apache / incubator-pagespeed-ngx

Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx
Apache License 2.0
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pagespeed MemcachedServers "host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3"; #904

Closed vincentami closed 9 years ago

vincentami commented 9 years ago

"This allows PageSpeed to batch multiple Get requests into a single MultiGet request to memcached, which improves performance and reduces network round trips."

HI ALL , if i add more memcache server here, the performance of "multipe Get" is always better than Get ? What do you think about the "Facebook's Memcached Multiget Hole" ? If i make consistent hashing loadbalance at the front server and only left one memcached server for each ngx_pagespeed server, wheather the performance improved or even worse?

jeffkaufman commented 9 years ago

In general you want all your ngx_pagespeed servers in one location to share the same memcached server or set of memcached servers. This is because optimized resources created in response to one request from one user will generally also be needed later by other users and on other pages. Sharing your cache across all the servers means less wasteful re-optimization.

As for how many memcached servers, I would start with one, run for a while, and look at the eviction rate. Generally you want low evictions, and high evictions often means your cache is too small and you should add another memcached server. (Though high evictions can also be a symptom of other problems, such as accidentally generating a cachebuster url server-side on your resources.)

vincentami commented 9 years ago

Oh, thanks for your reponse. I wander wheather "MultiGet" is always better than "Get" for memcached here? Yes, the evictions is too high and the memory here is too small, which lead to wasteful re-optimization and lower cpu idle. I have to change into the cache based on file system(SSD).And there is another question: In the shared mem location "rname", the files and size seems do not increase (i get the size using shell command like this :"du -sh *") while the whole size of the file cache increse only. Why ? And it looks like that some strange items are written into the file cache location. I suspect that something that should be written into the rname dictionary is write out the file cache location uncorrectly. And one more question here: it seems that there is no lru eviction for the shared cache(rname), when the shared cache is full , i have to restart the nginx and lost all the items in the shread cache(rname dictionary) ?

My configure listed below:

pagespeed FileCachePath                     "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/";
pagespeed FileCacheSizeKb                   102400000;
pagespeed FileCacheCleanIntervalMs          3600000;
pagespeed FileCacheInodeLimit               5000000;

pagespeed CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache  "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/"  16096000;  #KB
pagespeed LRUCacheKbPerProcess              256000;
pagespeed LRUCacheByteLimit                 16384;
server {
    pagespeed                  on ;
    pagespeed FileCachePath                                 "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/";

And the strange itmes in the "/home/work/data1/" looks like below: ls /home/work/data/

"7SfFjHMWdk, !clean!time! haiwainet.cn linghit.com qizi.cc UQRcZHw-PD, zynews.com 7tD4YmiqQW, clgd9.com haiyunx.com linkedin.com QJ9hMWdl1q, url.cn zyue.com 7wenta.com cli.im halk-a.com linksmart.com qkankan.com urlshare.cn zyz66.com 7wgo.cn cLkmCKIK-5, halo-hwanghak.com linkwithin.com qlogo.cn url.tw zzdadi.com.cn 7xz.com clkmon.com halo-hwanghak.com.tw linlin.com qlwb.com.cn us567.com zzdmz.cn "

"7SfFjHMWdk 7tD4YmiqQW QJ9hMWdl1q UQRcZHw-PD " ,are thoes items here is OK ?

jeffkaufman commented 9 years ago

I wander wheather "MultiGet" is always better than "Get" for memcached here?

MultiGet should always be better than Get if there are multiple keys you want to look up at once, and pagespeed automatically uses MultiGet when appropriate.

Yes, the evictions is too high and the memory here is too small, which lead to wasteful re-optimization and lower cpu idle. I have to change into the cache based on file system(SSD).

This is good, as long as you only have one server. For multiple servers having a local SSD filesystem cache on each is ok, but can lead to wasteful reoptimization as each server needs to optimize all the resources on its own. In the multiple server situation a shared memcache, large enough to avoid evictions, would be best.

In the shared mem location "rname", the files and size seems do not increase (i get the size using shell command like this :"du -sh *") while the whole size of the file cache increse only. Why ?

