Just as in CsvInput.java from Pe..t.... 9 the CSVInput ends the stream as soon as it finds a file without data after the header.
Create fileH.csv with only a header row
Create fileC.csv with header row and one content row
Create ktr-file which has a stream with the two filename, which are then put into the CSVInput Step so it will read the content of the file. Set "Header row present?" to true for the CSVInput-Step.
Current faulty result: No rows will be in the output of the CSVInput Step
Expected result: The content of fileC.csv should be in the output of the step.
if (data.fieldsMapping.size() == 0) { return false;
in openNextFile()
be the problem?
Apache Hop version?
Java version?
Operating system
What happened?
Just as in CsvInput.java from Pe..t.... 9 the CSVInput ends the stream as soon as it finds a file without data after the header.
Example: Create fileH.csv with only a header row Create fileC.csv with header row and one content row Create ktr-file which has a stream with the two filename, which are then put into the CSVInput Step so it will read the content of the file. Set "Header row present?" to true for the CSVInput-Step. Current faulty result: No rows will be in the output of the CSVInput Step Expected result: The content of fileC.csv should be in the output of the step.
Could if (data.fieldsMapping.size() == 0) { return false; in openNextFile() in hop/plugins/transforms/textfile/src/main/java/org/apache/hop/pipeline/transforms/csvinput be the problem?
PS: In Pen.t... 6 this was no problem.
Issue Priority
Priority: 3
Issue Component
Component: Transforms