Open ccat3z opened 3 days ago
Looks it's the same issue as shuffle spill. All spill merge should have the same issue. we should solve it by similar way.
1) is the tradeoff of spill file# and overhead memory. 2) It's set by pr #5088 , I didn't do any test on it. Not sure why I set it to 4M while Velox default 1M. Let's decrease the default value to 1M, also check the other configs
What's the vanilla spark's spill buffer size? is it configurable? in theory vanilla spark has the same issue as Gluten. @jinchengchenghh do you know?
I can only find the configuration: spark.shuffle.spill.diskWriteBufferSize.
No spill merge one.
Thank you, @ccat3z . I encounted the same issue in orderby operator and debugged several days!
The kSpillReadBufferSize controls the size to read each file, the ordered reader will create FileOutputStream for each file and allocate kSpillReadBufferSize (default 1MB) for one file. Can you try to adjust this value? Maybe we should add a new config to control the read buffer size for all the files. numFiles * bufferSize < threshold.
for (auto& fileInfo : files_) {
SpillReadFile::create(fileInfo, bufferSize, pool, spillStats)));
input_ = std::make_unique<common::FileInputStream>(
std::move(file), bufferSize, pool_);
std::unique_ptr<ReadFile>&& file,
uint64_t bufferSize,
memory::MemoryPool* pool)
: file_(std::move(file)),
bufferSize_(std::min(fileSize_, bufferSize)),
readAheadEnabled_((bufferSize_ < fileSize_) && file_->hasPreadvAsync()) {
VELOX_CHECK_GT(fileSize_, 0, "Empty FileInputStream");
buffers_.push_back(AlignedBuffer::allocate<char>(bufferSize_, pool_)); // allocate buffer cause OOM
if (readAheadEnabled_) {
buffers_.push_back(AlignedBuffer::allocate<char>(bufferSize_, pool_));
kSpillWriteBufferSize controls the serialization buffer, if up to this threshold, flush and compress the buffer.
Spark also open all the spill file to read.
final UnsafeSorterSpillMerger spillMerger = new UnsafeSorterSpillMerger(
recordComparatorSupplier.get(), prefixComparator, spillWriters.size());
for (UnsafeSorterSpillWriter spillWriter : spillWriters) {
if (inMemSorter != null) {
readingIterator = new SpillableIterator(inMemSorter.getSortedIterator());
return spillMerger.getSortedIterator();
Spark use the PriorityQueue<UnsafeSorterIterator> priorityQueue
to get the record to merge.
Comparator<UnsafeSorterIterator> comparator = (left, right) -> {
int prefixComparisonResult =, right.getKeyPrefix());
if (prefixComparisonResult == 0) {
left.getBaseObject(), left.getBaseOffset(), left.getRecordLength(),
right.getBaseObject(), right.getBaseOffset(), right.getRecordLength());
} else {
return prefixComparisonResult;
priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(numSpills, comparator);
It has config to control the read buffer size (default 1 MB) as following:
.checkValue(v => 1024 * 1024 <= v && v <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES,
s"The value must be in allowed range [1,048,576, ${MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES}].")
.createWithDefault(1024 * 1024)
class UnsafeSorterSpillReader
if (readAheadEnabled) { = new ReadAheadInputStream(serializerManager.wrapStream(blockId, bs),
} else { = serializerManager.wrapStream(blockId, bs);
this.din = new DataInputStream(;
It only needs to load one record at one time, after loaded, it will put the UnsafeSorterIterator reader
to the priorityQueue again to load next record.
In that case, we need to respect UNSAFE_SORTER_SPILL_READER_BUFFER_SIZE.
Velox spill RowVector, so we must read the buffer size
ahead. But it's better to add a config for total buffer size when UNSAFE_SORTER_SPILL_READ_AHEAD_ENABLED is false.
Thank you, @jinchengchenghh . With the tuning of kMaxSpillRunRows and kSpillWriteBufferSize. one of my task succeed but the other one still fails. Looks like it still have some large memory allocation in getoutput.
The kSpillReadBufferSize controls the size to read each file, the ordered reader will create FileOutputStream for each file and allocate kSpillReadBufferSize (default 1MB) for one file. Can you try to adjust this value? Maybe we should add a new config to control the read buffer size for all the files. numFiles * bufferSize < threshold.
Can you add it as config in Gluten?
The kSpillReadBufferSize controls the size to read each file, the ordered reader will create FileOutputStream for each file and allocate kSpillReadBufferSize (default 1MB) for one file. Can you try to adjust this value? Maybe we should add a new config to control the read buffer size for all the files. numFiles * bufferSize < threshold.
should we propose the way of
In that case, we need to respect UNSAFE_SORTER_SPILL_READER_BUFFER_SIZE. Velox spill RowVector, so we must read the
buffer size
ahead. But it's better to add a config for total buffer size when UNSAFE_SORTER_SPILL_READ_AHEAD_ENABLED is false.
So the worst case of Vanilla spark is also 1M buffer per file, right? Let's hornor the value of spark.unsafe.sorter.spill.reader.buffer.size then. It may be set in queries.
VL (Velox)
Bug description
Distinct aggregation will merge all sorted spill file in
). If there are too many spill files, reading the first batch of each file into memory will consume a significant amount of memory. In one of our internal cases, one task generated 300 spill files, which requires close to 3G of memory.Possible workarounds:
will generate too many spill files for hundreds million rows of input.
or lower. Why it is set to 4M by default? Is there any experience in performance tuning?Spark version
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