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[Question] How do ThreadLocal<Txs> transactions in Tinkerpoptransactions solve the problem of data reuse during thread reuse? #2608

Closed haohao0103 closed 1 month ago

haohao0103 commented 1 month ago

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struct / logic (架构 / 逻辑设计问题)

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Your Question (问题描述)

How do ThreadLocaltransactions in Tinkerpoptransactions solve the problem of data reuse during thread reuse?

Vertex/Edge example (问题点 / 边数据举例)

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Schema [VertexLabel, EdgeLabel, IndexLabel] (元数据结构)

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dosubot[bot] commented 1 month ago

ThreadLocal<Txs> transactions in Tinkerpop solve the problem of data reuse during thread reuse by ensuring that each thread has its own instance of the transaction. This is achieved through the use of ThreadLocal variables, which provide thread-local storage.

In the TinkerPopTransaction class, the transactions field is defined as:

private final ThreadLocal<Txs> transactions;

This ensures that each thread accessing the transactions field gets its own instance of Txs, preventing data from being shared across threads. This isolation is crucial when threads are reused, as it avoids unintended data reuse and potential data corruption.

The ThreadLocal is initialized with:

this.transactions = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> null);

This means that when a thread accesses the transactions field for the first time, it will get a null value, and subsequent accesses will return the same value unless explicitly set.

By using ThreadLocal, the TinkerPopTransaction class ensures that each thread has its own transaction context, thereby solving the problem of data reuse during thread reuse.

Additionally, HugeGraph's transaction implementation relies on binding transactions to threads using ThreadLocal to ensure isolation. This means that the uncommitted content of a transaction is only visible to the thread that created it, and other threads cannot see these changes until the transaction is committed. This approach helps maintain data consistency and integrity, especially in a multi-threaded environment [1][2].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

haohao0103 commented 1 month ago

ThreadLocal<Txs> transactions in Tinkerpop solve the problem of data reuse during thread reuse by ensuring that each thread has its own instance of the transaction. This is achieved through the use of ThreadLocal variables, which provide thread-local storage.

In the TinkerPopTransaction class, the transactions field is defined as:

private final ThreadLocal<Txs> transactions;

This ensures that each thread accessing the transactions field gets its own instance of Txs, preventing data from being shared across threads. This isolation is crucial when threads are reused, as it avoids unintended data reuse and potential data corruption.

The ThreadLocal is initialized with:

this.transactions = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> null);

This means that when a thread accesses the transactions field for the first time, it will get a null value, and subsequent accesses will return the same value unless explicitly set.

By using ThreadLocal, the TinkerPopTransaction class ensures that each thread has its own transaction context, thereby solving the problem of data reuse during thread reuse.

Additionally, HugeGraph's transaction implementation relies on binding transactions to threads using ThreadLocal to ensure isolation. This means that the uncommitted content of a transaction is only visible to the thread that created it, and other threads cannot see these changes until the transaction is committed. This approach helps maintain data consistency and integrity, especially in a multi-threaded environment [1][2].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

When threads are reused, the transaction field is no longer null when obtained. Will there be a situation where the transaction field is reused?

dosubot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Yes, there will be a situation where the transaction field is reused. The code explicitly mentions that the backend transaction may be reused, and the setClosed method sets the opened flag to false to allow for this reuse.

private void setClosed() {
    // Just set flag opened=false to reuse the backend tx
    if (this.opened.get()) {

Additionally, the getOrNewTransaction method notes that it may be called even if the transaction is not opened, specifically for the purpose of reusing the backend transaction.

private Txs getOrNewTransaction() {
     * NOTE: this method may be called even tx is not opened,
     * the reason is for reusing backend tx.
     * so we don't call this.verifyOpened() here.
    Txs txs = this.transactions.get();
    if (txs == null) {
        // ... (initialization code)
    return txs;

In the AbstractTransaction class, the reset method is used to reset the transaction state, which includes reinitializing the mutation field. This allows the transaction to be reused.

protected void reset() {
    if (this.mutation == null || !this.mutation.isEmpty()) {
        this.mutation = new BackendMutation();

The commit method also ensures that the transaction can be reused by resetting the state after committing the changes.

@Watched(prefix = "tx")
public void commit() throws BackendException {
    LOG.debug("Transaction commit() [auto: {}]...", this.autoCommit);

    if (this.closed) {
        throw new BackendException("Transaction has been closed");

    if (this.committing) {
        // It is not allowed to recursively commit in a transaction

    if (!this.hasUpdate()) {
        LOG.debug("Transaction has no data to commit({})", store());

    // Do commit
    assert !this.committing : "Not allowed to commit when it's committing";
    this.committing = true;
    try {
    } finally {
        this.committing = false;

This approach ensures that transactions can be reused efficiently while maintaining data consistency and integrity [1].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.