apache / incubator-weex-loader

Apache License 2.0
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update component name generate method #48

Closed dickeylth closed 7 years ago

dickeylth commented 7 years ago

In case weex page is composed by separate weex component jsbundles whose entry filename are index.we, which makes every bundle compiles as:

__weex_define__('@weex-component/f5e1c456d74a6374b2c0129d79c108e1', [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__) {

    __weex_script__(__weex_module__, __weex_exports__, __weex_require__)
    if (__weex_exports__.__esModule && __weex_exports__.default) {
        __weex_module__.exports = __weex_exports__.default

    __weex_module__.exports.template = __weex_template__

     __weex_module__.exports.style = __weex_style__



As shown above, md5('index.we') === "f5e1c456d74a6374b2c0129d79c108e1".

So this commit suggests to generate component name based on file content instead of file name to avoid this problem.