apache / incubator-kie-kogito-apps

Kogito Apps - Kogito is a cloud-native business automation technology for building cloud-ready business applications.
Apache License 2.0
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KOGITO-9901: Repair kogito-apps GHA in apache repository #1901

Closed wmedvede closed 10 months ago

wmedvede commented 10 months ago

Many thanks for submitting your Pull Request :heart:!

Please make sure that your PR meets the following requirements:

How to replicate CI configuration locally? Build Chain tool does "simple" maven build(s), the builds are just Maven commands, but because the repositories relates and depends on each other and any change in API or class method could affect several of those repositories there is a need to use [build-chain tool](https://github.com/kiegroup/github-action-build-chain) to handle cross repository builds and be sure that we always use latest version of the code for each repository. [build-chain tool](https://github.com/kiegroup/github-action-build-chain) is a build tool which can be used on command line locally or in Github Actions workflow(s), in case you need to change multiple repositories and send multiple dependent pull requests related with a change you can easily reproduce the same build by executing it on Github hosted environment or locally in your development environment. See [local execution](https://github.com/kiegroup/github-action-build-chain#local-execution) details to get more information about it.
How to retest this PR or trigger a specific build: - for pull request checks Please add comment: Jenkins retest this - for a specific pull request check Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] tests - for quarkus branch checks Run checks against Quarkus current used branch Please add comment: Jenkins run quarkus-branch - for a quarkus branch specific check Run checks against Quarkus current used branch Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] quarkus-branch - for quarkus main checks Run checks against Quarkus main branch Please add comment: Jenkins run quarkus-main - for a specific quarkus main check Run checks against Quarkus main branch Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] quarkus-main - for quarkus lts checks Run checks against Quarkus lts branch Please add comment: Jenkins run quarkus-lts - for a specific quarkus lts check Run checks against Quarkus lts branch Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] quarkus-lts - for native checks Run native checks Please add comment: Jenkins run native - for a specific native check Run native checks Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] native - for native lts checks Run native checks against quarkus lts branch Please add comment: Jenkins run native-lts - for a specific native lts check Run native checks against quarkus lts branch Please add comment: Jenkins (re)run [kogito-apps|kogito-examples] native-lts
How to backport a pull request to a different branch? In order to automatically create a **backporting pull request** please add one or more labels having the following format `backport-`, where `` is the name of the branch where the pull request must be backported to (e.g., `backport-7.67.x` to backport the original PR to the `7.67.x` branch). > **NOTE**: **backporting** is an action aiming to move a change (usually a commit) from a branch (usually the main one) to another one, which is generally referring to a still maintained release branch. Keeping it simple: it is about to move a specific change or a set of them from one branch to another. Once the original pull request is successfully merged, the automated action will create one backporting pull request per each label (with the previous format) that has been added. If something goes wrong, the author will be notified and at this point a manual backporting is needed. > **NOTE**: this automated backporting is triggered whenever a pull request on `main` branch is labeled or closed, but both conditions must be satisfied to get the new PR created.
Quarkus-3 PR check is failing ... what to do ? The Quarkus 3 check is applying patches from the `.ci/environments/quarkus-3/patches`. The first patch, called `0001_before_sh.patch`, is generated from Openrewrite `.ci/environments/quarkus-3/quarkus3.yml` recipe. The patch is created to speed up the check. But it may be that some changes in the PR broke this patch. No panic, there is an easy way to regenerate it. You just need to comment on the PR: ``` jenkins rewrite quarkus-3 ``` and it should, after some minutes (~20/30min) apply a commit on the PR with the patch regenerated. Other patches were generated manually. If any of it fails, you will need to manually update it... and push your changes.
ricardozanini commented 10 months ago

Looks like we are getting a green here! 🎉

wmedvede commented 10 months ago

@ricardozanini @jstastny-cz

Regarding the GHA these are the results:

Screenshot from 2023-10-24 09-26-47

So, at least for this run, we have 3 GHA that worked fine, which means they are working.

Then, for the failing one Kogito Apps / ubuntu-latest / Java-11 / Maven-3.8.7 (pull_request) we have that:

Finally by looking at the build times for each repository, I can see:

So it looks like the execution was marked as "failure" because the build time of drools exceeded the action timeout of 210 min.

I conclude that the GHA has worked fine, however, we might probably need o increase that timeout. ¿? I'll move this timeout to 6 hs and let this run again.