The rname directory holds metadata, which is generally pretty small compared to the rest of the cache which mostly holds resources.

it looks like that some strange items are written into the file cache location. I suspect that something that should be written into the rname dictionary is write out the file cache location uncorrectly:

  • !clean!time!

This is the cache cleaning timestamp, and does belong there.

  • haiwainet.cn
  • linghit.com
  • qizi.cc
  • zynews.com
  • clgd9.com
  • haiyunx.com
  • linkedin.com
  • url.cn
  • zyue.com
  • 7wenta.com
  • cli.im
  • halk-a.com
  • linksmart.com
  • qkankan.com
  • urlshare.cn
  • zyz66.com
  • 7wgo.cn
  • halo-hwanghak.com
  • linkwithin.com
  • qlogo.cn
  • url.tw
  • zzdadi.com.cn
  • 7xz.com
  • clkmon.com
  • halo-hwanghak.com.tw
  • linlin.com
  • qlwb.com.cn
  • us567.com
  • zzdmz.cn

These look like host spam. See prior discussion. You can block these by adding a catch-all server block to the top of your config that doesn't have pagespeed enabled:

   server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
           deny all;
   server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  www.example.com;   // your site
        pagespeed on;
  • 7SfFjHMWdk
  • UQRcZHw-PD
  • 7tD4YmiqQW
  • QJ9hMWdl1q
  • cLkmCKIK-5

I'm not sure what these are. What's inside one of them?

it seems that there is no lru eviction for the shared cache(rname), when the shared cache is full , i have to restart the nginx and lost all the items in the shread cache(rname dictionary) ?

The shared memory cache should manage it's own evictions; what made you think you needed to wipe it manually?

vincentami commented 9 years ago

OK, thanks for your response very very much ! No. 1 I make nginx + pagespeed as a forword proxy here ; so there is only one server config looks like this:

server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
           proxy_pass http://$host$request_uri;
           proxy_set_header    Host       $http_host;

so ,maybe that some strange host lead to those strange file ? I open some of those file using vim,it looks like this :+1:

        "h ^A^@^@^HÈ^A^X^@ ^A(Ø<9f><8b>Ì·)0ø÷øË·)8^A@^AJ^T
^MLast-Modified^R^]Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:30:38 GMTJ^S
^LContent-Type^R        image/gifJ%
^DDate^R^]Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:34:51 GMTJ(
^GExpires^R^]Wed, 11 Feb 2015 16:39:51 GMTJ^\

And they are all 293Byte in size.

work@*****:~/data1/ngx_cachedata$ ls -al ZyMSlV20O7,
-rw------- 1 work work 293 Feb 11 15:32 ZyMSlV20O7,

I wonder if those strange file would be cleared automaticlly?

No.2 "The shared memory cache should manage it's own evictions; ",so i do not need take care about the overflow of the shared memory cache here ? What is the relationship between the shared memory cache and the rname dictionary?

No.3 My rname dictionary never increase here; all those files under this dictionary looks like below: Dose there any error here ? And if i close all the rewrite filter(all about the html), there will be no more things under rname ?

