[Expected behavior] and [actual behavior].
When I use velox as the backend execution engine to test TPC-H, the output result is unstable. Sometimes it prints one result but sometimes the result is empty like below:
Hi @wanweiqiangintel, TPCH Q15 is not stable, due to some double precision issue, have you also tried vanilla Spark? in my test it will run into the same issue.
VL (Velox)
Bug description
[Expected behavior] and [actual behavior]. When I use velox as the backend execution engine to test TPC-H, the output result is unstable. Sometimes it prints one result but sometimes the result is empty like below:
Spark version
Spark configurations
cat tpch_parquet.scala | ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-shell \ --master yarn --deploy-mode client \ --conf spark.plugins=io.glutenproject.GlutenPlugin \ --conf spark.gluten.sql.columnar.backend.lib=velox \ --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=${GLUTEN_JAR} \ --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=${GLUTEN_JAR} \ --conf spark.memory.offHeap.enabled=true \ --conf spark.memory.offHeap.size=20g\ --conf spark.gluten.sql.columnar.forceShuffledHashJoin=true \ --conf spark.shuffle.manager=org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.ColumnarShuffleManager \ --num-executors 8 \ --executor-cores 4 \ --driver-memory 10g \ --executor-memory 5g \ --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=5g \ --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=2g \ --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=2g \ --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=192
System information
Velox System Info v0.0.2 Commit: 0fd70fff3d79c643058f826a7ab83cdf9c141098 CMake Version: 3.27.2 System: Linux-5.15.0-spr.bkc.pc.16.4.24.x86_64 Arch: x86_64 C++ Compiler: /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin/c++ C++ Compiler Version: 11.2.1 C Compiler: /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin/cc C Compiler Version: 11.2.1 CMake Prefix Path: /usr/local;/usr;/;/home/weiqiang/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cmake/data;/usr/local;/usr/X11R6;/usr/pkg;/opt
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