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[Subtask] Update LICENSE and notice for web UI #942

Closed justinmclean closed 9 months ago

justinmclean commented 9 months ago

We need to update the LICENSE and NOTICE files. To do that, we need a list of all software that ends up in the distribution, their license text, and if they are Apache licensed if they have a NOTICE file and it contents.

justinmclean commented 9 months ago

@ch3yne Can you confirm if NONE_ENV=production yarn list or license-checker --production gives a valid list of software for production?

ch3yne commented 9 months ago

In the list checked with license-checker --production, here are the top-level ones actually used in the web directory.

├─ @emotion/cache │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/cache │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@emotion/cache │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@emotion/cache/LICENSE

├─ @emotion/react │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/react │ ├─ publisher: Emotion Contributors │ ├─ path: /Users/cheyne/workspace/datastrato/github/ch3yne/gravitino/web/node_modules/@emotion/react │ └─ licenseFile: /Users/cheyne/workspace/datastrato/github/ch3yne/gravitino/web/node_modules/@emotion/react/LICENSE

├─ @hookform/resolvers │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/react-hook-form/resolvers │ ├─ publisher: bluebill1049 │ ├─ email: bluebill1049@hotmail.com │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@hookform/resolvers │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@hookform/resolvers/LICENSE

├─ @mui/lab │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/mui/material-ui │ ├─ publisher: MUI Team │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/lab │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/lab/LICENSE

├─ @mui/material │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/mui/material-ui │ ├─ publisher: MUI Team │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/material │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/material/LICENSE

├─ @mui/x-data-grid │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/mui/mui-x │ ├─ publisher: MUI Team │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/x-data-grid │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/x-data-grid/LICENSE

├─ @mui/x-tree-view │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/mui/mui-x │ ├─ publisher: MUI Team │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/x-tree-view │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@mui/x-tree-view/LICENSE

├─ @reduxjs/toolkit │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit │ ├─ publisher: Mark Erikson │ ├─ email: mark@isquaredsoftware.com │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/@reduxjs/toolkit │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/@reduxjs/toolkit/LICENSE

├─ axios@1.6.2 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/axios/axios │ ├─ publisher: Matt Zabriskie │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/axios │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/axios/LICENSE

├─ chroma-js@2.4.2 │ ├─ licenses: (BSD-3-Clause AND Apache-2.0) │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/gka/chroma.js │ ├─ publisher: Gregor Aisch │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/chroma-js │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/chroma-js/LICENSE

├─ clsx@2.0.0 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/lukeed/clsx │ ├─ publisher: Luke Edwards │ ├─ email: luke.edwards05@gmail.com │ ├─ url: https://lukeed.com │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/clsx │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/clsx/license

├─ dayjs@1.11.10 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs │ ├─ publisher: iamkun │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/dayjs │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/dayjs/LICENSE

├─ next@14.0.3 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/vercel/next.js │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/next │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/next/license.md

├─ nprogress@0.2.0 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress │ ├─ publisher: Rico Sta. Cruz │ ├─ email: hi@ricostacruz.com │ ├─ path: /Users/cheyne/workspace/datastrato/github/ch3yne/gravitino/web/node_modules/nprogress │ └─ licenseFile: /Users/cheyne/workspace/datastrato/github/ch3yne/gravitino/web/node_modules/nprogress/License.md

├─ react-dom@18.2.0 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/facebook/react │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-dom │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-dom/LICENSE

├─ react-hook-form@7.48.2 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/react-hook-form/react-hook-form │ ├─ email: bluebill1049@hotmail.com │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-hook-form │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-hook-form/LICENSE

├─ react-hot-toast@2.4.1 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/timolins/react-hot-toast │ ├─ publisher: Timo Lins │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-hot-toast │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-hot-toast/LICENSE

├─ react-redux@8.1.3 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/reduxjs/react-redux │ ├─ publisher: Dan Abramov │ ├─ email: dan.abramov@me.com │ ├─ url: https://github.com/gaearon │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-redux │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-redux/LICENSE.md

├─ react-use@17.4.2 │ ├─ licenses: Unlicense │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/streamich/react-use │ ├─ publisher: @streamich │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-use │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react-use/LICENSE

├─ react@18.2.0 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/facebook/react │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/react │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/react/LICENSE

├─ redux@4.2.1 │ ├─ licenses: MIT │ ├─ repository: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux │ ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/redux │ └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/redux/LICENSE.md

└─ yup@1.3.2 ├─ licenses: MIT ├─ repository: https://github.com/jquense/yup ├─ publisher: @monasticpanic Jason Quense ├─ path: gravitino/web/node_modules/yup └─ licenseFile: gravitino/web/node_modules/yup/LICENSE.md

justinmclean commented 9 months ago

A grep for some of the licenses shows this list is not complete, so I'm using the full list reported by license-checker -production until we have a definite list.

justinmclean commented 9 months ago

So comparisons can be made here are all the 3rd party production dependencies and their licenses.


ch3yne commented 9 months ago

A grep for some of the licenses shows this list is not complete, so I'm using the full list reported by license-checker -production until we have a definite list.

yarn licenses list --productionor license-checker --production commands can list out all the dependencies needed in the development, including nested dependencies. I think these commands is sufficient.

yarn licenses list --production licenses.txt

ch3yne commented 9 months ago

yarn licenses generate-disclaimer running this command will return a sorted list of licenses from all the installed packages to the stdout.


justinmclean commented 9 months ago

yarn licenses generate-disclaimer running this command will return a sorted list of licenses from all the installed packages to the stdout.


While helpful, it is not usable as is, as it also includes the txt of incompatible licenses and extra text that should not be included in a license file, e.g. GPL. Some of the software is dual-licensed, and we need to select which license it is under. I think it also also includes licenses used at build time but not in the release.

justinmclean commented 9 months ago

A grep for some of the licenses shows this list is not complete, so I'm using the full list reported by license-checker -production until we have a definite list.

yarn licenses list --productionor license-checker --production commands can list out all the dependencies needed in the development, including nested dependencies. I think these commands is sufficient.

yarn licenses list --production licenses.txt

I think you mean production rather than development.

ch3yne commented 9 months ago

yarn licenses generate-disclaimer running this command will return a sorted list of licenses from all the installed packages to the stdout. license-details.txt

While helpful, it is not usable as is, as it also includes the txt of incompatible licenses and extra text that should not be included in a license file, e.g. GPL. Some of the software is dual-licensed, and we need to select which license it is under. I think it also also includes licenses used at build time but not in the release.

Okay, thanks, I understand now.

ch3yne commented 9 months ago

A grep for some of the licenses shows this list is not complete, so I'm using the full list reported by license-checker -production until we have a definite list.

yarn licenses list --productionor license-checker --production commands can list out all the dependencies needed in the development, including nested dependencies. I think these commands is sufficient. yarn licenses list --production licenses.txt

I think you mean production rather than development.

Apologies, I used the incorrect word.