work@******:~/data1/ngx_cachedata/rname$ tree 
├── aj_E8H8_YbQ5UdoFhgXFfNc
│   └── http,3A
│       ├── ,2Fcdn00.baidu-img.cn
│       │   └── timg,3Fwapbaike,26quality=80,26size=w240,26sec=1349839550,26di=cb5275664758c5b7c6726e4f36e8239b,26imgtype=,26src=http,3A
│       │       └── ,2Fimgsrc.baidu.com
│       │           └── baike
│       │               └── pic
│       │                   └── item
│       │                       └── a5c27d1ed21b0ef4a49dbfcbdec451da81cb3e29.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fcount.tbcdn.cn
│       │   └── counter3,3Fkeys=DPM_445_subjectpv1354198,26inc=DPM_445_subjectpv1354198,26sign=41600bc2edac5b9a12d0bcb90e8d75c689c20,26callbac,-
│       │       └── k=jsonp,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fh5.sinaimg.cn
│       │   └── weibocn
│       │       └── v6
│       │           └── img
│       │               └── face
│       │                   └── face-2_2x.da6893b5.png,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg0.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       ├── u=1177563606,2C932820210,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       ├── u=1432920690,2C45683490,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       ├── u=2020880917,2C2011793753,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       └── u=4267044746,2C4127117030,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg1.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       └── u=2018604563,2C292198004,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg2.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       └── u=2431876580,2C3930485050,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg3.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       └── u=858084172,2C4044012933,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg4.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       ├── u=1507920679,2C387393321,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       └── u=582311584,2C4265687950,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimg5.imgtn.bdimg.com
│       │   └── it
│       │       ├── u=1340689624,2C589568863,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       ├── u=1418917262,2C1611336717,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       └── u=3157748319,2C2711285310,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fimgsrc.baidu.com
│       │   ├── baike
│       │   │   └── pic
│       │   │       └── item
│       │   │           ├── 1ad5ad6eddc451daf8ab62c6b2fd5266d01632b9.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │   │           └── c2fdfc039245d68837d46080a0c27d1ed31b24c4.png,40,40wss_,
│       │   └── forum
│       │       ├── pic
│       │       │   └── item
│       │       │       ├── 67c8e346eb9d7f778b82a1e7.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       │       ├── 6d00a2b38d9f5a117af055d6.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       │       ├── 7eea2256e7966a7b6960fbce.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       │       ├── 9680a86b6e46b7e8d2a2d322.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       │       └── e650e66ff704b98da96457db.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │       └── w=580
│       │           ├── sign=f94d0669c93d70cf4cfaaa05c8ddd1ba
│       │           │   └── 76e8a8de9c82d1584acc0de1800a19d8bd3e4271.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │           └── sign=ff60ac7001e9390156028d364bed54f9
│       │               └── f4a2e0f2b211931333c7ebe065380cd790238d3f.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fm.baidu.com
│       │   └── static
│       │       └── ala
│       │           └── ui
│       │               └── foot
│       │                   └── ala_icon.gif,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fn.sinaimg.cn
│       │   └── crawl
│       │       └── 20150210
│       │           ├── OtiO-avxeafs1023999.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │           └── U8EZ-avxeafs1030917.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fretype.wenku.bdimg.com
│       │   └── retype
│       │       └── zoom
│       │           └── b5c276c208a1284ac850431e,3Fpn=1,26x=0,26y=0,26raww=500,26rawh=170,26aimh=95,26o=png_6_0_0_108_414_562_191_1263.375_893.25,26,-
│       │               └── ,26md5sum=7733b561ce69da7d4b94aa2f64fb932d,26sign=4ab2784140,26png=0-30260,26jpg=0-0,26type=pic,40,40wss_,
│       ├── ,2Fs9.rr.itc.cn
│       │   └── org
│       │       └── wapChange
│       │           ├── 20152_10_10
│       │           │   └── b25qc24147118217305.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │           ├── 20152_10_15
│       │           │   └── a4904d9842990575520.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       │           └── 20152_10_8
│       │               └── a5vz98169515725385.jpg,40,40wss_,
│       └── ,2Fu1.sinaimg.cn
│           └── upload
│               └── 2015
│                   └── 0210
│                       └── 09
│                           └── 64e3cdd5.jpg,40,40wss_,
├── ce_E8H8_YbQ5UdoFhgXFfNc
│   └── http,3A
│       ├── ,2Fm.4008823823.com.cn
│       │   └── kfcmwos
│       │       └── googleapp
│       │           └── images
│       │               ├── xandroid.jpg.pagespeed.ic.4bm6WefCi_.webp,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xbg_02.jpg.pagespeed.ic.m7cZIyuImY.webp,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xbg_03.jpg.pagespeed.ic.gkBTpHA_jx.webp,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xbg_04.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NKmUMl3nYL.webp,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xbg_05.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Lml1l_SLPT.webp,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xiphone.jpg.pagespeed.ic.CuAwjH8Hjv.webp,40,40_,
│       │               └── xshu.jpg.pagespeed.ic.cYPO2HeBJ2.webp,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fm.58.com
│       │   └── ga
│       │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=1331291015,26utmr=http,3A
│       │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
│       │       │       └── wf
│       │       │           └── ershouche
│       │       │               └── ,3Fminprice=0_3,26from=index_car,26utmp=
│       │       │                   └── wf
│       │       │                       └── car
│       │       │                           └── ershouche
│       │       │                               └── detail
│       │       │                                   └── ,26guid=ON,40,40_,
