apache / incubator-hugegraph

A graph database that supports more than 100+ billion data, high performance and scalability (Include OLTP Engine & REST-API & Backends)
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[Question] call rest-api in multi-users env (concurrency) #2490

Closed SkrDrag closed 2 months ago

SkrDrag commented 3 months ago

Feature Description (功能描述)

多个用户同时通过Restful API访问server时,例如GET http://localhost:8080/graphs/{graph}/traversers/kout?source="1:marko"&max_depth=2,server端是同时创建多个线程和实例处理请求的吗。 能不能有一个更上层的接口,同时接收多个用户的API请求,管理这些请求,创建任务实例进行处理。这样资源管理能更好。

dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago


在多用户并发访问Restful API时,HugeGraph的服务器确实会创建多个线程和实例来处理请求。这是通过TaskManager类来管理的,它使用ExecutorService来异步执行任务,并使用PausableScheduledThreadPool来调度任务。ExecutorService实例taskExecutortaskDbExecutorserverInfoDbExecutor用于并发执行不同类型的任务。特别是taskExecutor用于执行任务,并使用固定的线程池大小进行初始化,该大小由THREADS常量确定。这允许并发执行任务,同时处理多个请求。


总的来说,HugeGraph服务器的代码库中的TaskManager类被设计为通过创建多个线程和实例来处理通过Restful API并发访问的多个用户。它还提供了一种结构化的方式来有效地管理这些任务和资源。



this.schedulerExecutor = ExecutorUtil.newPausableScheduledThreadPool(1, TASK_SCHEDULER);









#### About Dosu This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant. If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.
SkrDrag commented 3 months ago


在多用户并发访问Restful API时,HugeGraph的服务器确实会创建多个线程和实例来处理请求。这是通过TaskManager类来管理的,它使用ExecutorService来异步执行任务,并使用PausableScheduledThreadPool来调度任务。ExecutorService实例taskExecutortaskDbExecutorserverInfoDbExecutor用于并发执行不同类型的任务。特别是taskExecutor用于执行任务,并使用固定的线程池大小进行初始化,该大小由THREADS常量确定。这允许并发执行任务,同时处理多个请求。


总的来说,HugeGraph服务器的代码库中的TaskManager类被设计为通过创建多个线程和实例来处理通过Restful API并发访问的多个用户。它还提供了一种结构化的方式来有效地管理这些任务和资源。



this.schedulerExecutor = ExecutorUtil.newPausableScheduledThreadPool(1, TASK_SCHEDULER);









About Dosu

This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is not meant to be a precise solution, but rather a starting point for your own research.

Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.


dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

The TaskManager class in HugeGraph's server is indeed a central component for managing and executing background tasks. It is designed to handle various types of tasks, including those related to graph operations and server information management. Here are the specific uses and functionalities provided by the TaskManager class:

  1. Task Scheduling and Execution: The TaskManager initializes different types of executors for handling tasks (taskExecutor, taskDbExecutor, serverInfoDbExecutor, and schedulerExecutor). It schedules tasks for execution and manages their lifecycle. This is evident from the method scheduleOrExecuteJob which iterates over all TaskScheduler instances and calls scheduleOrExecuteJobForGraph for each, indicating that tasks are scheduled or executed periodically.

  2. Task Scheduler Management: It manages TaskScheduler instances for each HugeGraphParams (which likely represents a graph instance). Methods like addScheduler and closeScheduler are used to add and close schedulers, respectively. This indicates that TaskManager is responsible for managing task execution specific to each graph instance within the server.

  3. Server Role Management: The TaskManager supports server role management (master or worker roles) through methods like onAsRoleMaster and onAsRoleWorker. This functionality is important for distributed environments where tasks might be scheduled or executed differently based on the role of the server.

  4. Thread Pool Management: It manages several thread pools for different purposes (taskExecutor, taskDbExecutor, serverInfoDbExecutor, and schedulerExecutor). This includes executing tasks, handling database operations related to tasks, managing server information, and scheduling tasks. The class provides methods to shutdown these executors gracefully (shutdown method) and query their status (e.g., workerPoolSize, pendingTasks).

