apache / felix-atomos

Apache Felix Atomos
Apache License 2.0
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How to use JPMS Automatic Modules? #74

Open RefuX opened 1 year ago

RefuX commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to reference an automatic module bundle, but can't since it has no exports.

If I look at it in Gogo using the headers command:

Atomos-GeneratedManifest = true
Automatic-Module-Name = io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging
Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
Bundle-SymbolicName = io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging; fragment-attachment:=never
Bundle-Version = 5.1.0
Manifest-Version = 1.0
Require-Bundle = java.base; resolution:=mandatory; visibility:=private

This makes sense from the ModuleLayer API since it states for a ModuleDescriptor: If this module is an automatic module then the set of exports is empty.

It's a bit confusing since most JPMS information states: An automatic module implicitly exports all its packages

So any insights on how to use automatic modules will be greatly appreciated.

tjwatson commented 1 year ago

I don't recall the details of why I didn't add all packages for automatic modules. But I do know the javadoc for ModuleDescriptor.exports states:

If this module is an automatic module then the set of exports is empty.


And that is what is used to generate the OSGi bundle manifest header for exported packages (if the module does not container an OSGi bundle manifest already):


Would you like to try creating a PR that changes that to check for automatic modules? Something like:

                if (desc.isAutomatic()) {
                    desc.packages().stream().sorted().forEach(p -> {
                        // add p to exportedPackageHeader
                    // do the normal thing