│       │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=139750019,26utmr=http,3A
│       │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
│       │       │       └── yt
│       │       │           └── ,26utmp=
│       │       │               └── yt
│       │       │                   └── car
│       │       │                       └── ershouche
│       │       │                           └── list
│       │       │                               └── ,3Fpn=1,26guid=ON,40,40_,
│       │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=160580307,26utmr=http,3A
│       │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
│       │       │       └── bj
│       │       │           └── ,3Futm_source=xiaomi_gg,26utmp=
│       │       │               └── bj
│       │       │                   └── city
│       │       │                       └── ,26guid=ON,40,40_,
│       │       └── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=2017858660,26utmr=http,3A
│       │           └── ,2Fm.58.com
│       │               └── wf
│       │                   └── ,26utmp=
│       │                       └── wf
│       │                           └── car
│       │                               └── ershouche
│       │                                   └── list
│       │                                       └── ,3Ffrom=index_car,26amp,3Bpn=1,26guid=ON,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fmarket.cmbchina.com
│       │   └── ccard
│       │       └── wap
│       │           └── wapmljtb
│       │               └── images
│       │                   ├── x1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.sTaTqFwRXI.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── x2.jpg.pagespeed.ic.d6trweFESZ.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── x3.jpg.pagespeed.ic.vE3FHiq81t.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── x4.jpg.pagespeed.ic.qYEXuReVxK.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── x5.jpg.pagespeed.ic.lsrz4Yeb2X.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── xbanner.jpg.pagespeed.ic.PmhXSS6JWy.webp,40,40_,
│       │                   ├── xchickimgapp.png.pagespeed.ic.VbHn3sVG-9.png,40,40_,
│       │                   └── xchickimg.png.pagespeed.ic.Au0dqs9YGT.png,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fm.baidu.com
│       │   └── static
│       │       ├── ala
│       │       │   └── ui
│       │       │       └── foot
│       │       │           └── ala_icon.gif,40,40_,
│       │       ├── index
│       │       │   └── favicon-57.png,40,40_,
│       │       └── search
│       │           ├── appAla
│       │           │   └── weizhan
│       │           │       ├── cc-ala-logo.png,40,40_,
│       │           │       └── cc-go.png,40,40_,
│       │           └── other
│       │               ├── xregion-icon-big.png.pagespeed.ic.ZGZUlMx7G-.png,40,40_,
│       │               └── xtime_icon_03.png.pagespeed.ic.4z2ygu1N1C.png,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fv.youmi.cn
│       │   └── static
│       │       └── images
│       │           └── xnewicon120wangye.png.pagespeed.ic.Mz9D-p4kS-.png,40,40_,
│       ├── ,2Fwww.nhl.com
│       │   └── nhl
│       │       └── images
│       │           └── apple_touch_icons
│       │               ├── xapple-icon-114x114.png,2Cqv=8.17.pagespeed.ic.DV4ezRpTVm.png,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xapple-icon-144x144.png,2Cqv=8.17.pagespeed.ic.f_k1XPBmGq.png,40,40_,
│       │               ├── xapple-icon-57x57.png,2Cqv=8.17.pagespeed.ic.D-bV6qAL1H.png,40,40_,
│       │               └── xapple-icon-72x72.png,2Cqv=8.17.pagespeed.ic.u_a2BJQCtJ.png,40,40_,
│       └── ,2Fzhibo.m.sohu.com
│           └── images
│               └── logo-icon-zhibo.png,40,40_,
└── ic_E8H8_YbQ5UdoFhgXFfNc
    └── http,3A
        ├── ,2F3g.zwxgb999.com
        │   └── images
        │       ├── ttsj_02.jpg,40x,40vss_,
        │       ├── ttsj_23.jpg,40x,40vss_,
        │       └── ttsj_24.jpg,40x,40vss_,
        ├── ,2Fcdn00.baidu-img.cn
        │   └── timg,3Fwapbaike,26quality=80,26size=w240,26sec=1349839550,26di=cb5275664758c5b7c6726e4f36e8239b,26imgtype=,26src=http,3A
        │       └── ,2Fimgsrc.baidu.com
        │           └── baike
        │               └── pic
        │                   └── item
        │                       └── a5c27d1ed21b0ef4a49dbfcbdec451da81cb3e29.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fh5.sinaimg.cn
        │   └── weibocn
        │       └── v6
        │           └── img
        │               └── face
        │                   └── face-2_2x.da6893b5.png,40x,40_,
        ├── ,2Fimg0.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       ├── u=1177563606,2C932820210,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── u=1432920690,2C45683490,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── u=2020880917,2C2011793753,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── u=4267044746,2C4127117030,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimg1.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       └── u=2018604563,2C292198004,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimg2.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       └── u=2431876580,2C3930485050,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimg3.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       └── u=858084172,2C4044012933,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimg4.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       ├── u=1507920679,2C387393321,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── u=582311584,2C4265687950,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimg5.imgtn.bdimg.com
        │   └── it
        │       ├── u=1340689624,2C589568863,26fm=21,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── u=1418917262,2C1611336717,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── u=3157748319,2C2711285310,26fm=23,26gp=0.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fimgsrc.baidu.com
        │   ├── baike
        │   │   └── pic
        │   │       └── item
        │   │           ├── 1ad5ad6eddc451daf8ab62c6b2fd5266d01632b9.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │   │           └── c2fdfc039245d68837d46080a0c27d1ed31b24c4.png,40x,40wss_,
        │   └── forum
        │       ├── pic
        │       │   └── item
