apache / incubator-seata

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docker同时运行consul和seata, 配置seata application.yml的consul注册中心时, 总是报找不到ip和端口 #6444

Open 98549844 opened 5 months ago

98549844 commented 5 months ago


seata v2.0 application.yml配置文件内容, 请问哪里配置出错了 ? image

docker consul cluster 已经运行成功并可以服务发现 image image

slievrly commented 5 months ago

I've done some testing locally and was unable to reproduce the problem described in your issue. One possible reason is that your configuration file might not have been correctly mounted into the container.

98549844 commented 5 months ago

I've done some testing locally and was unable to reproduce the problem described in your issue. One possible reason is that your configuration file might not have been correctly mounted into the container.

i think midified application.yml are copy into docker seata server, because i using orignal application.yml to config. when i modified and copy into seata container and re-run container. the seata container fail to start

98549844 commented 5 months ago


version: '3.8' networks: ace-network: # 网络名 name: ace-network driver: bridge ipam: config:

services: consul-1: image: consul:1.15.4 #应该是consul 最新的docker版本 container_name: consul-1 hostname: consul-1 restart: always ports:

1. copy from container to host

docker cp \ seata2:/seata-server/resources/ \ /host-path

2. modify application.yml


3. copy updated application.yml from host to container

docker cp \ /host-path \ seata2:/seata-server/resources/

98549844 commented 5 months ago

seata container's application.yml

server: port: 7091

spring: application: name: seata2

logging: config: classpath:logback-spring.xml file: path: ${log.home:${user.home}/logs/seata} extend: logstash-appender: destination: kafka-appender: bootstrap-servers: topic: logback_to_logstash

console: user: username: seata password: seata seata: config: #配置

support: nacos, consul, apollo, zk, etcd3

type: consul
key: seata.properties

registry: #注册

support: nacos, eureka, redis, zk, consul, etcd3, sofa

type: consul
cluster: seata2

store: mode: db db: datasource: druid db-type: mysql driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql:// user: root password: root min-conn: 10 max-conn: 100 global-table: global_table branch-table: branch_table lock-table: lock_table distributed-lock-table: distributed_lock query-limit: 1000 max-wait: 5000


service-port: 8091 #If not configured, the default is '${server.port} + 1000'

security: secretKey: SeataSecretKey0c382ef121d778043159209298fd40bf3850a017 tokenValidityInMilliseconds: 1800000 ignore: urls: /,//*.css,/*/.js,//*.html,//*.map,/*/.svg,//*.png,/*/.jpeg,/*/.ico,/api/v1/auth/login,/version.json

liuqiufeng commented 5 months ago
  type: consul
    key: seata.properties
98549844 commented 5 months ago
  type: consul
    key: seata.properties

谢谢, 根据你的代码, 修改了application, 好像读到ip和端口了 但它弹出 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null image

会不会是application.yml的宿进问题引起 ??? application.txt

liuqiufeng commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul?



98549844 commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul?



好像我没有配置, 有没有更多资料参考??? 没太看得明白那两个link的要求

98549844 commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul? https://seata.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/consul#%E6%8F%90%E4%BA%A4-key-value-%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%87%B3-consul https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt

好像我没有配置, 有没有更多资料参考??? 没太看得明白那两个link的要求

Use this script: https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/consul/consul-config.sh to upload the https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt and upload the contents of the configuration file (which can be adjusted as needed) to the console.

seata是在docker里运行的一个container, 要把这段.sh copy到container里执行吗,

然后.txt upload去consul 容器内? 是在localhost:8500页面上传? 怎样上传, 如果通过docker cp 上传, 放在容器哪里 ? image

docker 运行的consul是一个集群, 每个consul容器, 都要上传一份?

liuqiufeng commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul? https://seata.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/consul#%E6%8F%90%E4%BA%A4-key-value-%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%87%B3-consul https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt

好像我没有配置, 有没有更多资料参考??? 没太看得明白那两个link的要求

意思就是需要将config.txt文件中的内容配置到consul上名为 seata.properties 的key下。官网提供的几种方式任选一种都可以。

It means that you need to configure the contents of the config.txt file under the key named seata.properties on the consul. You can do this in any of the ways provided on the official website.

liuqiufeng commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul? https://seata.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/consul#%E6%8F%90%E4%BA%A4-key-value-%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%87%B3-consul https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt

好像我没有配置, 有没有更多资料参考??? 没太看得明白那两个link的要求

Use this script: https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/consul/consul-config.sh to upload the https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt and upload the contents of the configuration file (which can be adjusted as needed) to the console.

seata是在docker里运行的一个container, 要把这段.sh copy到container里执行吗, image

然后.txt upload去consul 容器内? 是在localhost:8500页面上传? 怎样上传, 如果通过docker cp 上传, 放在容器哪里 ? image

docker 运行的consul是一个集群, 每个consul容器, 都要上传一份?

不要求在seata容器里执行,在任何能连上consul的机器上都可以执行此脚本。或者从consul控制台添加也可以。 如果consul是一个集群,那他们的配置不应该是共享的吗?

It is not required to be executed in the seata container, this script can be executed on any machine that can connect to consul. Or adding it from the consul console is fine. If consul is a cluster, shouldn't their configuration be shared?

98549844 commented 5 months ago

If the configuration center is specified as consul, has a configuration named seata.properties been added on consul? https://seata.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/user/configuration/consul#%E6%8F%90%E4%BA%A4-key-value-%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%87%B3-consul https://github.com/apache/incubator-seata/blob/2.x/script/config-center/config.txt

好像我没有配置, 有没有更多资料参考??? 没太看得明白那两个link的要求

意思就是需要将config.txt文件中的内容配置到consul上名为 seata.properties 的key下。官网提供的几种方式任选一种都可以。

It means that you need to configure the contents of the config.txt file under the key named seata.properties on the consul. You can do this in any of the ways provided on the official website.

like this ? 选YMAL correct ? image


最后, 我在consul配了seata.properties, 然后保存, 删除seata容器, 再docker run一个新seata容器, consul已经服务发现到seata容器了, 意思是, application.yml根本不用动它 ?

liuqiufeng commented 5 months ago


consul作为注册中心,受application.yml中的registry配置控制。 作为配置中心,则受config配置控制。

This format should be JSON, I don't know much about consul, just choose to configure the corresponding format.

As a registry, consul is controlled by the registry configuration in application.yml. As a configuration center, it is controlled by the config configuration.

slievrly commented 5 months ago

The application.yml is a metadata configuration, and config.$type.key refers to the transaction rule configuration.