apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
Apache License 2.0
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Fix y position for axis pointer #7651

Open MrLiZ opened 6 years ago

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

One-line summary [请问如何将十字准星的横轴固定在纵轴的某个点上,不随鼠标上下移动而移动?]

Version & Environment [版本及环境]

Expected behaviour [期望结果]


ECharts option [ECharts配置项]

option = {
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
        animation: false,
        legend: {
            bottom: 10,
            left: 'center',
            data: ['Dow-Jones index', 'MA5', 'MA10', 'MA20', 'MA30']
        tooltip: {
            trigger: 'axis',
            axisPointer: {
                type: 'cross'
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.8)',
            borderWidth: 1,
            borderColor: '#ccc',
            padding: 10,
            textStyle: {
                color: '#000'
            position: function (pos, params, el, elRect, size) {
                var obj = {top: 10};
                obj[['left', 'right'][+(pos[0] < size.viewSize[0] / 2)]] = 30;
                return obj;
            // extraCssText: 'width: 170px'
        axisPointer: {
            link: {xAxisIndex: 'all'},
            label: {
                backgroundColor: '#777'
        toolbox: {
            feature: {
                dataZoom: {
                    yAxisIndex: false
                brush: {
                    type: ['lineX', 'clear']
        brush: {
            xAxisIndex: 'all',
            brushLink: 'all',
            outOfBrush: {
                colorAlpha: 0.1
        visualMap: {
            show: false,
            seriesIndex: 5,
            dimension: 2,
            pieces: [{
                value: 1,
                color: downColor
            }, {
                value: -1,
                color: upColor
        grid: [
                left: '10%',
                right: '8%',
                height: '50%'
                left: '10%',
                right: '8%',
                top: '63%',
                height: '16%'
        xAxis: [
                type: 'category',
                data: data.categoryData,
                scale: true,
                boundaryGap : false,
                axisLine: {onZero: false},
                splitLine: {show: false},
                splitNumber: 20,
                min: 'dataMin',
                max: 'dataMax',
                axisPointer: {
                    z: 100
                type: 'category',
                gridIndex: 1,
                data: data.categoryData,
                scale: true,
                boundaryGap : false,
                axisLine: {onZero: false},
                axisTick: {show: false},
                splitLine: {show: false},
                axisLabel: {show: false},
                splitNumber: 20,
                min: 'dataMin',
                max: 'dataMax'
                // axisPointer: {
                //     label: {
                //         formatter: function (params) {
                //             var seriesValue = (params.seriesData[0] || {}).value;
                //             return params.value
                //             + (seriesValue != null
                //                 ? '\n' + echarts.format.addCommas(seriesValue)
                //                 : ''
                //             );
                //         }
                //     }
                // }
        yAxis: [
                scale: true,
                splitArea: {
                    show: true
                scale: true,
                gridIndex: 1,
                splitNumber: 2,
                axisLabel: {show: false},
                axisLine: {show: false},
                axisTick: {show: false},
                splitLine: {show: false}
        dataZoom: [
                type: 'inside',
                xAxisIndex: [0, 1],
                start: 98,
                end: 100
                show: true,
                xAxisIndex: [0, 1],
                type: 'slider',
                top: '85%',
                start: 98,
                end: 100
        series: [
                name: 'Dow-Jones index',
                type: 'candlestick',
                data: data.values,
                itemStyle: {
                    normal: {
                        color: upColor,
                        color0: downColor,
                        borderColor: null,
                        borderColor0: null
                tooltip: {
                    formatter: function (param) {
                        param = param[0];
                        return [
                            'Date: ' + param.name + '<hr size=1 style="margin: 3px 0">',
                            'Open: ' + param.data[0] + '<br/>',
                            'Close: ' + param.data[1] + '<br/>',
                            'Lowest: ' + param.data[2] + '<br/>',
                            'Highest: ' + param.data[3] + '<br/>'
                name: 'MA5',
                type: 'line',
                data: calculateMA(5, data),
                smooth: true,
                lineStyle: {
                    normal: {opacity: 0.5}
                name: 'MA10',
                type: 'line',
                data: calculateMA(10, data),
                smooth: true,
                lineStyle: {
                    normal: {opacity: 0.5}
                name: 'MA20',
                type: 'line',
                data: calculateMA(20, data),
                smooth: true,
                lineStyle: {
                    normal: {opacity: 0.5}
                name: 'MA30',
                type: 'line',
                data: calculateMA(30, data),
                smooth: true,
                lineStyle: {
                    normal: {opacity: 0.5}
                name: 'Volume',
                type: 'bar',
                xAxisIndex: 1,
                yAxisIndex: 1,
                data: data.volumes
git-stf-01 commented 6 years ago


Ovilia commented 6 years ago

http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xB1TbhGK2x 是这样吗?

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@Ovilia 不是这样,你这个没有十字线,只有x轴的,没有y轴的,我需要的是十字线对着Y轴的线不上下移动。

Ovilia commented 6 years ago

@MrLiZ 那 Y 方向上多高是由什么决定的? 另外,具体描述下需求的使用场景?

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@Ovilia series的type,或者自定义值。比如如果是K线图,可以固定在收盘价,如果是line,可以固定在那个点,单纯的柱状图可能不需要,那就可配置不显示。最好可配置固定还是上下移动。可以参考这个的效果:https://gupiao.baidu.com/stock/sh000001.html?from=aladingpc 其实这个问题之前有人提过:https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts/issues/5229

Ovilia commented 6 years ago

@MrLiZ 好,我回头看下好不好实现

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@Ovilia 谢谢

fanchaot commented 6 years ago

想问一下 这个该怎么解决 同样的需求

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@fanchaot 好像还没有

fanchaot commented 6 years ago

@MrLiZ highcharts 这个可以实现

MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@fanchaot 我知道highcharts可以,用过。但是highcharts很多功能都很难用,除非付费。所以最后改用echarts。

git-stf-01 commented 6 years ago


MrLiZ commented 6 years ago

@git-stf-01 知道啥时候会更新吗?

git-stf-01 commented 6 years ago

不知道。。。 @Ovilia @pissang

cklwblove commented 5 years ago

这个问题怎样了?echarts 都发布4版本了

git-stf-01 commented 5 years ago

@Ovilia @pissang 求更新这个功能啊。。。或者说有没有啥好办法可以做到呢。。

Ovilia commented 5 years ago

会高优支持一下这个需求。 关于这个 issue 的技术实现细节将在 https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/5485eeb1d094cf9d7f01d7d0abda20a72de734f0862987eea9c3259f@%3Cdev.echarts.apache.org%3E 讨论。

longboy commented 5 years ago

想问一下 这个该怎么解决 同样的需求。

imasez commented 5 years ago


mirszhao commented 5 years ago

@Ovilia 麻烦问下这个问题新版本现在支持了吗,或者是否有其他方式可以实现

HandsomeOrDie commented 5 years ago


Ovilia commented 4 years ago

Sorry, this feature is delayed again to 4.6.0 because it's more complicated than I thought it to be. We need to consider situations with connected charts, and a comprehension list of test cases should be provided. Sorry for the delay again.

mirszhao commented 3 years ago

4.9的版本测试的 横线还是随着鼠标移动,该功能现在实现了吗@Ovilia

Ovilia commented 3 years ago

4.9的版本测试的 横线还是随着鼠标移动,该功能现在实现了吗@Ovilia


Justin-lu commented 3 years ago

@Ovilia 5个月过去了