apache / fury

A blazingly fast multi-language serialization framework powered by JIT and zero-copy.
Apache License 2.0
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Who is Using Apache Fury? #1766

Open chaokunyang opened 4 months ago

chaokunyang commented 4 months ago

Who is Using Apache Fury?

We sincerely thank everyone who uses and supports Apache Fury. Your input helps us improve Fury and foster a thriving community and ecosystem.

Purpose of This Issue

  1. To gather feedback from the community to enhance Apache Fury
  2. To encourage more partners to contribute to the project
  3. To understand real-world use cases of Apache Fury
  4. To collect feature requests for future development planning

How You Can Contribute

Please submit a comment on this issue with the following information:


  1. Your company, school, or organization name
  2. Your organization's logo (with permission for use on our website)


  1. Your city and country
  2. Contact information (e.g., email, Twitter handle)
  3. Which situation you use Apache Fury
  4. How much benifits Apache Fury brings to your project

How you use Apache Fury

Features you'd like to see in future releases

Why Your Input Matters

Your participation and support drive our progress. By sharing your experience, you help shape the future of Apache Fury and inspire others to join our community.


We appreciate your contribution! After you share your information, we'll feature your organization's logo on our Users page.

Thank you for being part of the Apache Fury community!

chaokunyang commented 4 months ago

Here are some companies/products we know that are using Apache Fury:

LofiSu commented 3 months ago
  • logo: your company/school/organization logo.
  • name: your company/school/organization name
  • website: your company/school/organization website
  • contact: contact info, e.g: blog, email, Twitter (at least one).
  • usage Scenario: for what business scenario do you use Fury.

衷心感谢所有使用和支持 Fury 的人。我们将尽最大努力让Fury变得更加完善,让社区和生态更加繁荣。

为了倾听更多社区的声音,让 Fury 更完善, 吸引更多的用户和开发者加入,诚邀大家登记使用信息, 包括实际使用场景等。


  • logo: 您的 公司/学校/组织 logo
  • 名称: 您的 公司/学校/组织 名称
  • 网站: 您的 公司/学校/组织 官网
  • 联系方式: 如:博客, email, Twitter
  • 使用场景: 您使用 Fury 的业务场景是什么。
  • 收益: Fury 为您的业务场景带来多少的性能和成本收益(比如延迟下降XXX毫秒,吞吐提升XXX,成本下降XXX)。
KouShenhai commented 3 months ago


名称: KCloud-Platform-IoT 网站: https://github.com/KouShenhai/KCloud-Platform-IoT 联系方式: 2413176044@qq.com 使用场景: 序列化与反序列化JSqlParser,用来缓存SQL,加快Mybatis Plus查询速度

KayLi1021 commented 3 months ago

名称:飞猪 网站:https://www.fliggy.com/

Hen1ng commented 2 months ago

饿了么 https://www.ele.me/

wangjie-fourth commented 2 months ago

image 名称: 携程 网站: https://www.ctrip.com/ 联系方式: wangjie_fourth@163.com 使用场景: 解决服务接口大报文的序列化和反序列化耗时高的问题

WeiCheng97 commented 1 month ago

image 名称:去哪儿 网站:https://www.qunar.com/ 使用场景:解决缓存数据大报文/复杂数据结构的序列化反序列化,时间和cpu开销大的问题。相比protostuff减少平均15%时长,P98 50%时长,cpu占用优于protostuff约32%

farmerworking commented 1 month ago

名称:Lindorm 产品:https://www.aliyun.com/product/apsaradb/lindorm


PanagiotisDrakatos commented 1 week ago