  5. Transaction Management: The TaskManager includes methods for closing transactions (closeTaskTx, closeSchedulerTx) related to tasks and schedulers. This is crucial for ensuring data consistency and releasing resources properly.

  6. Pause and Resume Functionality: It provides the ability to pause and resume the scheduled task execution (pauseScheduledThreadPool, resumeScheduledThreadPool). This can be useful for maintenance operations or when the server is under heavy load.

  7. Context Management: The class includes a mechanism for managing execution contexts (CONTEXTS ThreadLocal variable) with methods to set, reset, and get the current context. This is likely used to maintain context information across different tasks and threads.

In terms of where the TaskManager class is called during the running process, it would be primarily invoked whenever a new task needs to be scheduled or executed, or when there is a change in server roles. The exact points of invocation would depend on the specific use case and the operations being performed on the graph database.

For more details, you can refer to the source code of the TaskManager class in the HugeGraph server repository: hugegraph-server/hugegraph-core/src/main/java/org/apache/hugegraph/task/TaskManager.java

I hope this provides a clearer understanding of the TaskManager class. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.


#### About Dosu This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant. If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.
SkrDrag commented 3 months ago

The TaskManager class in HugeGraph's server is indeed a central component for managing and executing background tasks. It is designed to handle various types of tasks, including those related to graph operations and server information management. Here are the specific uses and functionalities provided by the TaskManager class:

  1. Task Scheduling and Execution: The TaskManager initializes different types of executors for handling tasks (taskExecutor, taskDbExecutor, serverInfoDbExecutor, and schedulerExecutor). It schedules tasks for execution and manages their lifecycle. This is evident from the method scheduleOrExecuteJob which iterates over all TaskScheduler instances and calls scheduleOrExecuteJobForGraph for each, indicating that tasks are scheduled or executed periodically.
  2. Task Scheduler Management: It manages TaskScheduler instances for each HugeGraphParams (which likely represents a graph instance). Methods like addScheduler and closeScheduler are used to add and close schedulers, respectively. This indicates that TaskManager is responsible for managing task execution specific to each graph instance within the server.
  3. Server Role Management: The TaskManager supports server role management (master or worker roles) through methods like onAsRoleMaster and onAsRoleWorker. This functionality is important for distributed environments where tasks might be scheduled or executed differently based on the role of the server.
  4. Thread Pool Management: It manages several thread pools for different purposes (taskExecutor, taskDbExecutor, serverInfoDbExecutor, and schedulerExecutor). This includes executing tasks, handling database operations related to tasks, managing server information, and scheduling tasks. The class provides methods to shutdown these executors gracefully (shutdown method) and query their status (e.g., workerPoolSize, pendingTasks).
  5. Transaction Management: The TaskManager includes methods for closing transactions (closeTaskTx, closeSchedulerTx) related to tasks and schedulers. This is crucial for ensuring data consistency and releasing resources properly.
  6. Pause and Resume Functionality: It provides the ability to pause and resume the scheduled task execution (pauseScheduledThreadPool, resumeScheduledThreadPool). This can be useful for maintenance operations or when the server is under heavy load.
  7. Context Management: The class includes a mechanism for managing execution contexts (CONTEXTS ThreadLocal variable) with methods to set, reset, and get the current context. This is likely used to maintain context information across different tasks and threads.

In terms of where the TaskManager class is called during the running process, it would be primarily invoked whenever a new task needs to be scheduled or executed, or when there is a change in server roles. The exact points of invocation would depend on the specific use case and the operations being performed on the graph database.

For more details, you can refer to the source code of the TaskManager class in the HugeGraph server repository: hugegraph-server/hugegraph-core/src/main/java/org/apache/hugegraph/task/TaskManager.java

I hope this provides a clearer understanding of the TaskManager class. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.