        │       │       ├── 67c8e346eb9d7f778b82a1e7.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       │       ├── 6d00a2b38d9f5a117af055d6.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       │       ├── 7eea2256e7966a7b6960fbce.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       │       ├── 9680a86b6e46b7e8d2a2d322.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       │       └── e650e66ff704b98da96457db.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── w=580
        │           ├── sign=f94d0669c93d70cf4cfaaa05c8ddd1ba
        │           │   └── 76e8a8de9c82d1584acc0de1800a19d8bd3e4271.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │           └── sign=ff60ac7001e9390156028d364bed54f9
        │               └── f4a2e0f2b211931333c7ebe065380cd790238d3f.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fm.4008823823.com.cn
        │   └── kfcmwos
        │       └── googleapp
        │           └── images
        │               ├── android.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               ├── bg_02.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               ├── bg_03.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               ├── bg_04.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               ├── bg_05.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               ├── iphone.jpg,40x,40w_,
        │               └── shu.jpg,40x,40w_,
        ├── ,2Fm.58.com
        │   └── ga
        │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=1331291015,26utmr=http,3A
        │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
        │       │       └── wf
        │       │           └── ershouche
        │       │               └── ,3Fminprice=0_3,26from=index_car,26utmp=
        │       │                   └── wf
        │       │                       └── car
        │       │                           └── ershouche
        │       │                               └── detail
        │       │                                   └── ,26guid=ON,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=139750019,26utmr=http,3A
        │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
        │       │       └── yt
        │       │           └── ,26utmp=
        │       │               └── yt
        │       │                   └── car
        │       │                       └── ershouche
        │       │                           └── list
        │       │                               └── ,3Fpn=1,26guid=ON,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=160580307,26utmr=http,3A
        │       │   └── ,2Fm.58.com
        │       │       └── bj
        │       │           └── ,3Futm_source=xiaomi_gg,26utmp=
        │       │               └── bj
        │       │                   └── city
        │       │                       └── ,26guid=ON,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── ,3Futmac=MO-35618414-1,26utmn=2017858660,26utmr=http,3A
        │           └── ,2Fm.58.com
        │               └── wf
        │                   └── ,26utmp=
        │                       └── wf
        │                           └── car
        │                               └── ershouche
        │                                   └── list
        │                                       └── ,3Ffrom=index_car,26amp,3Bpn=1,26guid=ON,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fmarket.cmbchina.com
        │   └── ccard
        │       └── wap
        │           └── wapmljtb
        │               └── images
        │                   ├── 1.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── 2.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── 3.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── 4.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── 5.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── banner.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │                   ├── chickimgapp.png,40x,40wss_,
        │                   └── chickimg.png,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fm.baidu.com
        │   └── static
        │       ├── ala
        │       │   └── ui
        │       │       └── foot
        │       │           └── ala_icon.gif,40x,40wss_,
        │       ├── index
        │       │   ├── favicon-57.png,40x,40vss_,
        │       │   └── favicon-57.png,40x,40wss_,
        │       └── search
        │           ├── appAla
        │           │   └── weizhan
        │           │       ├── cc-ala-logo.png,40x,40vss_,
        │           │       ├── cc-ala-logo.png,40x,40wss_,
        │           │       ├── cc-go.png,40x,40vss_,
        │           │       └── cc-go.png,40x,40wss_,
        │           └── other
        │               ├── region-icon-big.png,40x,40wss_,
        │               └── time_icon_03.png,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fn.sinaimg.cn
        │   └── crawl
        │       └── 20150210
        │           ├── OtiO-avxeafs1023999.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │           └── U8EZ-avxeafs1030917.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fretype.wenku.bdimg.com
        │   └── retype
        │       └── zoom
        │           └── b5c276c208a1284ac850431e,3Fpn=1,26x=0,26y=0,26raww=500,26rawh=170,26aimh=95,26o=png_6_0_0_108_414_562_191_1263.375_893.25,26,-
        │               └── ,26md5sum=7733b561ce69da7d4b94aa2f64fb932d,26sign=4ab2784140,26png=0-30260,26jpg=0-0,26type=pic,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fs9.rr.itc.cn
        │   └── org
        │       └── wapChange
        │           ├── 20152_10_10
        │           │   └── b25qc24147118217305.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │           ├── 20152_10_15
        │           │   └── a4904d9842990575520.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        │           └── 20152_10_8
        │               └── a5vz98169515725385.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fu1.sinaimg.cn
        │   └── upload
        │       └── 2015
        │           └── 0210
        │               └── 09
        │                   └── 64e3cdd5.jpg,40x,40wss_,
        ├── ,2Fv.youmi.cn
        │   └── static
        │       └── images
        │           └── newicon120wangye.png,40x,40vss_,
        ├── ,2Fwww.nhl.com
        │   └── nhl
        │       └── images
        │           └── apple_touch_icons
        │               ├── apple-icon-114x114.png,3Fv=8.17,40x,40wss_,
        │               ├── apple-icon-144x144.png,3Fv=8.17,40x,40wss_,
        │               ├── apple-icon-57x57.png,3Fv=8.17,40x,40wss_,
        │               └── apple-icon-72x72.png,3Fv=8.17,40x,40wss_,
        └── ,2Fzhibo.m.sohu.com
            └── images
                └── logo-icon-zhibo.png,40x,40wss_,

