apache / incubator-kie-tools

Tools for KIE
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Add configurable Help Text to all fields #821

Closed StephenOTT closed 2 years ago

StephenOTT commented 2 years ago

Very often there are a variety of modellers/users building BPMNs, and the uses within a organization vary.

it would be very helpful if a i ℹ️ type icon could be added next to each field, and the help text could be modified in a doc.

This would let deployments setup specific help text, instructions of usage, etc.

Example a org may want to indicate the best formats for Process Names, user task names, etc as part of a common naming strategy.

Or you may want to explain how the SLA Due Date is used on various fields (not the docs definition, but the actual common business usage in that org). Due Date for a Process, Task, etc.

StephenOTT commented 2 years ago

Could be the same style that is already provided on Timers. But the ability to add these (optionally) to every field

StephenOTT commented 2 years ago

another example of variables

StephenOTT commented 2 years ago


ederign commented 2 years ago

For better backlog organization, we are now tracking this only at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/KOGITO-7027