apache / fluo

Apache Fluo
Apache License 2.0
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Create class to clean up pulling Fluo data from Key/Value pair #111

Open mikewalch opened 9 years ago

mikewalch commented 9 years ago

Fluo stores extra data in Key/Value pairs returned from Accumulo. This data is retrieved using masks. It would cleaner to hide this hide the masking from the user and create in data class that could be called KeyValue.


Entry<Key,Value> entry = iterator.next()
long colType = entry.getKey().getTimestamp() & ColumnUtil.PREFIX_MASK;
long ts = entry.getKey().getTimestamp() & ColumnUtil.TIMESTAMP_MASK;

Using KeyValue

KeyValue kv = iterator.next()
ColumnType colType = kv.getColumnType();
long ts = kv.getTimestamp();
keith-turner commented 9 years ago

could also have methods like :

  Bytes getFamily()
   Bytes getQualifier()
   Bytes getValue()