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[Question] About eventmesh-trace-plugin module #3895

Open leopardrota opened 1 year ago

leopardrota commented 1 year ago

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About eventmesh-trace-plugin module, I would like to have a comprehensive understanding of its functions first. Due to the relatively simple documentation on the official website, I still don't know the functionality of this module after reading it.

I have two questions:

1: Three types of plugins should be similar. Such as Pinpoint, this plugin allows users to send trace data to the Pinpoint server directly through eventmesh without installing Pinpoint's client, right?

2: Is the trace data collected by this module only internal eventmesh? Or the overall project of eventmesh?

Looking forward to a response from the community.

想先整体了解下eventmesh-trace-plugin模块的功能。由于官网上文档略简单,看了以后依然没明白该模块的功能。 我的疑问有两个: 一:三种插件应该都差不多吧,比如pinpoint,该插件可以使用户不用安装pinpoint的客户端,直接通过eventmesh就能将trace数据发送到pinpoint服务端,是这样吗? 二:该模块采集的trace数据只是eventmesh内部的?还是使用了eventmesh的整体工程? 希望社区能回复下。

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Welcome to the Apache EventMesh community!! We are glad that you are contributing by opening this issue. :D

Please make sure to include all the relevant context. We will be here shortly.

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mxsm commented 1 year ago


  1. The eventmesh-trace-plugin module is mainly used for link tracking. If you look at the code, you will find that it is mainly used in the runtime module.
  2. The eventmesh-trace-plugin has an API module that is mainly based on the OpenTelemetry Trace specification. As for pinpoint and Zipkin, OpenTelemetry Trace only imports data into different services. For details, please refer to the official website of OpenTelemetry.

    The community is also further improving the official website’s documentation. Of course, contributions to the community’s documentation or code are welcome.

  3. eventmesh-trace-plugin这个模块主要是用于链路跟踪,你看代码就会发现这个主要用在runtime模块里面。
  4. eventmesh-trace-plugin有一个API的模块主要是基于OpenTelemetry Trace规范做的。而对于pinpoint以及Zipkin只是OpenTelemetry Trace将数据导入不同的服务,具体可以参照OpenTelemetry的官网文档


leopardrota commented 1 year ago

@mxsm Thank you very much for your reply.

So the link data collected by the eventmesh-trace-plugin module is the traffic flowing through the runtime module (which may come from the eventmesh itself or the application project it is in), right?

So with the eventmesh-trace-plugin module, if link tracking data needs to be transmitted to zipkin or pinpoint, there is no need to install an additional zipkin or pinpoint client, right?

非常感谢您的回复。 所以eventmesh-trace-plugin模块采集的链路数据是流经runtime模块的流量(可能来自eventmesh自身,也可能来自所在的应用工程),对吗? 所以有了eventmesh-trace-plugin模块,链路追踪数据要传到zipkin或者pinpoint,是不需要额外安装zipkin客户端或者pinpoint客户端的,对吗?

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

It has been 90 days since the last activity on this issue. Apache EventMesh values the voices of the community. Please don't hesitate to share your latest insights on this matter at any time, as the community is more than willing to engage in discussions regarding the development and optimization directions of this feature.

If you feel that your issue has been resolved, please feel free to close it. Should you have any additional information to share, you are welcome to reopen this issue.

Pil0tXia commented 2 months ago

So the link data collected by the eventmesh-trace-plugin module is the traffic flowing through the runtime module (which may come from the eventmesh itself or the application project it is in), right?

Only events delivered by current EventMesh Runtime instance will be traced.

So with the eventmesh-trace-plugin module, if link tracking data needs to be transmitted to zipkin or pinpoint, there is no need to install an additional zipkin or pinpoint client, right?

No, a zipkin instance is required to collect data.