apache / hertzbeat

Apache HertzBeat(incubating) is a real-time monitoring system with agentless, performance cluster, prometheus-compatible, custom monitoring and status page building capabilities.
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[Task] Enterprise WeChat application supports custom notifications for user group #2195

Closed yangshuDBA closed 2 days ago

yangshuDBA commented 4 days ago


The Enterprise WeChat application currently only supports notifications to all personnel. It is expected to support customized notifications like the Enterprise WeChat robot.

For example, there are three servers host1, 2, and 3, and there are three administrators, users A, B, and C. Host 1 alarms are pushed to user A, host 2 alarms are pushed to users A and B, host 3 alarms are pushed to A, B, and C, like this。 Refer: https://developer.work.weixin.qq.com/document/path/90236 { "touser" : "UserID1|UserID2|UserID3", "toparty" : "PartyID1|PartyID2", "totag" : "TagID1 | TagID2", "msgtype" : "text", "agentid" : 1, "text" : { "content" : "你的快递已到,请携带工卡前往邮件中心领取。\n出发前可查看邮件中心视频实况](http://work.weixin.qq.xn--com%5C"%3E-4t2pl9efxo189ay8mus2nwsyaqp5a/),聪明避开排队。" }, "safe":0, "enable_id_trans": 0, "enable_duplicate_check": 0, "duplicate_check_interval": 1800 }

--this is We Work Robot image

-- Need Enterprise WeChat application image

Task List

Task 1: Implement front-end web interface adjustment image

Task 2: Implement back-end corresponding functions

Yanshuming1 commented 3 days ago

i can fix