apache / incubator-pagespeed-cpanel

mod_pagespeed module for CPanel WHM
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Page Speed Plugins on cPanel #15

Closed Nirjonadda closed 9 years ago

Nirjonadda commented 10 years ago

Does this module add Plugins on cPanel ? I am wondering where to get a plugin so each cpanel account can disable/enable it themselves as desired.

Check here : http://picload.org/image/lwwcrdl/screenshot00513.png

I have seen this in this demo cpanel account:


(scroll down to "Software/Services")

igrigorik commented 10 years ago

This module doesn't add any new controls, it just installs the server-wide support. To add the extra toggle you'll have to write a bit more code.

You can control settings on per site/directive basis via .htaccess: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/install#htaccess

Nirjonadda commented 10 years ago

What plugin add option disable/enable via cPanel ?

What plugin doing this ? http://picload.org/image/lwwcrdl/screenshot00513.png

k0nsl commented 10 years ago


More than likely they wrote it themselves. In-house.