Open slievrly opened 4 years ago
feature: nacos configuration center uses a single configuration item for large configuration text
feature: global lock retry when autocommit=false
feature: registry.conf suffix support customize
Seata RPC refactoring plan
Need golang client
feature: Set configurable service name automatically when registering with nacos
feature: FailureHandler implement can be read from the container
optimize: Generated instances that were not actually used when the class was loaded
feature: multi PK support
Feature: Hope to support "create table" into SQLRecognizer so that There are some business that need to create table dynamicly by using customize annotation and customize AOP.
Feature: Hope to support "create table" into SQLRecognizer so that There are some business that need to create table dynamicly by using customize annotation and customize AOP.
This need on the transaction?
Feature: Hope to support "create table" into SQLRecognizer so that There are some business that need to create table dynamicly by using customize annotation and customize AOP.
This need on the transaction?
Because those tables are created when userinfo is created. I hope both are success or failed.
The integration of Seata and Shardingsphere demo is perfect, the current data source automatic proxy is not successful
Feature: Hope to support "create table" into SQLRecognizer so that There are some business that need to create table dynamicly by using customize annotation and customize AOP.
This need on the transaction?
Because those tables are created when userinfo is created. I hope both are success or failed.
I already know the usage scenarios,tks.
Feature: Hope to support "create table" into SQLRecognizer so that There are some business that need to create table dynamicly by using customize annotation and customize AOP.
This need on the transaction?
Because those tables are created when userinfo is created. I hope both are success or failed.
I already know the usage scenarios,tks.
My Pleasure. By the way, I think it is extremely useful, hope that you can consider it. For now, I create or delete those tables by code manual only. I think it is not the best way.
Hope to support "Transaction Propagation" when using api .
希望使用spring aop模式使用api批量添加分布式事务支持时支持事务传播
支持当store.mode = 'db'时,password 可以进行加密功能
支持当store.mode = 'db'时,password 可以进行加密功能
public and private key?or md5 ,sha?
支持当store.mode = 'db'时,password 可以进行加密功能
public and private key?or md5 ,sha?
看不出来如何支持spring cloud tcc. 如果还不支持,是否应该要提上日程了。现在spring cloud开发这么广
针对 server 端,是否也可以提供 springboot 的方式对配置进行自动装配?
针对 server 端,是否也可以提供 springboot 的方式对配置进行自动装配?
Maybe not, because server was not a spring boot project.
兼容mybatis使用oracle,update的字段含有F开头的字段就报ORA-00904: "F": 标识符无效 update USER set FAXNO = #{faxno,jdbcType=VARCHAR} where ID= ‘1’
希望支持达梦数据库,由于达梦对oracle的兼容不错,AT模式下,我们目前是使用 seata 的 SPI 自定义DbTypeParser,如果是dm就返回oracle的做法,不过还是有些许不同,TableMetaCache 获取主键的地方不同,UndoLogManager 中 INSERT_UNDO_LOG 的 context 字段要加双引号。
希望支持达梦数据库,由于达梦对oracle的兼容不错,AT模式下,我们目前是使用 seata 的 SPI 自定义DbTypeParser,如果是dm就返回oracle的做法,不过还是有些许不同,TableMetaCache 获取主键的地方不同,UndoLogManager 中 INSERT_UNDO_LOG 的 context 字段要加双引号。
If you already change it and test successfully, hope you can create a new PR to contribute to the community.
兼容mybatis使用oracle,update的字段含有F开头的字段就报ORA-00904: "F": 标识符无效 update USER set FAXNO = #{faxno,jdbcType=VARCHAR} where ID= ‘1’
Thanks for your report.
multi PK support
hope support business control globle transaction commit or rollback
sample:maybe add a brief sample for K8S integration
看不出来如何支持spring cloud tcc. 如果还不支持,是否应该要提上日程了。现在spring cloud开发这么广
TCC模式支持spring cloud的啊。
关于springcloud eureka mybatisplus 这块的demo问题 可以联系我
The purpose of this issue is to discuss what you think should be added in Seata 1.2.0, such as features, bugfixes for known problems, and code refactoring optimizations.