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[SUPPORT]flink-cdc-2.4 and flink-1.17.1 and hudi-0.14.0, the jvm metaspace of JobManager maybe memory lake #10299

Open li-ang-666 opened 9 months ago

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

here is the memory summary, I think it do not need 200+ MB for metaspace

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

here is the DAG:

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

here is the sql: CREATE TABLE ods ( id DECIMAL(20, 0), company_id DECIMAL(20, 0), company_type TINYINT, company_name STRING, company_name_english STRING, establish_date TIMESTAMP(3), register_addr STRING, register_capital_amt DECIMAL(20, 0), register_capital_currency INT, actual_capital_amt DECIMAL(20, 0), actual_capital_currency INT, company_registation_status STRING, company_logo_url STRING, company_shortname STRING, company_phone STRING, company_email STRING, company_website STRING, social_security_headcount BIGINT, business_type_id DECIMAL(20, 0), original_type STRING, tyc_credit_rating INT, longitude_by_baidu_api DECIMAL(20,15), latitude_by_baidu_api DECIMAL(20,15), unified_social_credit_code STRING, org_type STRING, is_micro_enterprise TINYINT, industry_national_std_lv1_code STRING, industry_national_std_lv2_code STRING, industry_national_std_lv3_code STRING, business_areacode_00 STRING, business_areacode_01 STRING, business_areacode_02 STRING, crawl_time TIMESTAMP(3), province_base_by_register_institute STRING, create_time TIMESTAMP(3), update_time TIMESTAMP(3), op_ts TIMESTAMP(3) METADATA FROM 'op_ts' VIRTUAL, PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'mysql-cdc', 'hostname' = 'ee59dd05fc0f4bb9a2497c8d9146a53cin01.internal.cn-north-4.mysql.rds.myhuaweicloud.com', 'port' = '3306', 'username' = 'jdhw_d_data_dml', 'password' = '2s0^tFa4SLrp72', 'database-name' = 'company_base', 'table-name' = 'company_index', 'server-id' = '6128', 'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset' ) 2023-12-05 16:39:28.061 [INFO] [flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] (HudiJob.java:38) - sql: CREATE TABLE dwd( id DECIMAL(20, 0), company_id DECIMAL(20, 0), company_type TINYINT, company_name STRING, company_name_english STRING, establish_date TIMESTAMP(3), register_addr STRING, register_capital_amt DECIMAL(20, 0), register_capital_currency INT, actual_capital_amt DECIMAL(20, 0), actual_capital_currency INT, company_registation_status STRING, company_logo_url STRING, company_shortname STRING, company_phone STRING, company_email STRING, company_website STRING, social_security_headcount BIGINT, business_type_id DECIMAL(20, 0), original_type STRING, tyc_credit_rating INT, longitude_by_baidu_api DECIMAL(20,15), latitude_by_baidu_api DECIMAL(20,15), unified_social_credit_code STRING, org_type STRING, is_micro_enterprise TINYINT, industry_national_std_lv1_code STRING, industry_national_std_lv2_code STRING, industry_national_std_lv3_code STRING, business_areacode_00 STRING, business_areacode_01 STRING, business_areacode_02 STRING, crawl_time TIMESTAMP(3), province_base_by_register_institute STRING, create_time TIMESTAMP(3), update_time TIMESTAMP(3), op_ts TIMESTAMP(3), PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED ) WITH ( 'connector' = 'hudi', 'path' = 'obs://hadoop-obs/hudi_ods/company_index', 'table.type' = 'MERGE_ON_READ', -- index 'index.type' = 'BUCKET', 'hoodie.bucket.index.num.buckets' = '32', -- write 'write.tasks' = '2', 'write.task.max.size' = '512', 'write.merge.max_memory' = '0', 'write.precombine' = 'true', 'write.precombine.field' = 'op_ts', -- compaction 'compaction.async.enabled' = 'false', 'compaction.schedule.enabled' = 'true', 'compaction.trigger.strategy' = 'num_or_time', 'compaction.delta_commits' = '3', 'compaction.delta_seconds' = '3600', -- clean & archive 'clean.async.enabled' = 'true', 'clean.retain_commits' = '10', 'archive.min_commits' = '20', 'archive.max_commits' = '30', -- hive 'hive_sync.enabled' = 'true', 'hive_sync.mode' = 'hms', 'hive_sync.metastore.uris' = 'thrift://', 'hive_sync.db' = 'hudi_ods', 'hive_sync.table' = 'company_index', 'hive_sync.table.strategy' = 'RO', 'hive_sync.skip_ro_suffix' = 'true' ) INSERT INTO dwd SELECT id, company_id, company_type, company_name, company_name_english, CAST(CONVERT_TZ(CAST(establish_date AS STRING), 'Asia/Shanghai', 'UTC') AS TIMESTAMP(3)) establish_date, register_addr, register_capital_amt, register_capital_currency, actual_capital_amt, actual_capital_currency, company_registation_status, company_logo_url, company_shortname, company_phone, company_email, company_website, social_security_headcount, business_type_id, original_type, tyc_credit_rating, longitude_by_baidu_api, latitude_by_baidu_api, unified_social_credit_code, org_type, is_micro_enterprise, industry_national_std_lv1_code, industry_national_std_lv2_code, industry_national_std_lv3_code, business_areacode_00, business_areacode_01, business_areacode_02, CAST(CONVERT_TZ(CAST(crawl_time AS STRING), 'Asia/Shanghai', 'UTC') AS TIMESTAMP(3)) crawl_time, province_base_by_register_institute, CAST(CONVERT_TZ(CAST(create_time AS STRING), 'Asia/Shanghai', 'UTC') AS TIMESTAMP(3)) create_time, CAST(CONVERT_TZ(CAST(update_time AS STRING), 'Asia/Shanghai', 'UTC') AS TIMESTAMP(3)) update_time, CAST(CONVERT_TZ(CAST(op_ts AS STRING), 'Asia/Shanghai', 'UTC') AS TIMESTAMP(3)) op_ts FROM ods

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

what jvm cmd can I used for dump the metaspace layout ?

danny0405 commented 9 months ago

It seems supportted since JDK 11: https://stuefe.de/posts/metaspace/analyze-metaspace-with-jcmd/ with cmd: VM.metaspace

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

It seems supportted since JDK 11: https://stuefe.de/posts/metaspace/analyze-metaspace-with-jcmd/ with cmd: VM.metaspace

yeah, but we are still JDK8, is there any same issue about metaspace lake?

danny0405 commented 9 months ago

Found some doc on the web: https://blog.gceasy.io/2022/08/23/inspect-the-contents-of-the-java-metaspace-region/

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

Found some doc on the web: https://blog.gceasy.io/2022/08/23/inspect-the-contents-of-the-java-metaspace-region/ let me try with -verbose:class

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

Found some doc on the web: https://blog.gceasy.io/2022/08/23/inspect-the-contents-of-the-java-metaspace-region/


hi danny, here is my class load log, from today 00:00:00

danny0405 commented 9 months ago

So do you have any clues why the meta space is increasing?

li-ang-666 commented 9 months ago

So do you have any clues why the meta space is increasing?

I added this vm options: -Dsun.reflect.inflationThreshold=2147483647 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=2000

it seems like has some effection, I will keep my eyes on for a while~