apache / linkis

Apache Linkis builds a computation middleware layer to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines.
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[Feature ]Linkis metadata information storage supports multiple databases #4190

Open binbinCheng opened 1 year ago

binbinCheng commented 1 year ago



以jobhistory 为例 linkis-public-enhancements/linkis-jobhistory,当前linkis自身数据,只支持mysql 数据库方式。有些用户可能不是mysql,如果希望同时支持其他数据库如 PostgreSQL,这样用户可以根据自己实际使用情况选择使用

|-- main
|   |-- java
|   |-- resources
|   |   `-- mapper
|   |       `-- common
|   |           |-- JobDetailMapper.xml
|   |           `-- JobHistoryMapper.xml

可以考虑 通过不同文件名区分 如

|-- main
|   |-- java
|   |-- resources
|   |   `-- mapper
|   |       `-- common
|   |           |-- JobDetailMapper.xml
|   |           `-- JobHistoryMapper.xml

|-- main
|   |-- java
|   |-- resources
|   |   |-- mysql
|   |   |   `-- mapper
|   |   |       `-- common
|   |   |           |-- JobDetailMapper.xml
|   |   |           `-- JobHistoryMapper.xml
|   |   `-- postgresql
|   |       `-- mapper
|   |           `-- common
|   |               |-- JobDetailMapper.xml
|   |               `-- JobHistoryMapper.xml

Description: Linkis metadata information storage supports multiple databases

Requirement description: Move the mapper file of mybatis to resources/mapper/mysql/), and create a new subdirectory when supporting other databases, such as: resources/mapper/postgresql/

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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rottenmu commented 1 year ago

accept issue

sjgllgh commented 1 year ago

We adapted postgresql, #4524