239 directories, 130 files

No 4. I user nginx+pagespeed as a forword proxy for this purpose of bandwidth reduction . In order to avoid most of strange problem unknown , i disable most filters of the pagespeed here; Do you know that any one take pagespeed as a forword proxy ? My config listed below . Dose there any advices about it here?

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout   0;
    pagespeed on;
    pagespeed FetchHttps disable;
    pagespeed MessageBufferSize           100000;
    pagespeed StatisticsPath                    /ngx_pagespeed_statistics;
    pagespeed GlobalStatisticsPath              /ngx_pagespeed_global_statistics;
    pagespeed MessagesPath                      /ngx_pagespeed_message;
    pagespeed ConsolePath                       /pagespeed_console;
    pagespeed AdminPath                         /pagespeed_admin;
    pagespeed GlobalAdminPath                   /pagespeed_global_admin;
    pagespeed FetchWithGzip                     on;
    pagespeed UseNativeFetcher                  on;
    pagespeed FetcherTimeoutMs                  10000;
    pagespeed NativeFetcherMaxKeepaliveRequests 100;
    pagespeed RateLimitBackgroundFetches        off; # risk ??
    #pagespeed ForceCaching                     on;
    pagespeed Statistics                             on;
    pagespeed StatisticsLogging                 on;   
    pagespeed LogDir                            "/home/work/data1/pagespeeed/";
    pagespeed ImageMaxRewritesAtOnce            1000;
    pagespeed InPlaceResourceOptimization       on;
    pagespeed InPlaceRewriteDeadlineMs          2000;
    pagespeed RewriteDeadlinePerFlushMs         2000;
    pagespeed FileCachePath                     "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/";
    pagespeed FileCacheSizeKb                   102400000;
    pagespeed FileCacheCleanIntervalMs          3600000;
    pagespeed FileCacheInodeLimit               5000000;
    pagespeed CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache  "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/"  16096000;  #KB
    pagespeed LRUCacheKbPerProcess              256000;
    pagespeed LRUCacheByteLimit                 16384;
    pagespeed ImplicitCacheTtlMs                1800000; 
    pagespeed NumRewriteThreads                 4;
    pagespeed NumExpensiveRewriteThreads        32;

