apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
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Creating two independend Tooltips with different triggers in one chart instance. #4905

Closed Mijago closed 7 years ago

Mijago commented 7 years ago

One-line summary [问题简述]

Creating two independend Tooltips with different triggers in ONE chart instance.

Version & Environment [版本及环境]

Expected behaviour [期望结果]

I need one tooltip for the scatter chart that triggers on item, and one tooltip that triggers on axis (for the second xAxis and yAxis).

The problem: If I add a tooltip that triggers on axis, it fires also in the scatter chart. Is there any option to limit a tooltip to one axis without splitting the second diagram out of the chart instance (into another)?

ECharts option [ECharts配置项]

// In the Original, there is also a Pie and Sankey chart (in the lower right corner).
// These are not needed for this example.
// But please keep in mind that they also need a tooltip (trigger item)

var grids = [
    {x: "7%", y: "5%", width: "45%", height: "90%"},
    {x: "55%", y: "5%", width: "41%", height: "45%"}

var xAxes = [
        "gridIndex": 0,
        "type"     : "value",
        "name"     : "Kasse",
        "min"      : 0
        "type"       : "category",
        "gridIndex"  : 1,
        "boundaryGap": true,
        "name"       : "Datum",
        "axisTick"   : {
            "alignWithLabel": true
        "data"       : []

var yAxes = [
        "gridIndex"   : 0,
        "type"        : "value",
        "nameLocation": "end",
        "name"        : "Privat",
        "min"         : 0
        "type"     : "value",
        "gridIndex": 1,
        "name"     : "Anzahl"

var toolBox = {
    "show"   : true,
    "orient" : "vertical",
    "feature": {
        "dataZoom"   : {
            "show" : true,
            "title": {
                "zoom": "Zoom",
                "back": "Zurückst."
        "restore"    : {
            "show" : false,
            "title": "Wiederherst."
        "saveAsImage": {
            "show" : true,
            "title": "Speichern"
        "magicType"  : {
            "show" : false,
            "title": {
                "line"  : "Linie",
                "bar"   : "Balken",
                "stack" : "Stapel",
                "tiled" : "Getrennt",
                "force" : "Graph",
                "chord" : "Chord",
                "pie"   : "Kreis",
                "funnel": "Trichter"
            "type" : []

var seriesData_scatter = [];
var seriesData_line_kv = [];
var seriesData_line_pk = [];

for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {

// Generate sample data: Scatter
        Math.floor(Math.random() * 20),
        Math.floor(Math.random() * 20),

    // Generate sample data: Line KV and Line PK
    seriesData_line_kv.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 20));
    seriesData_line_pk.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 20));
    // The other two series are just the average lines of the both above and as such not needed in this example.

var series = [
    // For the Scatter-Chart
        "type"     : "scatter",
        "itemStyle": {
            "normal": {
                "opacity"      : 1,
                "shadowBlur"   : 2,
                "shadowOffsetX": 0,
                "shadowOffsetY": 0,
                "shadowColor"  : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
        "data"     : seriesData_scatter
    // For the Line-Chart
        "name"      : "Kasse",
        "data"      : seriesData_line_kv,
        "itemStyle" : {
            "normal": {
                "color": "#B55A00"
        "type"      : "bar",
        "xAxisIndex": 1,
        "yAxisIndex": 1
        "name"      : "Privat",
        "data"      : seriesData_line_pk,
        "itemStyle" : {
            "normal": {
                "color": "#D27E20"
        "type"      : "bar",
        "xAxisIndex": 1,
        "yAxisIndex": 1
        "type"      : "line",
        "smooth"    : "true",
        "name"      : "Durchschnitt (Kasse)",
        "data"      : [],
        "itemStyle" : {
            "normal": {
                "lineStyle": {
                    "color": "#832B00"
        "xAxisIndex": 1,
        "yAxisIndex": 1
        "type"      : "line",
        "smooth"    : "true",
        "name"      : "Durchschnitt (Privat)",
        "data"      : [],
        "itemStyle" : {
            "normal": {
                "lineStyle": {
                    "color": "#E2B143"
        "xAxisIndex": 1,
        "yAxisIndex": 1

var graphic_nodes = {
    "elements": [
            "type"  : "text",
            "left"  : "60%",
            "top"   : "0px",
            "cursor": "default",
            "style" : {
                "text"     : "Some Title",
                "textAlign": "left"

var legend = {
    "show"  : true,
    "orient": "horizontal",
    "top"   : "53%",
    "left"  : "55%",
    "data"  : [
        "Durchschnitt (Kasse)",
        "Durchschnitt (Privat)"

var dataZoom = {
    "show"      : true,
    "realtime"  : true,
    "start"     : 0,
    "end"       : 100,
    "xAxisIndex": [
    "gridIndex" : 1,
    "y"         : "51%",
    "height"    : 15

var tooltip = {
    // Now, what to do here, that I get one tooltip for each chart?
    // One has to be trigger = item and one has to be trigger = axis
    // Problem: If I use an array of tooltips, both are fired everytime

option = {
    animationThreshold     : 200,
    animationDurationUpdate: 250,
    animationDuration      : 1000,
    animation              : true,

    calculable: true,
    stack     : false,

    dataZoom: dataZoom,
    graphic : graphic_nodes,
    legend  : legend,
    toolbox : toolBox,
    grid    : grids,
    xAxis   : xAxes,
    yAxis   : yAxes,
    tooltip : tooltip,
    series  : series

Other comments [其他信息]


100pah commented 7 years ago

I've made some modifications in the demo http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xHyHQDKmLx&v=2, where tooltip settings are added to each series that needs `trigger: 'axis'. It seems to work, although there is some work to do to improve the trigger behavior.

100pah commented 7 years ago

This feature has been supported in v3.5.

jbadilla commented 5 years ago

How is it supported exactly? How can I use both a tooltip for the axis, as well as a different one when I hover over individual items?

dileepyelleti commented 5 years ago

I also need this behaviour for my line chart to show tooltips with triggers axis(hover on chart) and item(hover on exact point). I am using echars version 4.2.1. @100pah I don't think this issue was raised for showing different tooltips for different series. It is to show different tooltips one on hover on point, and another on hover any other place.

yufeng04 commented 5 years ago

It is not currently supported.