apache / felix-atomos

Apache Felix Atomos
Apache License 2.0
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Is there a "correct" set of module path dependencies for JPMS hosts? #53

Closed io7m closed 2 years ago

io7m commented 2 years ago

Somewhat related to #52, it seems that it's not really possible to write a straightforward "host" program that's JPMS modularized. There are conflicts between the various OSGi artifacts that cause a number of issues.

I don't doubt that it would be possible to work around them using bnd and various class and module-rewriting magic, but I feel like it really should be possible to at least get a program to build and run without them.

I've put together a trivial example here that simply tries to start up an essentially empty framework from a main method without any tooling:


Note that in order to compile the code, there needs to be a dependency on the osgi.core module (due to dependencies on the core classes by the Framework API). If the osgi.core module isn't on the module path, the build obviously fails. If the osgi.core module is on the module path, the build succeeds but the JVM then refuses to start due to multiple modules having the same packages.

I suspect I might be in the minority with trying to start up an OSGi container from a JPMS program, but... It's pretty bad that it's apparently not possible.

tjwatson commented 2 years ago

In order to have a module called osgi.core with Atomos on the module path you must use the appropriate osgi.core facade provided by Atomos for the framework you are using (Equinox or Felix).

https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/felix/atomos/osgi.core/8.0.0/osgi.core-8.0.0-AtomosEquinox.jar https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/felix/atomos/osgi.core/8.0.0/osgi.core-8.0.0-AtomosFelix.jar

You use the classifier AtomosEquinox or AtomosFelix depending on which framework you have.

io7m commented 2 years ago

Ah, thank you! It was the classifier that was the problem in my case. I was using the plain org.apache.felix.atomos:osgi.core artifact without specifying a classifier.