apache / incubator-pagespeed-cpanel

mod_pagespeed module for CPanel WHM
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mod_page speed is not installed in the server #23

Closed Serversupportstaff closed 9 years ago

Serversupportstaff commented 9 years ago


I have installed mod_pagespeed in one of my servers. I followed the doc "https://github.com/pagespeed/cpanel" and ended up in the following error.

!! Starting mod_pagespeed installation !!

Unable to copy the mod_pagespeed.so to module dir at ./speed-install line 71.

I searched on google for the error, tried several solutions nothing helped. Does anyone know the exact reason and a way to resolve the issue?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Prajithp commented 9 years ago

can you please provide the following commands output? so that I can try to replicate the same here.

$> uname -i $> httpd -v $> which cpio $> which rpm2cpio

Also try to download the following modspeed rpm from google repo and paste the result here.

wget https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/linux/direct/mod-pagespeed-stable_current_x86_64.rpm