About Dosu

你能给我解释一下,多用户并发访问Restful API时,例如多个kout的api请求同时发送给server。server是如何使用TaskManager来监控请求到达,并创建实例提交到线程池运行的。 具体代码在哪部分? 我目前是想基于hugegraph开发一个适合我司的业务系统,我目前是通过修改API调用自己的算法,我该怎么开发一个自己的任务管理模块,当多个用户同时访问该接口时,server端能够监控并创建实例进行运行。

dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

The TaskManager in the incubator-hugegraph repository manages the execution of tasks within a thread pool by encapsulating tasks as instances of HugeTask<V>, which extends FutureTask<V>.

When a RESTful API request that requires asynchronous processing or long-running operations is received, an instance of HugeTask<V> is created. This task encapsulates the operation to be performed. The task is then submitted to a TaskScheduler, which manages a thread pool for executing these tasks. The TaskScheduler controls the concurrency through a thread pool. It schedules tasks for execution based on available threads and task priorities. This ensures that multiple concurrent requests are handled efficiently, with each task running in its own thread within the pool. Tasks can have dependencies (dependencies field in HugeTask<V>), meaning a task can be scheduled to run only after its dependencies have successfully completed. This feature is crucial for maintaining the correct execution order and for tasks that rely on the results of other tasks.

To develop a similar module for handling multiple user interface accesses simultaneously, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a task class similar to HugeTask<V> that extends FutureTask<V> or implements Runnable or Callable<V>. This class should encapsulate the operation to be performed asynchronously.

  2. Implement a task scheduler similar to TaskScheduler in the provided code. This scheduler should manage a thread pool (e.g., using ExecutorService from Java's concurrency package) for executing tasks. It should also handle task dependencies and ensure tasks are executed in the correct order.

  3. Provide a mechanism for submitting tasks to the scheduler. This could be through a RESTful API or any other interface method. The scheduler should pick up submitted tasks, check for dependencies, and execute them in the thread pool once dependencies are satisfied and threads are available.

  4. Ensure proper management of threads and resources. This includes setting an appropriate size for the thread pool based on your system's capabilities and the expected load.

  5. Implement robust error handling and provide a way to track the status of tasks. This includes handling failed tasks, retrying tasks if necessary, and providing feedback on task progress and results.

Here are some simplified code snippets based on the provided context:

Task Representation:

public class MyTask implements Callable<String> {
    public String call() throws Exception {
        // Task logic here
        return "Task Result";

Task Submission:

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); // Thread pool
Future<String> future = executor.submit(new MyTask());

Task Execution and Management:

// Wait for the task to complete and retrieve the result
String result = future.get();
System.out.println("Task completed with result: " + result);

// Shutdown the executor

This approach provides a foundation for developing a task management module capable of handling multiple concurrent user interface accesses by leveraging Java's concurrency utilities.

The TaskManager in the incubator-hugegraph repository creates instances of HugeTask<V> for each incoming request by directly invoking one of the HugeTask constructors with the necessary parameters. There are two constructors in the HugeTask class that can be used for instantiation:

  1. HugeTask(Id id, Id parent, String callable, String input): This constructor is used when the task is initialized with a specific id for the task, a parent task ID (if any), the class name of the callable to be executed, and an input string. Inside this constructor, it calls another constructor this(id, parent, TaskCallable.fromClass(callable)) and then sets the input with this.input(input).

  2. HugeTask(Id id, Id parent, TaskCallable<V> callable): This constructor is used when the task is initialized with a specific id for the task, a parent task ID (if any), and a TaskCallable<V> instance. It sets up the task with the provided parameters and initializes other properties with default values or nulls. This includes setting the task status to NEW, initializing the creation date, and setting the load to 1, among other initializations.

The choice between these constructors depends on whether the caller has a TaskCallable<V> instance ready or prefers to specify the callable by its class name as a string along with any input required for the task.

In both cases, the HugeTask instance is initialized with a status of NEW, and various other properties are set to their default values or initialized as empty, such as dependencies, description, context, etc. The actual execution logic of the task is encapsulated within the TaskCallable<V> instance provided during the task's creation.

You can find more details in the HugeTask.java file in the repository.


#### About Dosu This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is **not meant to be a precise solution**, but rather a starting point for your own research. Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant. If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.
github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Due to the lack of activity, the current issue is marked as stale and will be closed after 20 days, any update will remove the stale label