Introducing distinction of github credentials that have push privileges.
Previously all configured tokens had push rights, but after repository transfer that has been lost. We have a single robot account with push privilege, not to overuse it, and also to limit its usage only to where is necessary, I am introducing an additional configuration entry.
This change that bubbles through the DSL into Jenkinsfile pipelines using env variables.
Introducing distinction of github credentials that have push privileges.
Previously all configured tokens had push rights, but after repository transfer that has been lost. We have a single robot account with push privilege, not to overuse it, and also to limit its usage only to where is necessary, I am introducing an additional configuration entry.
This change that bubbles through the DSL into Jenkinsfile pipelines using env variables.
PR ensemble: apache/incubator-kie-kogito-pipelines#1128 apache/incubator-kie-drools#5597 apache/incubator-kie-optaplanner#3027 apache/incubator-kie-optaplanner-quickstarts#618 apache/incubator-kie-optaplanner-quickstarts#617 apache/incubator-kie-kogito-runtimes#3297 apache/incubator-kie-kogito-apps#1928 apache/incubator-kie-kogito-examples#1835 apache/incubator-kie-benchmarks#275