }); };
Expected Behavior
点击无效 鼠标事件同样
Any additional comments?
No response