apache / incubator-teaclave-trustzone-sdk

Teaclave TrustZone SDK enables safe, functional, and ergonomic development of trustlets.
Apache License 2.0
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Support `Send`able sessions for use in multithreaded code #120

Open maurer opened 5 months ago

DemesneGH commented 5 months ago

The CI has been fixed, please rebase on the latest commit, thanks!

b49020 commented 5 months ago

@maurer Can you target these changes for no-std branch instead since that will be the main development branch going forward?

@DemesneGH I hope that's something we agreed upon. We will merge std TAs support there once the custom downstream OP-TEE toolchain target makes it way upstream.

DemesneGH commented 5 months ago

@b49020 For previous users developed on the master(with std) it's okay to open PR upon this branch. If it's ready to be merged we can sync the change to no-std branch then. I think developers should not be tangled in open PRs on which branch, we can handle that.

b49020 commented 5 months ago

@DemesneGH I think the better way to handle this is to rather create separate git repos for optee-utee and optee-teec crates which both std and no-std examples can reuse. All the contributions happens towards those git repos instead, see: https://github.com/apache/incubator-teaclave-trustzone-sdk/pull/123. It would also allow us to easily publish those crates to crates.io too.