    server {
        pagespeed                  on;
        listen            ;
        resolver          ;
        resolver_timeout           5s;
        #pagespeed RewriteLevel    CoreFilters;
        pagespeed RewriteLevel     PassThrough;
        pagespeed EnableFilters    extend_cache;
        pagespeed DisableFilters   extend_cache_scripts;
        pagespeed DisableFilters   extend_cache_css;

        pagespeed DisableFilters   rewrite_css;
        pagespeed DisableFilters   rewrite_javascript;
        pagespeed DisableFilters   outline_javascript;

        pagespeed DisableFilters   dedup_inlined_images;
        pagespeed Disallow "*.php**";
        pagespeed AvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript  off;
        pagespeed ReportUnloadTime                      off;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        add_instrumentation;

        pagespeed EnableFilters                         rewrite_images;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        inline_images;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         recompress_images;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         recompress_jpeg;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         recompress_png;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         recompress_webp;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         strip_image_color_profile;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         strip_image_meta_data;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         jpeg_subsampling;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        resize_images;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        resize_rendered_image_dimensions;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        insert_image_dimensions;
        pagespeed DisableFilters                        convert_gif_to_png;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         convert_png_to_jpeg;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                         convert_jpeg_to_webp;

        pagespeed InPlaceResourceOptimization                   on;
        pagespeed EnableFilters                                 in_place_optimize_for_browser;
        pagespeed ImageRecompressionQuality                     30;
        pagespeed ImageLimitResizeAreaPercent                   95;
        pagespeed ImageLimitOptimizedPercent                    90;

        pagespeed JpegRecompressionQuality                      30;
        pagespeed JpegRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens       20;

        pagespeed WebpRecompressionQuality                      20;
        pagespeed WebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens       20;
        pagespeed MaxCacheableContentLength                     2048000;
        pagespeed ServeRewrittenWebpUrlsToAnyAgent              on;
        #pagespeed EnableFilters resize_mobile_images,sprite_images;
        pagespeed NoTransformOptimizedImages                    off;
        pagespeed FileCachePath                                 "/home/work/data1/ngx_cachedata/";

        location /ngx_pagespeed_statistics { allow all; }
        location /ngx_pagespeed_global_statistics { allow all; }
        location /ngx_pagespeed_message { allow all; }
        location /pagespeed_console { allow all; }
        location ~ ^/pagespeed_admin { allow all; }
        location ~ ^/pagespeed_global_admin { allow all; }
        location ~ "\.pagespeed\.([a-z]\.)?[a-z]{2}\.[^.]{10}\.[^.]+" { add_header "" ""; }
        location ~ "^/ngx_pagespeed_static/" { }
        location ~ "^/ngx_pagespeed_beacon$" { return 304; }

        client_header_buffer_size      8k;
        large_client_header_buffers    64 8k;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://$host$request_uri;
            proxy_set_header    Host       $http_host;

            proxy_buffers                     256 64k;
            proxy_max_temp_file_size          2048000;
            proxy_connect_timeout             5;
            proxy_send_timeout                6;
            proxy_read_timeout                15;
        error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
            root   html;

No.5 Is there any statistics aboutthe performance of the pagespeed module for nginx ?

No.6 In my config file, the value of CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache and FileCachePath are the same location. Could it be setted diffrent? Like that : CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache located on the tmpfs while FileCachePath located on the sata or ssd partition ? If ok, how ? Put all the metadata on the memcached server to avoid re-optimised of resource when restart, but i do not want the file data cached on the memcached instead on the local file system. Any way ,memroy is less.

