apache / incubator-hugegraph-toolchain

HugeGraph toolchain - include a series useful graph modules
Apache License 2.0
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[Enhancement] Improve user experience for loader #442

Open imbajin opened 1 year ago

imbajin commented 1 year ago

Bug Type (问题类型)

others (please comment below)

Before submit

Environment (环境信息)

Expected & Actual behavior (期望与实际表现)

some problems need to solve:

Vertex/Edge example (问题点 / 边数据举例)

No response

Schema [VertexLabel, EdgeLabel, IndexLabel] (元数据结构)

No response

liuxiaocs7 commented 9 months ago

--help seems works and -h is same as --host

    -h, --host
      The host/IP of HugeGraphServer
      Default: localhost

./bin/hugegraph-loader.sh --help


SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/root1/lx/Development/incubator-hugegraph-toolchain/apache-hugegraph-toolchain-incubating-1.2.0/apache-hugegraph-loader-incubating-1.2.0/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.18.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/root1/lx/Development/incubator-hugegraph-toolchain/apache-hugegraph-toolchain-incubating-1.2.0/apache-hugegraph-loader-incubating-1.2.0/lib/apache-hugegraph-loader-incubating-1.2.0-shaded.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/root1/lx/Development/incubator-hugegraph-toolchain/apache-hugegraph-toolchain-incubating-1.2.0/apache-hugegraph-loader-incubating-1.2.0/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory]
Usage: <main class> [options]
      The number of threads to execute batch insert
      Default: 16
      The number of lines in each submit
      Default: 500
      The flush interval for flink cdc
      Default: 30000
      The sink parallelism for flink cdc
      Default: 1
      Check vertices exists while inserting edges
      Default: false
      Whether to clear all old data before loading
      Default: false
      The timeout waiting for clearing all data
      Default: 240
      Dry run means that only parse but doesn't load
      Default: false
      The number of partitions of the HBase edge table
      Default: 64
      HBase edge table name
      Load data from the failure records, in this mode, only full load is 
      supported, any read or parsing errors will cause load task stop
      Default: false
  * -f, --file
      The path of the data mapping description file
  * -g, --graph
      The namespace of the graph to load into
      HBase zookeeper parent
      HBase zookeeper port
      HBase zookeeper quorum
      Print usage of HugeGraphLoader
    -h, --host
      The host/IP of HugeGraphServer
      Default: localhost
      Load data from the breakpoint of last time
      Default: false
      Max number of HTTP connections to server
      Default: 64
      Max number of HTTP connections to each route
      Default: 32
      The maximum number of lines that insert error before exiting
      Default: 500
      The maximum number of lines that parse error before exiting
      Default: 1
      The maximum number of lines that read error before exiting
      Default: 1
      The maximum number of read lines, when reached this number, the load 
      task will stop
      Default: -1
    -p, --port
      The port of HugeGraphServer
      Default: 8080
      Whether to print real-time load progress
      Default: true
      The protocol of HugeGraphServer, allowed values are: http or https
      Default: http
      Setting the interval time before retrying
      Default: 10
      Setting the max retry times when loading timeout
      Default: 3
    -s, --schema
      The schema file path which to create manually
      The timeout of awaitTermination in seconds
      Default: 10
      The number of threads to execute single insert
      Default: 8
      Sink to different storage
      Default: true
      Whether the hugegraph-loader work in test mode
      Default: false
      The timeout of HugeClient request
      Default: 60
      The token of graph for authentication
      The path of client truststore file used when https protocol is enabled
      The password of client truststore file used when https protocol is 
      The username of graph for authentication
      The number of partitions of the HBase vertex table
      Default: 64
      HBase vertex table name
imbajin commented 9 months ago

--help seems works and -h is same as --host

@liuxiaocs7 yes, I do know that, I mean:

  1. we should provide -help for users (not only --help), although -h is barely used for cmd, rename it to -i (ip) is better (but currently could keep it)
  2. check the input, when input param < 3 (required minimum num) OR input error, directly forward/show --help info
  3. mark graph name as not Required (default value is fine to use)
liuxiaocs7 commented 9 months ago

--help seems works and -h is same as --host

@liuxiaocs7 yes, I do know that, I mean:

  1. we should provide -help for users (not only --help), although -h is barely used for cmd, rename it to -i (ip) is better (but currently could keep it)
  2. check the input, when input param < 3 (required minimum num) OR input error, directly forward/show --help info
  3. mark graph name as not Required (default value is fine to use)

thanks, got it, sorry for forgot to set it to draft-pr :(