apache / echarts

Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser
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地图的标签内容格式器不生效 #7992

Closed cn-xufei closed 4 years ago

cn-xufei commented 6 years ago

One-line summary [问题简述]


Version & Environment [版本及环境]

Expected behaviour [期望结果]


ECharts option [ECharts配置项]

var nameMap = {
    'United Arab Emirates':'阿联酋',
    'French Southern and Antarctic Lands':'法属南半球和南极领地',
    'Burkina Faso':'布基纳法索',
    'The Bahamas':'巴哈马',
    'Bosnia and Herzegovina':'波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那',
    'Central African Republic':'中非共和国',
    'Ivory Coast':'象牙海岸',
    'Democratic Republic of the Congo':'刚果民主共和国',
    'Republic of the Congo':'刚果共和国',
    'Costa Rica':'哥斯达黎加',
    'Northern Cyprus':'北塞浦路斯',
    'Czech Republic':'捷克共和国',
    'Dominican Republic':'多明尼加共和国',
    'Falkland Islands':'福克兰群岛',
    'United Kingdom':'英国',
    'Guinea Bissau':'几内亚比绍',
    'Equatorial Guinea':'赤道几内亚',
    'French Guiana':'法属圭亚那',
    'South Korea':'韩国',
    'Sri Lanka':'斯里兰卡',
    'New Caledonia':'新喀里多尼亚',
    'New Zealand':'新西兰',
    'Papua New Guinea':'巴布亚新几内亚',
    'Puerto Rico':'波多黎各',
    'North Korea':'北朝鲜',
    'Western Sahara':'西撒哈拉',
    'Saudi Arabia':'沙特阿拉伯',
    'South Sudan':'南苏丹',
    'Solomon Islands':'所罗门群岛',
    'Sierra Leone':'塞拉利昂',
    'El Salvador':'萨尔瓦多',
    'Republic of Serbia':'塞尔维亚共和国',
    'East Timor':'东帝汶',
    'Trinidad and Tobago':'特里尼达和多巴哥',
    'United Republic of Tanzania':'坦桑尼亚联合共和国',
    'United States of America':'美国',
    'West Bank':'西岸',
    'South Africa':'南非',
option = {
    tooltip: {
        trigger: 'item',
        formatter: '{b}'
    geo: [
            name: '世界地图',
            type: 'map',
            map: 'world',
            roam: true,
            selectedMode : 'single',
                normal: {
                emphasis: {
                        formatter: function (params) {
                           return nameMap[params.name];
    series: []

Other comments [其他信息]

tim 20180322104650

cn-xufei commented 6 years ago

发现不使用geo的情况下是正常的 http://echarts.baidu.com/examples/editor.html?c=map-labels

chfw commented 6 years ago

请查看这个选项:http://echarts.baidu.com/option.html#series-map.nameMap例子 及其演示

hl-stone commented 6 years ago

@chfw 确实是有问题,使用如下代码,选中中间根本不好使,难道要采用 data 里面的 selected 吗? geo: { show: true, type: "map", map: "world", roam: false, nameMap: nameMap, label: { normal: { show: false, color: "#fff" }, emphasis: { show: true, color: "#fff" } }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: "#0583e9", borderColor: "#1ab7fd" }, emphasis: { areaColor: "#2a333d" } }, regions:[{ name: '中国', itemStyle:{ areaColor: 'red' }, label:{ show: true } }] },

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

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