apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
Apache License 2.0
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echarts的app对象怎么获取 #7773

Closed LiuYaKu closed 6 years ago

LiuYaKu commented 6 years ago

One-line summary [问题简述]


Version & Environment [版本及环境]

Expected behaviour [期望结果]

ECharts option [ECharts配置项]

var indices = {
    name: 0,
    group: 1,
    id: 16
var schema = [
    {name: 'name', index: 0},
    {name: 'group', index: 1},
    {name: 'protein', index: 2},
    {name: 'calcium', index: 3},
    {name: 'sodium', index: 4},
    {name: 'fiber', index: 5},
    {name: 'vitaminc', index: 6},
    {name: 'potassium', index: 7},
    {name: 'carbohydrate', index: 8},
    {name: 'sugars', index: 9},
    {name: 'fat', index: 10},
    {name: 'water', index: 11},
    {name: 'calories', index: 12},
    {name: 'saturated', index: 13},
    {name: 'monounsat', index: 14},
    {name: 'polyunsat', index: 15},
    {name: 'id', index: 16}

var fieldIndices = schema.reduce(function (obj, item) {
    obj[item.name] = item.index;
    return obj;
}, {});

var groupCategories = [];
var groupColors = [];
var data;

// zlevel 为 1 的层开启尾迹特效
myChart.getZr().configLayer(1, {
    motionBlur: 0.5

 $.get('./data/asset/data/nutrients.json', function (originData) {
    data = normalizeData(originData).slice(0, 1000);

    myChart.setOption(option = getOption(data));

function normalizeData(originData) {
    var groupMap = {};
    originData.forEach(function (row) {
        var groupName = row[indices.group];
        if (!groupMap.hasOwnProperty(groupName)) {
            groupMap[groupName] = 1;

    originData.forEach(function (row) {
        row.forEach(function (item, index) {
            if (index !== indices.name
                && index !== indices.group
                && index !== indices.id
            ) {
                // Convert null to zero, as all of them under unit "g".
                row[index] = parseFloat(item) || 0;

    for (var groupName in groupMap) {
        if (groupMap.hasOwnProperty(groupName)) {
    var hStep = Math.round(300 / (groupCategories.length - 1));
    for (var i = 0; i < groupCategories.length; i++) {
        groupColors.push(echarts.color.modifyHSL('#5A94DF', hStep * i));

    return originData;

function getOption(data) {

    return {
        backgroundColor: '#2c343c',
        tooltip: {
            padding: 10,
            backgroundColor: '#222',
            borderColor: '#777',
            borderWidth: 1
        xAxis: {
            name: 'protein',
            splitLine: {show: false},
            axisLine: {
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
            axisLabel: {
                textStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
            axisTick: {
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
        yAxis: {
            name: 'calcium',
            splitLine: {show: false},
            axisLine: {
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
            axisLabel: {
                textStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
            axisTick: {
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#fff'
        visualMap: [{
            show: false,
            type: 'piecewise',
            categories: groupCategories,
            dimension: 2,
            inRange: {
                color: groupColors //['#d94e5d','#eac736','#50a3ba']
            outOfRange: {
                color: ['#ccc'] //['#d94e5d','#eac736','#50a3ba']
            top: 20,
            textStyle: {
                color: '#fff'
            realtime: false
        }, {
            show: false,
            dimension: 3,
            max: 1000,
            inRange: {
                colorLightness: [0.15, 0.6]
        series: [
                zlevel: 1,
                name: 'nutrients',
                type: 'scatter',
                data: data.map(function (item, idx) {
                    return [item[2], item[3], item[1], idx];
                animationThreshold: 5000,
                progressiveThreshold: 5000
        animationEasingUpdate: 'cubicInOut',
        animationDurationUpdate: 2000

var fieldNames = schema.map(function (item) {
    return item.name;

app.config = {
    xAxis: 'protein',
    yAxis: 'calcium',
    onChange: function () {
        if (data) {
                xAxis: {
                    name: app.config.xAxis
                yAxis: {
                    name: app.config.yAxis
                series: {
                    data: data.map(function (item, idx) {
                        return [

app.configParameters = {
    xAxis: {
        options: fieldNames
    yAxis: {
        options: fieldNames

Other comments [其他信息]

pissang commented 6 years ago

这个是专门提供给示例页面的功能,基本上就是把 https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui 适配了下

blakeyi commented 1 year ago

datgui 可以参考下 https://blog.csdn.net/blake321/article/details/127853424?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502