2023-10-23T14:22:10.4285564Z [INFO] Drools :: DRL on YAML :: CLI ....................... SUCCESS [ 1.764 s] 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4286634Z [INFO] Drools :: DRL on YAML :: CLI tests ................. SUCCESS [ 2.642 s] 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4287816Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4288505Z [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4289194Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4289908Z [INFO] Total time: 05:21 min 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4290504Z [INFO] Finished at: 2023-10-23T14:22:10Z 2023-10-23T14:22:10.4291326Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T14:22:10.5078547Z [INFO] Execution summary for apache/incubator-kie-drools

2023-10-23T15:02:06.1696852Z [INFO] Kogito :: Spring Boot :: Maven Archetype ........... SUCCESS [ 5.893 s] 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1774944Z [INFO] Kogito :: Test Utilities :: Spring Boot ............ SUCCESS [ 0.855 s] 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1776124Z [INFO] Kogito :: Integration Tests :: Spring Boot ......... SUCCESS [ 3.322 s] 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1777319Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1778188Z [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1778881Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1779604Z [INFO] Total time: 39:54 min 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1780199Z [INFO] Finished at: 2023-10-23T15:02:06Z 2023-10-23T15:02:06.1781011Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T15:02:06.9247605Z [INFO] Execution summary for apache/incubator-kie-kogito-runtimes

2023-10-23T17:36:13.0317133Z [INFO] Runtime Tools Quarkus Extension - Runtime .......... SUCCESS [ 9.227 s] 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0318366Z [INFO] Runtime Tools Quarkus Extension - Deployment ....... SUCCESS [ 10.448 s] 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0319546Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0320242Z [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0320992Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0321693Z [INFO] Total time: 02:34 h 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0322289Z [INFO] Finished at: 2023-10-23T17:36:13Z 2023-10-23T17:36:13.0323092Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2023-10-23T17:36:14.4659223Z [INFO] Execution summary for apache/incubator-kie-kogito-apps

wmedvede commented 10 months ago

I looks that we have all the GHA in green now! I think this can be merged. @krisv

The CI failure is unrelated from the GHA

[INFO] Generator discovery performed, found [processes]

[INFO] No Java source to compile

[WARNING] [io.quarkus.config] Unrecognized configuration key "kogito.persistence.type" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo

[WARNING] [io.quarkus.config] Unrecognized configuration key "kogito.apps.persistence.type" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo

java.io.IOException: No space left on device

at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write0(Native Method)

at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write(FileDispatcherImpl.java:62)

at java.base/sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeFromNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:113)

at java.base/sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.write(IOUtil.java:79)

at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.write(FileChannelImpl.java:280)

at java.base/java.nio.channels.Channels.writeFullyImpl(Channels.java:74)

at java.base/java.nio.channels.Channels.writeFully(Channels.java:97)
jstastny-cz commented 10 months ago

@wmedvede agreed, env issue, though we're not innocent when a single python example downloads 2,5 GB libraries :-D That's crazy.

ricardozanini commented 10 months ago

@wmedvede agreed, env issue, though we're not innocent when a single python example downloads 2,5 GB libraries :-D That's crazy.

@fjtirado can you shed a light here? I think we might have to remove this example. 2.5GB libraries are too much, might be a problem running it in every PR. Maybe we can add a profile and run only in nightly builds or try another approach?

jstastny-cz commented 10 months ago

I think we could preinstall in the docker image and skip libs install then during example run. ... But the size of the image then? Might be still a hit

ricardozanini commented 10 months ago

I think we could preinstall in the docker image and skip libs install then during example run. ... But the size of the image then? Might be still a hit

Yes, I thought about the possibility of having a cache somewhere, but 2.5GB might be too much. Unless we have a strong reason why not.

fjtirado commented 10 months ago

@jstastny-cz @ricardozanini I never say I liked the way Python works ;) Normally those libraries are cached in the file system and downloaded only once. Since downloading only once is not currently feasible using Jenkins, what I would do is not to delete the example, but to remove the reference from the parent POM. We still keep the example (which was pretty useful for Helber and can be useful for anyone trying to do something not trivial with Sonata and python) but at the same time we skip the CI for it (yes, we might broke it accidentally without noticing, but I think it is a good compromise)

ricardozanini commented 10 months ago

+1 to keep the example and remove it from the parent pom. Not sure if my discourse was to delete the example, but to find a way to have it without the hurdle. It's a good compromise. @jstastny-cz wdyt?

wmedvede commented 10 months ago

looks like we have the greens now, merging. @ricardozanini @jstastny-cz

btw, can I ask you @fjtirado to please send a complementary PR to manage the Phyton example? maybe by adding a profile?

fjtirado commented 9 months ago

looks like we have the greens now, merging. @ricardozanini @jstastny-cz

btw, can I ask you @fjtirado to please send a complementary PR to manage the Phyton example? maybe by adding a profile?
