apache / incubator-pagespeed-mod

Apache module for rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.
Apache License 2.0
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CSS parsing error in pages in WordPress #2050

Open Chathu07 opened 3 years ago

Chathu07 commented 3 years ago

When I view the pagespeed messages, I can see that there's several warning about the "CSS parsing error ".

[Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:58:21 GMT] [Warning] [10334] CSS parsing error in https://site.com/drink-recipes/

What kind of thing case this css error? Is there any way to get more information about this CSS parsing error?

pagespeed                                     on;

#add header
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#requirement for combine css and js
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#JavaScript Optimization.
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#Other Optimization.
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#3rd Party script Optimization.
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#HTML Optimization.
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#CSS Optimization.
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pagespeed PermitIdsForCssCombining            *-css;

#Image Optimization.
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#Mobile Optimization.
pagespeed EnableFilters                       resize_mobile_images;

#Browser Optimization
pagespeed EnableFilters                       convert_meta_tags;                      

# redis storage backend
#pagespeed RedisServer "{{REDIS_UPSTREAM}}";
#pagespeed RedisTimeoutUs 1000;
Lofesa commented 3 years ago

In this page https://site.com/drink-recipes/ you have malformed css. Try https://site.com/drink-recipes/?PageSpeedFilters=+debug and look in the html code the debug messages. For example in this page you have:

.pt-cv-wrapper .h1, .pt-cv-wrapper .h2, .pt-cv-wrapper .h3, .pt-cv-wrapper .h4, .pt-cv-wrapper .h5, .pt-cv-wrapper .h6, .pt-cv-wrapper h1, .pt-cv-wrapper h2, .pt-cv-wrapper h3, .pt-cv-wrapper h4, .pt-cv-wrapper h5, .pt-cv-wrapper h6 {
         font-family: 'economica';align-content

But what value have align-content? Or have:

element.style {
 color: #ffffff;
 background-color: #e86d20;
 border-color: #e86d20;
 border-radius: 5px;
 padding: 3px 8px;align-content;

with background-color and border-color with the same color.....

Better try https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator

uhlhosting commented 3 years ago

@utags did you solved the issue? What was the problem in the end?

Lofesa commented 3 years ago

@uhlhosting If you have css parsing errors you must take a look at you css, inlined and files, there are css malformed.

Chathu07 commented 3 years ago

.pt-cv-wrapper .h1, .pt-cv-wrapper .h2, .pt-cv-wrapper .h3, .pt-cv-wrapper .h4, .pt-cv-wrapper .h5, .pt-cv-wrapper .h6, .pt-cv-wrapper h1, .pt-cv-wrapper h2, .pt-cv-wrapper h3, .pt-cv-wrapper h4, .pt-cv-wrapper h5, .pt-cv-wrapper h6 { font-family: 'economica';align-content   }

Thank you. I run the CSS validator and corrected most of the errors.

Chathu07 commented 3 years ago

@utags did you solved the issue? What was the problem in the end?

I guess yes. Using the https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_uri I corrected many CSS errors.