No.7 When i clear all the old dictionary and restart my nginx+pagespeed, the rname dictionary disapear ? How could i confirm that the shared metadata cache is in the memroy or on the other place ?

Thansk a lot !!!

jeffkaufman commented 9 years ago

No. 1

I'm still not sure where those strange filenames are coming from. I need to look more.


The shared memory cache should manage it's own evictions;

so i do not need take care about the overflow of the shared memory cache here ?


What is the relationship between the shared memory cache and the rname dictionary?

You're currently configured to use a shared memory metadata cache, which should put the equivalent of this rname directory in shared memory. If you hadn't turned on the shared memory metadata cache you would be using the filesystem to store metadata, in this rname directory. Your rname directory on disk isn't changing anymore because it's left behind after switching to the shared memory cache. Eventually the cache cleaner should delete it, when you run low on space.

No.3 My rname dictionary never increase here; all those files under this dictionary looks like below: Dose there any error here ?

This is all fine: the rname directory on disk isn't being used anymore because you turned on the shared memory metadata cache.

And if i close all the rewrite filter(all about the html), there will be no more things under rname ?

No, this directory won't go away until the cache cleaner gets to it, which won't happen until your cache gets bigger than the size limit.

No 4. I user nginx+pagespeed as a forword proxy for this purpose of bandwidth reduction.

Ah, I missed that. Ignore what I said before about host-spam. Those were from valid forward proxy requests and not from forged host headers.

In order to avoid most of strange problem unknown , i disable most filters of the pagespeed here; Do you know that any one take pagespeed as a forword proxy ? My config listed below . Dose there any advices about it here?

The Chrome Data Compression Proxy is a derivative of pagespeed, working as a forward proxy. One issue you're going to run into is that as a forward proxy you need absolutely huge amounts of cache before the optimizations you make on one request are likely to be useful in serving another request.

Instead of the manual enabling and disabling of filters you're doing, can you just set your RewriteLevel to OptimizeForBandwidth?

No. 5 Is there any statistics aboutthe performance of the pagespeed module for nginx ?

PageSpeed collects statistics about itself, and if you turn on the console you can see them.

No.6 In my config file, the value of CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache and FileCachePath are the same location. Could it be setted diffrent? Like that : CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache located on the tmpfs while FileCachePath located on the sata or ssd partition ?

The value of CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache isn't actually where the shared memory cache should be created: it's always created in shared memory, not on disk at all. Instead that parameter is the path of the file cache that the shared memory metadata cache is supposed to pair with. So they definitely need to be set to the same value, or else the shared memory metadata cache won't be used at all and instead all the metadata will be stored in the filesystem cache.

Put all the metadata on the memcached server to avoid re-optimised of resource when restart, but i do not want the file data cached on the memcached instead on the local file system.

To avoid reoptimization of resources when you start you should just remove the CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache setting. PageSpeed will still use a default shared memory cache, but it will write its changes through to disk. I know, this is weird. We'd like to add checkpointing for the shared memory cache, but we haven't finished that yet.

There's currently no way to put the metadata cache in memcached and the file cache on the filesystem.

No.7 When i clear all the old dictionary and restart my nginx+pagespeed, the rname dictionary disapear ? How could i confirm that the shared metadata cache is in the memroy or on the other place ?

In general, the right way to flush the cache isn't to just delete the files and restart but instead to do this. Instead of deleting the files this just tells pagespeed not to use files created before the flush.

The rname directory wasn't recreated when you deleted the files and restarted because you're using a manually configured shared memory metadata cache, so it's all in memory.

vincentami commented 9 years ago

oH ,You are such a lovely person, thanks very much for your reply . "Instead of the manual enabling and disabling of filters you're doing, can you just set your RewriteLevel to OptimizeForBandwidth?" OK, i will try it later. However, stable and bandwith reduction is our first target at now, i have saw some strange thing before which is caused by the other filters. I think it is either a bug or caused by our uncorrect configure.

"We'd like to add checkpointing for the shared memory cache, but we haven't finished that yet." That is cool.